Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Rudiments of Online Publishing

Written By

Adebayo Afolaranmi

Submitted: 10 September 2023 Reviewed: 02 October 2023 Published: 06 December 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003256

From the Edited Volume

Online Identity - An Essential Guide

Rohit Raja and Amit Kumar Dewangan

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With the advent of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the scope of publishing has expanded from traditional publishing of information, literature, music, software, and other content available to the public either for sale or for free. Publishing now includes publishing online such as ebooks, academic journals, micro-publishing, websites, blogs, video game publishing, and the like. This chapter aims to give some rudiments of online publishing. This is done by giving a descriptive definition of online publishing; highlighting some advantages of online publishing over conventional publishing, and some websites and/or online publishers/platforms where they can publish online. The chapter concludes by mentioning some challenges that could be faced in online publishing, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. It recommends that one does not need to be an expert before starting to publish one’s works electronically, but that one should consciously start from somewhere and become more perfect in the process.


  • publishing
  • e-publishing
  • web publishing
  • desktop publishing
  • digital publishing

1. Introduction

Ordinarily, publishing is the act of making information, literature, music, software, and other content available to the public either for sale or for free. Conventionally, the term publishing refers to the circulation of printed works, like books, newspapers, and magazines. However, with the advent of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the scope of publishing has expanded to include online publishing such as ebooks, academic journals, micro-publishing, websites, blogs, video game publishing, and the like.

It has been observed that conventional or traditional publishing is rapidly becoming obsolete. The popularity of print publications has dwindled over the last decade. On the other hand, online publishing is increasingly replacing conventional publishing as new generations become more familiar with information and communication technologies. Traditional print publishers do not offer the immediacy that younger generations expect. Bolt and Chandler [1] opined that online publishing has “disrupted the publishing industry forever by giving authors a platform to self-publish their books, thus, giving them the freedom to flourish outside of the antiquated traditional publishing model.”

Online publishing has been defined as “a publication process where the manuscripts are submitted in electronic format, edited, printed, and even distributed to readers (users) in electronic form by employing computer and telecommunication technology” [2]. Online publishing is also referred to as e-publishing, web publishing, desktop publishing, or digital publishing.

Historically, the term online publishing was introduced by William Dijkhuis in 1977. Mallayan and Paramasivam [3] and Velmurugan and Radhakrishnan [4] noted that “the very first e-publication came in 1980s in the form of plain text emails. They were sent to the subscriber via a mailing list.” Since then, it has grown tremendously to the extent that it has now become a popular way of publishing. Undoubtedly, the evolution and constant advancement of information and communication technology (ICT), especially the Internet, are making online publishing more popular and accepted by many people.

Online publishing includes the digital publication of articles, messages (or sermons), books (as paperback or hardcover done on print-on-demand [POD]), eBooks, ePub, digital magazines, websites, and the development of digital libraries and catalogs. Online publishing materials are mostly made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices.

Online publishing gives authors the opportunity to reach a global audience in a cost-effective manner. It also gives authors the opportunity to publish their works in different file formats, for example, plain text, PDF, Rich Text Format, image files, and others.


2. Types of online publishing

There are different ways of publishing online. These ways are the types of online publishing that are available. Some of these forms are:

  1. Email and other forms of online messaging: One can publish a message, a manuscript, or any other written, audio, video, or image material through personal or group email or online messaging through any social network site (SNS) like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or instant messaging app like WhatsApp, Telegram, Imo. The popularity of email and especially social media has made online publishing so easy nowadays. Almost all the other forms of online publishing mentioned below can be disseminated through this means [5].

  2. Web publishing: These are publication of information, materials, audio, video, and image formats on websites, weblogs, or quasi-websites like social network sites (SNS) [5].

  3. EBook and ePub: These formats can be published online through any of the online publishers [6]. There has been some confusion about the difference between eBook, ePub, and PDF. An eBook (or electronic book) is “a non-editable, reflowable book that is converted to a digital format to be read on any digital device such as computer screens or mobile devices” [7]. PDF and ePub are formats of eBooks. A portable document format (otherwise known as a PDF) is not a true eBook, but is “designed to display a print-type document that has a fixed layout” [8]. On the other hand, an ePub (or electronic publication) is a format that can be read on a variety of devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and most eReaders (except Kindles). EPub files are reflowable, which makes them true eBooks and easier to read on small devices [7].

  4. E-Journals and e-Periodicals: These are electronic journals and periodicals published in eBook, ePub, or PDF formats. They have all the features of traditional academic journals and periodicals. The very first e-journals appeared between the years of 1994 and 1995 [4].

  5. E-Database: These are databases that are published online and can be accessed electronically [9].

  6. E-Thesis and e-dissertation: Many theses and dissertations are now published and accessed electronically, especially in PDF format.

  7. E-Archive and backup file: Many documents in archives and backup files are now stored and retrieved online by means of online publishing.

  8. Paperback: These are real books that are published online by uploading their formatted manuscripts to online publishers to be published as PDF and printed matters through a print-on-demand (POD) system. Just a copy (or many copies) of the book can be printed as people order it online, and the printed copy (or copies) will be sent to the person who orders it (or them).

  9. Hardcover: These are real books with hardcover. One can follow the process of publishing and ordering a paperback above to publish and order a hardcover.

  10. Bulletin boards: A bulletin board (or pinboard, noticeboard) is a surface used for the posting of public messages like advertisements and announcements, or to provide information. There are now online bulletin boards that are published online for similar purposes. People will have to log in to view these boards.

  11. CD-ROM: This stands for compact disc read-only memory. It has provided a new dimension for information storage and retrieval. These are not published online, electronically, and accessed on discs [9].

  12. Multimedia resources: Audio, video, and image files can now be published online for people to access anywhere in the world.


3. Advantages of online publishing

  1. Little technical know-how required: Major online publishers offer simple automated tools for converting files, uploading the files, and listing the work for sale or free access. Most of these online publishers also offer free guides and tutorials to help one format files properly.

  2. Maintenance of updated information: It is easy to maintain and update the information of content that has been published online. This is in contrast to the difficulty of updating a work that was traditionally published so one has to resort to publishing another version or edition of the work.

  3. On-demand publishing: Manuscripts, materials, or contents that are published online can be ordered and printed as paperback or hardcover if they are formatted regardless of the number of copies ordered. This is difficult in traditional publishing as a number of copies have to be printed before they are ordered. This has made it possible to order and print just a copy of a work that has been published online.

  4. Easy information retrieval: One may spend some time to find information published traditionally, but it is very easy to retrieve information published online. Search engines like Google are making this very easy and faster.

  5. Global distribution: Information published online can be accessed anywhere throughout the world provided it is made available to be distributed and accessed by anybody online. Even when the accessibility of content is not made free, there is always a link to where one can access such published work with a token or by signing up/in.

  6. Multiple accesses: Online publications can be accessed in more than one way.

  7. Cost effective: It costs less to publish online compared to publishing traditionally.

  8. Free ISBNs: An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is not required for eBook distribution through some of the online publishing platforms; however, some services and retailers do require one. Some of the online publishers do provide free ISBNs for eBooks and paperbacks.


4. Opportunities for online publishing

There are many online publishers/platforms where one can publish online through their websites. Some of them are:

  1. This is an academic social networking site (ASNS) where one can publish one’s academic and other literary works online. What this requires is simply signing up on the website with an ordinary or official email address [10].

  2. This is another academic social networking site (ASNS) where one can publish one’s academic and other literary works online. What this requires is simply signing up on the website with an official email address [11].

  3. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): This is the online publishing arm of To be able to use the services, one needs to create an account on its website with one’s email address or verified phone number [12].

  4. This is another online print-on-demand, self-publishing, and distribution platform [13].

  5. Scribd: Although this is an eBook and audiobook subscription service that includes one million titles, one can upload one’s materials on its platform [14].

  6. Barnes & Noble Press: This was previously known as Nook Press. The platform is fast and free to use. After creating an account on it, one can publish one’s book in less than 72 hours [15].

  7. Createspace Paperback Publishing: This used to be fully an Amazon company. It was used to handle the print-on-demand section of the Amazon publishing empire. However, it now has its platform where books published can be linked with Amazon [16].

  8. Smashwords: This is one of the pioneers of eBook publishing and distribution platforms. It offers free online publishing services [17].

  9. Apple eBook Store (iBooks): iBooks Author is a free app available in the App Store on Mac products that one can use to create and publish ebooks [18].

  10. Rakuten Kobo Publishing (or simply Kobo): This is another online publishing platform [19].

  11. IngramSpark: This is another online self-publishing company that allows one to print, globally distribute, and manage one’s ebooks [20].

  12. iUniverse: This platform guides aspiring authors through the path to success by providing high-quality, professional services and support [21].


5. Digital rights management (DRM)

In a world full of plagiarism and copyright infringements, there is software like digital rights management [22]. This software has codes that prevent copying or limit the period of time or the number of devices on which published content can be accessed. Through DRM software, online publishers, writers, and other content creators can protect their content, software, or products in these ways:

  • Prevent users from sharing or forwarding your content.

  • Prevent users from editing or saving your content.

  • Prevent users from printing your content.

  • Prevent users from creating screenshots or screengrabs of your content.

  • Set an expiration date for your content after which the user can no longer access it.

  • Limit access only to specific IP addresses, locations, or devices. This means that if your content is only available to US residents, then it will not be available to people in other countries.

  • Watermark content to establish ownership [23].


6. A brief overview of online publishing (using Amazon kindle direct publishing [KDP])

  • Create an account with

  • Decide whether the account is personal or corporate (use personal information only if you are creating an account for personal purposes). This is important because of the remittance of the royalty later [24].

  • In creating an account, you will need your tax information or similar information (in Nigeria, Bank Verification Number [BVN] if your Tax Identification Number [TIN] is not available).

  • After successfully creating an account, you will be able to publish both eBooks and paperback and even link the two together.

  • Click on Bookshelf to start publishing either Kindle eBook or paperback.

  • For eBooks, you need the manuscript to be prepared in Word document, Wordpad, or Notepad format to be published as ePub that can be read on mobile devices that have Kindle apps.

  • For paperback, you need to set the manuscript as you want it to be in PDF format.

  • ISBN is not compulsory for eBooks.

  • You can use the free ISBN to be provided by Amazon or assign yours to the paperback as you are processing the publishing.

  • You can adapt the templates provided for your book cover, or design your cover to be uploaded. You will get instructions on any of the options you choose.

  • For paperback, there are some default sizes that you can select. However, your formatted manuscript must tally with one of those default sizes.

  • If you are uploading your own cover, its size in PDF must meet the specifications for the default size you have chosen.

  • Formerly you could upload a PDF document and publish it as an eBook, but now it is not allowed.

  • If you have earlier published a book traditionally as a paperback, you can publish it online as an eBook later, but it has to be uploaded in Word document format. Pagination (if any) in ePub is different from any paperback, so, do not worry about that.

  • At the point of setting up the price and royalty, select 70% and follow the instructions about the range of the price, that is, the smallest amount and the highest amount you can set as the price for your book. As you do this, you will be shown your possible royalty on the right side.

  • Remember to select “Enroll My Book in KDP Select.” It will enhance the publicity of your book.

  • After going through all the processes, click on “Publish.” You will get a notification that your book has been put on hold pending the time it will be reviewed to see whether it conforms to the standard of the platform. An email will be sent to you within 72 hours to inform you whether the book has been accepted for publication, needs some modifications, or is been rejected.

  • If the book is accepted for publication, a web link will be created to access the book online.

  • You may have to order a proof copy and approve it before the book will be placed in the market store.


7. Challenges

There are some challenges that one may face in publishing online. Many Nigerian factors are part of the major challenges, especially for people in Nigeria! Some of such factors as identified in a paper by this writer are erratic power supply in Nigeria; having Internet access; the issue of Internet network failure and/or interruption; low standard of living among the average Nigerians; Internet fraud or cybercrime; and Internet illiteracy or semi-literacy [25]. Another challenge is the availability of tools like computers and other mobile devices that can be used to compose messages/manuscripts and publish them online. This is related to the factor of low standard of living mentioned above.

Royalty payment has been a challenge to many Nigerian authors. This is against the backdrop that royalties are paid in foreign currencies and getting paid in Nigeria has been difficult. Publishing online may be cost-effective; however, the high cost of publications, especially large quantities of copies of books online, and the shipping costs are other challenges that people in Nigeria are facing.


8. Conclusion

In spite of the challenges associated with online publishing (especially in Nigeria), its advantages as highlighted above far outweigh its limitations. You do not need to be an expert before starting to publish your works electronically. Consciously start online publishing today, and you will be glad you did!


9. Review questions/exercises

  1. Differentiate between conventional publishing and online publishing by their simple definitions.

  2. State five advantages of online publishing over conventional publishing;

  3. Mention at least five websites and/or online publishers/platforms where you can publish online;

  4. Create at least one account with an online publisher.

  5. Publish a personal write-up online.


Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


  1. 1. Bolt C. Published: The Proved Path from Blank Page to Published Author. Greenville, SC: Self-Publishing School; 2016
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  5. 5. Afolaranmi AO. Ministering through the Internet: An Essential Guide. Ibadan: Charisa Books & Publishing; 2009
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  10. 10. Available from:
  11. 11. Home Feed. ResearchGate. Available from:
  12. 12. Self Publishing and KDP Select. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Available from:
  13. 13. Online self-publishing book & ebook company - Lulu. Available from:
  14. 14. Discover the best eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, sheet music, and more – scribd. Available from:
  15. 15. Self-Publishing for Books & eBooks - B&N Press. Available from:
  16. 16. Available from:
  17. 17. Smashwords. Available from:
  18. 18. Transition from iBooks Author to Pages. Available from:
  19. 19. Self publishing platform - eBook & Audiobook – Kobo writing life – Rakuten Kobo United States. Available from:
  20. 20. IngramSpark: Self-publishing book company – Print & Distribute. Available from:
  21. 21. A world of publishing – iUniverse. Available from:
  22. 22. DRM solutions development. Available from:
  23. 23. Best e-publishing solutions in 2021. Available from:
  24. 24. This is an adaptation of the step-by-step process of online publishing through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). The process is almost similar to other online publishing platforms
  25. 25. Afolaranmi AO. Towards understanding the limitations of internet ministry as an alternative ministry opportunity in churches in Nigeria in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies. 2020;8(8):14-21. Available from:

Written By

Adebayo Afolaranmi

Submitted: 10 September 2023 Reviewed: 02 October 2023 Published: 06 December 2023