Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Diesel-Powered Engine and Agriculture

Written By

Ramesh Beerge and Sachin Devarmani

Submitted: 13 October 2023 Reviewed: 19 October 2023 Published: 15 January 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003701

From the Edited Volume

Diesel Engines - Current Challenges and Future Perspectives

Hasan Koten

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Diesel engines have been instrumental in revolutionizing the mechanical, construction, transportation, power generation, and agricultural sectors, providing farmers with the energy efficiency, power, and reliability needed to maximize productivity and ensure consistent operational efficiency. In this chapter, we will explore the various benefits and advancements in diesel engines in agriculture. Diesel engines, due to their proven reliability, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with alternative fuels, are likely to continue to play a significant role in powering agricultural machinery, enabling farmers to achieve significant savings. As technology advances, diesel engines are evolving to meet stringent emissions standards, ensuring compliance while maintaining high power output. The future of agricultural power solutions lies in integrating various technologies, ensuring that farmers have access to reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable power sources to meet the growing demands of a changing world.


  • diesel engine
  • diesel cycle
  • two-stroke engine
  • four-stroke engine
  • valve timing diagram
  • firing order
  • agriculture engine

1. Introduction

Engines, the mechanical heart of modern machinery and vehicles, have powered human progress for centuries. They are intricate assemblies that convert fuel into kinetic energy, driving everything from automobiles to industrial machinery. Over time, engines have undergone remarkable transformations, aligning with technological advancements and environmental concerns. This section explores the recent developments and significance of diesel engines, a type of internal combustion engine that has played a pivotal role in various sectors. Diesel engines occupy a vital position in various sectors due to their inherent advantages. They are known for their high torque output, making them indispensable for heavy-duty applications such as transportation, construction, and agriculture. The ability to efficiently convert fuel into mechanical power allows diesel engines to excel in scenarios requiring prolonged operation and substantial load-bearing capacities. Moreover, diesel engines have a proven track record in long-distance travel and industrial processes. Their durability and reliability have earned them a place in power generation, where they provide backup electricity during outages and serve as primary sources in off-grid locations.

The significance of diesel engines extends to global economies. They power commercial transportation, facilitating the movement of goods and people across vast distances. Additionally, they enable the operation of critical industries, contributing to economic growth and development. For example, as the agricultural sector continues to evolve and adapt to meet the growing demands of a global population, the role of diesel engines in powering and revolutionizing agricultural operations cannot be overstated. Diesel engines power about 75% of all farm equipment, transport 90% of farm products, and pump about 20% of agriculture’s irrigation water in the United States. Ninety-six percent of the large trucks that move agricultural commodities to railheads and warehouses are powered by a diesel engine [1]. Diesel engines have become the lifeblood of the industry, providing farmers with the energy efficiency, power, and reliability needed to maximize productivity and ensure consistent operational efficiency. While diesel-powered engines have revolutionized agriculture, their successful implementation is not without its challenges. Farmers face logistical hurdles, including initial investment costs, fuel availability, and maintenance requirements [2]. However, the ease of access to diesel fuel and the portability of engines make them an attractive choice, particularly in remote or less accessible farming regions.

There are two different kinds of engines, external combustion engines and internal combustion engines, and are well known. Coal or oil-fueled steam engines are examples of external combustion engines, whereas petrol, diesel, and natural gas engines are examples of internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines burn their fuel within the cylinder instead of external combustion engines, which burn coal or liquid fuel outside the cylinder. Once again, internal combustion engines are split into two groups: spark-ignition engines and compression-ignition engines. Petrol and petrol engines are examples of spark-ignition engines, respectively. An IC engine’s primary function is to produce power by burning fuel. Therefore, an engine’s ability to burn fuel efficiently and fast is key to its performance. The burning of hydrocarbons is referred to as combustion, which is a chemical reaction (oxidation) that also releases heat and light. Because an electric spark is necessary to ignite the fuel-air combination that is injected as a mixture in the combustion chamber, petrol engines are referred to as spark-ignition engines. Compression ignition engines have a very different combustion process than spark ignition engines. In a diesel engine, just liquid fuel is delivered at extremely high pressure into the combustion chamber’s highly heated and compressed air; this heat initiates the combustion process without the need for an external spark plug. The term “Compression Ignition Engine” derives from the fact that the air pulled in during the suction stroke is compressed during the compression stroke to such an extent that the heat produced due to compression rises far above the temperature at which the liquid fuel will self-ignite or automatically ignite [3].


2. Diesel engine

The diesel engine owes its existence to the visionary inventor Rudolf Diesel, a German engineer, who introduced the concept of compression ignition engines in the late nineteenth century in 1892 [4]. Diesel’s innovation hinged on the principle of igniting fuel through compression rather than a spark, resulting in higher efficiency and torque. His first successful prototype ran on peanut oil, showcasing the engine’s potential to run on a variety of fuels. Diesel engines gained popularity for their fuel efficiency and durability, gradually replacing steam engines and gasoline-powered internal combustion engines in various applications. A compression ignition engine (CI engine), often known as a diesel engine named after Rudolf Diesel, is an internal combustion engine in which the fuel is ignited by use of the heated air in the cylinder brought about by mechanical compression. This is in contrast to engines that ignite the air-fuel mixture using a spark plug, such as petrol or petrol engines (which burn gaseous fuels like natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas). Diesel engine works based on the principle of compression ignition. The principle of working a diesel engine is based on the diesel cycle. During the intake stroke and compression stroke, the air is drawn into the chamber and compressed. For the atomized diesel fuel pumped into the combustion chamber to ignite, this raises the air temperature inside the cylinder. A heterogeneous air-fuel mixture is one in which the fuel disperses unevenly after being introduced into the air right before combustion.

2.1 Diesel cycle

The diesel cycle is a thermodynamic cycle used in diesel engines to convert heat energy into mechanical work. It was first proposed by Rudolf Diesel, which is the basis for the operation of most modern CI engines, commonly known as diesel engines. The diesel cycle is an idealized representation of the actual processes occurring inside a diesel engine.

The diesel cycle consists of four main processes, as shown in Figure 1 [5].

  1. Adiabatic Compression (process 1–2): The cycle begins with the intake stroke, where air is drawn into the cylinder. During the compression stroke, the air is compressed adiabatically (without heat transfer to or from the surroundings) by the rising piston. As the air is compressed, its temperature and pressure increase significantly. Unlike gasoline engines, diesel engines do not mix fuel with the air during the intake stroke; rather, fuel is injected directly into the hot, highly compressed air later in the cycle.

  2. Constant Pressure Heat Addition (process 2-3): After the air is compressed to a high temperature and pressure, fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. The heat of the highly compressed air causes spontaneous ignition of the fuel, a process known as auto ignition or self-ignition. The fuel burns rapidly at constant pressure, and the combustion products (hot gases) cause a significant increase in temperature and volume. This process is often referred to as the power stroke, as it generates the mechanical work needed to move the piston.

  3. Adiabatic Expansion (process 3-4): During the expansion stroke, the burning gases push the piston down. This expansion process is adiabatic, meaning no heat is exchanged with the surroundings during this phase. As the volume of the gases increases, their temperature and pressure decrease.

  4. Constant Volume Heat Rejection (process 4-1): In the final phase of the cycle, the exhaust stroke, the exhaust valves open, and the burned gases are expelled from the cylinder. This process occurs at constant volume, meaning the pressure drops, but the volume remains constant. The heat energy from the exhaust gases is rejected by the surroundings, and the cycle is completed [6].

Figure 1.

P–V diagram of diesel cycle.

From Figure 1, it is evident that all process of IC engine after suction strokes works accordingly with the diesel, that is,

  1. Work in (Win) is done by the piston compressing the air (system), which is called a compression stroke.

  2. Heat in (Qin) is done by the combustion of the fuel, and work out (Wout) is done by the working fluid expanding and pushing a piston (this produces usable work), which is called a power stroke.

  3. Heat out (Qout) is done by venting the air, and this process is termed as exhaust stroke.

  4. Network produced = Qin - Qout

2.1.1 Efficiency of diesel cycle

The thermal efficiency of an ordinary diesel engine is from 30–35%. About 65–70% of the effort given to the flywheel is rejected as waste heat rather than being transformed into productive work. Diesel cycle engines are often more effective than Otto cycle engines in most situations. The thermal efficiency of a practical combustion engine is highest for the diesel engine. The thermal efficiency of low-speed diesel engines (such as those used in ships) can be greater than 50%. Peak output for the biggest diesel engine in the world is 51.7% [7].

In general, the thermal efficiency, ηth as given in Eq. (1) of any heat engine is defined as the ratio of the work it does, W, to the heat input at the high temperature, QH as given in the below equation [6].



ηth, is thermal efficiency.

α is the cut-off ratio V3/V2 (ratio between the end and start volume for the combustion phase).

C is the compression ratio V1/V2.

K is the ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv)

2.2 Principle and working of diesel engine

The principle of a diesel engine is based on the concept of internal combustion, where fuel is burned inside the engine to produce mechanical work. Unlike gasoline engines, which use a spark plug to ignite the air–fuel mixture, diesel engines operate on the principle of compression ignition, where air is compressed to a high temperature and pressure, causing the fuel to ignite spontaneously.

2.2.1 Working principle of four-stroke diesel engine

  1. Suction (Intake) Stroke: The diesel engine’s cycle begins with the intake stroke. As the piston moves down the cylinder (toward BDC), the intake valve opens, and fresh air is drawn into the combustion chamber. Unlike gasoline engines, diesel engines do not mix fuel with the incoming air during this stage. The air is compressed adiabatically, meaning its temperature increases as it gets compressed.

  2. Compression Ignition: In a diesel engine, the air is drawn into the combustion chamber during the intake stroke. During the compression stroke, the air is compressed to high pressure and temperature by the rising piston (toward TDC). This compression causes the air to reach a point where its temperature is high enough to ignite the diesel fuel when it is injected into the combustion chamber.

  3. Fuel Injection: Diesel engines do not use a carburetor or a spark plug. Instead, they have a fuel injection system that injects the precisely measured amount of diesel fuel directly into the hot, highly compressed air in the combustion chamber. When the fuel comes into contact with the hot air, it ignites spontaneously due to the heat of compression.

  4. Combustion and Power Stroke: The burning of diesel fuel results in a rapid expansion of gases, generating high pressure inside the combustion chamber. This pressure pushes the piston down (toward BDC) the cylinder, converting the heat energy of the burning fuel into mechanical work. This downward movement of the piston is known as the power stroke and is the primary source of the engine’s power output.

  5. Exhaust Stroke: After the power stroke, the exhaust valves open, and the burned gases are expelled from the combustion chamber during the exhaust stroke. This prepares the engine for a new cycle, drawing in fresh air for the next compression stroke.

Most modern diesel engines operate on a four-stroke cycle, consisting of the intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke, and exhaust stroke (Figure 2) [8]. This cycle repeats continuously as the engine runs; hence, it is also called a four-stroke cycle. These are the most common types of IC engines used in various applications, including cars, trucks, busses, industrial machinery, and power generators. It completes one full power cycle in four strokes of the piston [9].

Figure 2.

Four-stroke cycle of diesel engine.

2.2.2 Working principle of two-stroke diesel engine

The two-stroke cycle diesel engine (Figure 3) [10] is another type of IC engine that completes one full power cycle in just two strokes of the piston. Two-stroke diesel engines are less common than four-stroke engines due to some inherent disadvantages, but they are still used in certain applications such as marines and locomotives with single crankshaft engines where their simplicity and high power-to-weight ratio are advantageous. Here is how a two-stroke diesel engine works:

  1. Intake and Compression Stroke: Unlike the four-stroke diesel engine, which has separate intake and compression strokes, the two-stroke engine combines these two functions into one stroke. As the piston moves to BDC, the air intake ports on the cylinder walls and/or the bottom of the cylinder are uncovered. Fresh air is drawn into the combustion chamber; simultaneously, the upward-moving piston compresses this air–fuel mixture.

  2. Fuel Injection and Power Stroke: As the piston reaches the top of its stroke (TDC), fuel is injected directly into the compressed air in the combustion chamber. The injected fuel mixes with the air, and spontaneous ignition occurs due to the high temperature and pressure from compression. The fuel-air mixture rapidly combusts, generating a high-pressure explosion that forces the piston back to BDC.

  3. Exhaust and Scavenging: As the piston moves down, it uncovers the exhaust ports on the cylinder walls and/or the bottom of the cylinder. The high-pressure gases resulting from combustion are expelled through these exhaust ports, and the process of scavenging begins. Scavenging involves the incoming fresh air pushing the remaining exhaust gases out of the cylinder. The momentum of the incoming air, aided by the shape of the cylinder and ports, helps clear the cylinder of exhaust gases and prepare it for the next intake and compression stroke.

  4. Repeat Cycle: The piston reaches the BDC, and the exhaust and intake ports are closed. The upward movement of the piston now starts the next cycle by compressing the fresh air drawn in during the scavenging process. The cycle then repeats, with a power stroke occurring every two strokes of the piston [6, 9].

Figure 3.

Two-stroke cycle of diesel engine.

2.3 Valve timing diagram

A valve timing diagram is a graphical representation that illustrates the precise timing of the opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valves in relation to the piston’s movement in an internal combustion engine. It shows the events of the engine’s intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes with respect to the positions of the piston and the crankshaft. The valve timing diagram provides crucial information about the engine’s performance characteristics, including power output, fuel efficiency, and emissions. It is also essential for optimizing the engine’s operation and diagnosing any timing-related issues. The timing of the intake and exhaust valves significantly impacts the engine’s efficiency and power delivery. Figures 4 and 5 [11] show how the valve events are synchronized with the movement of the piston and the rotation of the crankshaft during one complete engine cycle [12].

Figure 4.

Valve timing diagram of two-stroke engine.

Figure 5.

Valve timing diagram of four-stroke engine.

2.3.1 Valve timing diagram of two-stroke engine

After ignition during an expansion (power) stroke, the piston starts moving toward BDC. When the piston is at 60° before the BDC exhaust valves open, the burned gas will be expelled from the combustion chamber by letting fresh air with the help of the scavenging process by opening the scavenging ports at the piston position 42° before BDC. After the fresh inlet air occupies the place of exhaustible burned gas inside the cylinder, scavenging ports and exhaust valves will be closed at the piston position 42 and 60° after BDC, respectively. At the same time, keeping all the ports and valves closed as the piston moves toward TDC, compression stroke will begin. Piston 15° before TDC fuel will be injected until the piston reaches 20° after TDC. Just before the ignition occurs, the fuel injection will be stopped. At this stage, due to ignition, high power will be developed, the piston will be pushed again toward BDC, and the cycle will be repeated (Figure 4).

2.3.2 Valve timing diagram of four-stroke engine

Figure 5 depicts that the intake valve opens, and fuel injection begins at 20° before the TDC position of the piston during the compression stroke. The typical inlet valve opening (IVO) timing for a four-stroke diesel engine is around 10 to 20° TDC. This early opening allows the intake valve to start admitting fresh air into the combustion chamber before the piston reaches the top dead center, ensuring efficient filling of the cylinder. The intake valve closes at 60° after the BDC position of the piston during the intake stroke. The typical inlet valve closing (IVC) timing for a four-stroke diesel engine is around 40 to 60° after BDC. Closing the intake valve after the piston has passed the bottom dead center ensures that the cylinder is fully charged with air before the compression stroke begins. During the compression stroke, both the intake and exhaust valves remain closed. The piston moves from BDC to TDC, compressing the air in the combustion chamber. For diesel engines, fuel injection occurs at 10° before TDC during the end of the compression stroke and the beginning of the power stroke. The typical Fuel Injection (FI) timing for a four-stroke diesel engine is around 20 to 40° before TDC. Injecting fuel at this time ensures that the fuel mixes with the highly compressed air and spontaneously ignites due to compression ignition. After fuel injection, the air-fuel mixture ignites, and the power stroke begins. The high-pressure explosion pushes the piston downward, generating mechanical work. During this stroke, both the intake and exhaust valves remain closed. The exhaust valve opens at a certain number of degrees before the BDC position of the piston during the power stroke and the beginning of the exhaust stroke. The typical Exhaust Valve Open (EVO) timing for a four-stroke diesel engine is around 20 to 40° before BDC. Opening the exhaust valve before the piston reaches the bottom dead center allows the exhaust gases to start exiting the cylinder while the piston is still moving downward, facilitating efficient gas flow. The exhaust valve closes at a certain number of degrees after the TDC position of the piston during the exhaust stroke. The typical Exhaust Valve Close (EVC) timing for a four-stroke diesel engine is around 20 to 40° after TDC. Closing the exhaust valve after the piston has passed the top dead center ensures that the cylinder is effectively evacuated from exhaust gases before the next intake stroke begins.

2.4 Firing order

The firing order of an engine refers to the specific sequence in which the fuel injectors or cylinders receive fuel and ignite during one complete engine cycle. The firing order ensures that the power strokes in each cylinder are evenly distributed across the engine’s crankshaft rotation, resulting in smooth engine operation and reduced vibrations. The firing order is expressed as a numerical sequence that indicates the order in which each cylinder fires [13].

2.4.1 Firing order in 2-stroke diesel engines

In a 2-stroke diesel engine, where one complete cycle is completed in two strokes of the piston (compression stroke and power stroke), the firing order is relatively simple. Since the engine has no separate intake and exhaust strokes, each cylinder fires every revolution of the crankshaft.

For example, in a 3-cylinder 2-stroke diesel engine, the firing order would be 1-2-3. In this case, cylinder 1 fires first, followed by cylinder 2, and then cylinder 3, completing one full cycle in three crankshaft revolutions.

2.4.2 Firing order in 4-stroke diesel engines

In a 4-stroke diesel engine, where one complete cycle is completed in four strokes of the piston (intake, compression, power, and exhaust strokes), the firing order is more complex and varies based on the engine’s design and configuration.

For a 4-cylinder diesel engine, the most common firing order is 1-3-4-2. This means that the first cylinder fires, followed by the third, fourth, and second cylinders, respectively. Each cylinder fires every two revolutions of the crankshaft, completing one full cycle.

For example, in a 6-cylinder diesel engine, the firing order could be 1-5-3-6-2-4 or 1-3-5-2-4-6, depending on the engine’s design.

The firing order is essential to ensure smooth engine operation, even power delivery, and balanced crankshaft forces. A correct firing order prevents issues like rough running, power imbalance, and excessive vibration, making it a crucial consideration in diesel engine design and tuning. Manufacturers carefully design the firing order to optimize engine performance, minimize stress on engine components, and provide a comfortable driving experience for the vehicle or efficient power delivery for industrial applications [14].


3. Components of diesel engine

Diesel engines are complex machines that power a wide range of vehicles, machinery, and equipment. Understanding the various components that make up a diesel engine is crucial for maintenance, troubleshooting, and performance optimization [6].

  1. Cylinder Block and Pistons: The cylinder block (Figure 6) [15] is the engine’s main structure, housing the cylinders where the combustion takes place. The number of cylinders can vary, with common configurations being 4-cylinder, 6-cylinder, and 8-cylinder engines. The pistons, usually made of aluminum, move up and down inside the cylinders, converting the energy from combustion into reciprocating motion.

  2. Cylinder Head and Valves: The cylinder head sits atop the cylinder block and forms the top of the combustion chamber. It contains intake and exhaust valves that control the flow of air and exhaust gases. The valves are actuated by a camshaft, which opens and closes them at precise times during the engine’s operation.

  3. Crankshaft and Connecting Rods: The crankshaft (Figure 7) [16] is a crucial component that converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons into rotational motion. The connecting rods (Figure 8) connect the pistons to the crankshaft, transferring the up-and-down motion into a rotary motion that drives the engine’s output shaft.

  4. Fuel Injection System: The fuel injection system (Figure 9) [17] delivers the precise amount of diesel fuel into the combustion chamber at the right moment. Modern diesel engines use electronic fuel injection systems, which employ fuel injectors controlled by the engine’s electronic control unit (ECU). This allows for better fuel efficiency, power output, and emission control.

  5. Turbocharger: A turbocharger is a forced induction device used in many diesel engines to increase air intake and improve performance. It uses the engine’s exhaust gases to drive a turbine that compresses the incoming air before it enters the combustion chamber. This compressed air leads to better combustion and increased power output.

  6. Air Intake System: The air intake system (Figure 10) [18] brings fresh air from the environment into the engine’s combustion chambers. It typically includes an air filter to remove dust and debris and, in some engines, a turbocharger or supercharger to boost air pressure.

  7. Exhaust System: The exhaust system (Figure 10) directs the burned gases produced during combustion out of the engine. It includes an exhaust manifold, which collects the gases from each cylinder and channels them into the exhaust pipe. In modern diesel engines, emission control devices like the diesel particulate filter (DPF) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) are often integrated into the exhaust system to reduce harmful emissions.

  8. Lubrication System: The lubrication system (Figure 8) [19] ensures proper lubrication of moving parts to reduce friction and wear. It includes an oil pump that circulates engine oil through various passages and channels to critical components such as the crankshaft, connecting rods, and camshaft.

  9. Cooling System: Diesel engines generate a considerable amount of heat during operation. The cooling system (Figure 11) [20] maintains the engine’s temperature within an optimal range. It includes a water pump, radiator, and coolant passages to dissipate excess heat.

  10. Timing Belt or Chain: The timing belt or chain (Figure 8) synchronizes the movement of the engine’s camshaft(s) and crankshaft, ensuring precise valve timing for efficient combustion.

Figure 6.

Parts of cylinder block.

Figure 7.


Figure 8.

Diesel engine lubrication system.

Figure 9.

Cross section of fuel injector.

Figure 10.

Air intake and exhaust system.

Figure 11.

Engine cooling system.


4. Classification of diesel engine

A diesel engine is a type of compression ignition engine using diesel fuel. Diesel engines can be classified into various categories (Table 1) [21].

Classification criteriaVariant 1Variant 2Variant 3
Number of strokesFour-strokeTwo-stroke
Emissions standardOn-roadOff-road
ApplicationOn-road (trucks, busses, and automobiles)Off-road (marine, industrial, construction equipment, agricultural, and locomotive)Stationary
Emissions certification method for vehiclesHeavy heavy-duty, medium heavy-duty, light heavy-dutyLight duty
Vehicle weightHeavy-dutyMedium dutyLight duty
Crankshaft rated speedHigh speed (NE > 1000 rpm or vmp > 9 m/s)Medium speed (NE = 300–1000 rpm or vmp = 6–9 m/s)Low speed (NE < 300 rpm or vmp < 6 m/s)
Fuel injectionDirect injectionIndirect injection
Air chargingTurocharged (with or without after cooling)Mechanically supercharged (with or without after cooling)Naturally aspirated
Cooling mediumWater cooledAir-cooled
Number of cylindersSingle-cylinderMulti-cylinder
Fuel utilizedLight-liquid fueledHeavy-liquid fueledMulti-fueled (e.g., biodiesel, duel fuel- natural gas and diesel)

Table 1.

Diesel engine classification.


5. Scope of diesel engine

With advancements in technology and growing concerns about environmental sustainability, the scope of diesel engines is continually evolving. The scope of diesel engines includes the following:

5.1 Reliability: the backbone of agricultural machinery

One of the primary reasons why diesel engines have become the preferred choice for machinery is their unmatched reliability [22]. Unlike their petrol counterparts, diesel engines are simpler in design and lack components such as spark plugs and carburetors that are prone to failure. This inherent simplicity translates to reduced maintenance and repair costs for farmers, allowing them to focus on their core operations without worrying about frequent breakdowns or costly repairs. The durability and dependability of diesel engines make them well-suited for the demanding and often harsh conditions.

5.2 Storage: convenience and downtime prevention

Another advantage of using diesel fuel is the ease of storage. Unlike other fuel types, diesel fuel can be stored for extended periods without degradation [23], reducing the risk of downtime resulting from running out of fuel. This storage convenience ensures the readily available fuel source, enabling the maintenance of uninterrupted operations during critical periods such as planting and harvesting seasons.

5.3 Engine commonality: simplifying operations

Diesel engines often share a common platform, offering a range of benefits to end users. This commonality simplifies operations by ensuring that operators are familiar with the various engines and reducing the learning curve associated with different equipment models. Additionally, shared service and maintenance practices across the fleet streamline operations and minimize downtime. Users also benefit from having a single contact point for accessories or parts, simplifying the procurement process and facilitating efficient equipment maintenance [24].

5.4 Advancements in diesel engine technology

Diesel engine technology has continued to advance, further enhancing its efficiency and environmental performance. The introduction of ultra-clean engines, such as Cummins’ Performance Series, has significantly reduced emissions while maintaining high power output. These engines achieve near-zero emissions levels, meeting stringent environmental standards and contributing to sustainability efforts in the agricultural sector. Innovative after-treatment technologies, integrated within the engine design, effectively control and reduce harmful emissions, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. This commitment to clean technology demonstrates the industry’s dedication to reducing its environmental impact while preserving the efficiency and reliability of diesel engines.

5.5 The potential of hybridization

While diesel engines remain the primary power source for heavy-duty machinery, hybridization presents an opportunity to bridge the gap between full-electric and diesel-powered equipment. Hybrid power trains combine the power density of a clean diesel engine with the added flexibility of utilizing batteries when appropriate. These full hybrid power trains offer farmers greater operational flexibility, particularly in areas with limited or no charging infrastructure. While hybrid systems have been successfully implemented in on-road applications, their adoption in off-road industries, including agriculture, has been relatively limited. The longer payback period associated with hybrid technology, coupled with the absence of government subsidies, poses challenges to widespread adoption in the agricultural sector. However, as technology continues to advance and costs decrease, hybridization may become a more viable option for certain agricultural applications [25].


6. Recent developments in diesel engine technology

Diesel engines have evolved significantly over the years, with constant advancements in technology aimed at improving efficiency, reducing emissions, and enhancing overall performance. This chapter delves into the cutting-edge developments in diesel engine technology, focusing on the latest innovations that are shaping the future of this crucial power source.

6.1 Ultra-low-emission standards

One of the most notable recent developments in diesel engine technology is the pursuit of ultra-low-emission standards. Stricter regulations have driven the adoption of advanced exhaust after-treatment systems, such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and diesel particulate filters (DPF). These technologies effectively reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions, making modern diesel engines cleaner and more environmentally friendly [26].

6.2 Electrification and hybridization

The integration of electric and hybrid technologies with diesel engines is a significant trend. Hybrid diesel-electric systems combine the efficiency and torque of diesel engines with the benefits of electric propulsion, particularly in urban settings. Mild-hybrid systems use electric power to assist during acceleration, reducing the load on the engine and improving fuel efficiency. Full hybrid systems allow for all-electric operation during low-speed or idling conditions [27].

6.3 Advanced fuel injection

Recent developments in fuel injection technology have enhanced combustion efficiency and reduced emissions. High-pressure common rail systems with multiple injections per cycle optimize combustion, resulting in cleaner exhaust gases and improved fuel economy. Emerging innovations, such as solenoid-controlled piezo injectors, offer even finer control over fuel delivery for precise combustion management [28].

6.4 Advanced air management

Optimizing air intake and exhaust flow has a profound impact on diesel engine performance. Variable geometry turbochargers (VGT) and electric turbochargers adjust boost pressure based on engine conditions, providing better low-end torque and higher top-end power. Combined with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and advanced intake designs, these technologies improve combustion efficiency and reduce emissions [29].

6.5 Digitalization and connectivity

Digital technologies are transforming diesel engines into smarter and more connected systems. Sensors and real-time data analysis enable predictive maintenance, optimizing engine health, and uptime. Telematics and remote monitoring allow fleet operators to manage engine performance, fuel consumption, and emissions remotely, leading to better operational efficiency [30].

6.6 Alternative fuels and synthetic fuels

Research into alternative and synthetic fuels is gaining momentum to address the environmental concerns associated with traditional diesel fuel. Biodiesel, derived from renewable sources, offers a cleaner-burning alternative. Synthetic diesel, produced from sources like natural gas or biomass, provides a high-energy-density fuel with lower emissions [31].

6.7 Lightweight materials and design

Advancements in materials science have led to the development of lightweight components without compromising durability. Aluminum, high-strength steel, and composite materials reduce engine weight, contributing to improved fuel efficiency and overall vehicle performance [32].

6.8 Future-proofing with modular designs

Modular engine designs allow for flexibility and adaptability to evolving technological and regulatory landscapes. Diesel engines can be easily integrated with emerging technologies, such as electrification components, without requiring extensive redesigns [33].


7. Key advantages of diesel engines

  1. Higher Efficiency: Diesel engines are more thermodynamically efficient than gasoline engines, primarily due to their higher compression ratios ranging from 14:1 to 22:1 and lower losses from pumping losses [34].

  2. Torque and Power: Diesel engines during the compression stroke attain high pressure ranging from 30 to 45 kg/cm2 and high temperatures around 500°C, due to which they are able to produce high torque at low Revolutions per Minute (RPMs), making them well-suited for heavy-duty applications like agricultural operations, trucks, busses, and industrial machinery [35].

  3. Fuel Economy: Diesel engines typically offer better fuel economy than gasoline engines, especially in larger vehicles and under heavy loads.

  4. Durability: Diesel engines are known for their robust construction and longer service life than gasoline engines [36].

  5. Lower Volatility: Diesel fuel has lower volatility than gasoline, reducing the risk of fuel evaporation and vapor lock in hot weather.

  6. Safety: Diesel fuel is less flammable compared to gasoline, reducing the risk of fire in case of a spill or accident.

  7. Adaptability to Alternative Fuels: Diesel engines can be modified to run on alternative fuels such as biodiesel and synthetic diesel, providing more sustainable options.


8. Limitations of diesel engines

  1. Higher Initial Cost: Diesel engines generally have a higher upfront cost than gasoline engines. This is primarily due to their more robust construction and additional components like turbochargers and intercoolers.

  2. Noise and Vibration: Diesel engines tend to produce more noise and vibration compared to gasoline engines, particularly at low speeds. Although advancements in engine design and technology have reduced noise levels, diesel engines can still be louder than their gasoline counterparts.

  3. Emissions: While diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines, they tend to produce higher levels of certain emissions, particularly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). This has led to concerns about air pollution and its impact on human health and the environment.

  4. NOx and Particulate Matter: Diesel engines emit nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), which contribute to smog formation and can have adverse health effects. Reducing these emissions requires advanced exhaust after-treatment systems and careful engine tuning.

  5. Cold Weather Performance: Diesel engines can experience difficulty starting in extremely cold weather due to the higher compression ratios and lower volatility of diesel fuel. Cold weather starting can be improved with the use of glow plugs or block heaters.

  6. Limited Availability of Fuel: In some remote or rural areas, access to diesel fuel may be more limited compared to gasoline. This can be a disadvantage for diesel engine users in such locations.

  7. Fuel Ignition and Combustion Noise: Diesel engines use compression ignition, which can result in louder combustion noise compared to spark ignition in gasoline engines. While advancements in fuel injection technology have reduced noise, it can still be an issue in some diesel engines.

  8. Fuel Sulfur Content: Diesel engines are sensitive to the sulfur content in diesel fuel. High sulfur content can lead to increased emissions and accelerated wear of engine components. Modern diesel engines require low-sulfur diesel fuel for optimal performance and emissions control.

  9. Weight and Size: Diesel engines are generally heavier and bulkier compared to equivalent gasoline engines. This can be a disadvantage in certain applications where weight and size constraints are critical, such as in smaller vehicles or portable equipment.


9. The evolution of diesel engines

The evolution of diesel engines traces a remarkable journey of innovation, efficiency, and adaptability. From their inception in the late nineteenth century by Rudolf Diesel to their present-day prominence in various industries, diesel engines have undergone transformative changes that have shaped modern transportation, power generation, and beyond. The early diesel engines were characterized by their compression ignition principle, where fuel ignited due to the heat generated by compressing air within the cylinder. These engines quickly gained attention for their fuel efficiency and torque, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications. However, they were also known for their noise, vibration, and emissions. As time progressed, diesel engine technology saw substantial improvements. Advancements in fuel injection systems, turbocharging, and combustion controlled to enhance efficiency and reduce emissions. Turbochargers, for instance, boosted air intake, resulting in better combustion and increased power output. Fuel injection systems became more precise, optimizing fuel delivery for improved performance and reduced pollution.

The automotive industry saw the integration of diesel engines into passenger cars, offering increased fuel efficiency over gasoline engines. Yet, environmental concerns arose due to higher emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. In response, diesel engine manufacturers worked on exhaust after-treatment technologies like selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and diesel particulate filters (DPF), drastically reducing harmful emissions.

The twenty-first century brought further transformation. Diesel engines embraced digitalization, incorporating advanced sensors and control systems for optimized performance and predictive maintenance. Hybridization and electrification entered the scene, leading to hybrid diesel-electric powertrains that combined diesel’s efficiency with electric’s low-emission capabilities, ideal for urban driving.

Alternative fuels also gained attention, with research into biodiesel, synthetic fuels, and hydrogen as potential replacements for conventional diesel fuel. These innovations mitigate environmental concerns while maintaining diesel engines’ practicality and versatility. The evolution of diesel engines is an ongoing narrative, driven by the need for cleaner, more efficient, and sustainable power sources. Today, diesel engines are essential in sectors such as commercial transportation, construction, and power generation. Their ability to evolve with the times, embracing new technologies and cleaner fuel options, underscores their enduring importance in a rapidly changing world as they continue to power progress while aligning with environmental and efficiency goals.


10. Alternative power options to replace the diesel engines

As the world moves toward sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there is an increasing focus on alternative power options for the mechanical industry to replace diesel engines. Several renewable and cleaner energy sources are being explored to make the globe more environmentally friendly and reduce the carbon footprint of polluting operations. Some of the promising alternative power options include:

  1. Electric Tractors and Machinery: Electric tractors and agricultural machinery are gaining traction as viable alternatives to diesel-powered equipment. Electric motors provide instant torque, making them suitable for various farming tasks. Battery-powered electric tractors are already available in the market, offering emissions-free operation and reduced noise levels. Additionally, advancements in battery technology are extending the range and capacity of electric agricultural equipment.

  2. Biofuels: Biofuels, such as biodiesel and bioethanol, are derived from renewable biomass sources such as crops, agricultural residues, and animal fats. Biodiesel can directly replace diesel in conventional diesel engines without significant modifications. Bioethanol can be used as a blend with gasoline in spark-ignition engines. These biofuels offer a cleaner-burning alternative to fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable solutions.

  3. Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Hydrogen fuel cells are an emerging technology that holds promise for modern mechanical applications. Fuel cells produce electricity by reacting hydrogen with oxygen, with the only byproduct being water vapor. Hydrogen can be produced from renewable sources through electrolysis or from bio-based feedstocks. Hydrogen-powered engines and machinery have the potential to provide long-range operation with zero emissions, making them environmentally friendly options.

  4. Solar Power: Solar power can be harnessed to generate electricity applications. Solar panels can be installed on buildings or mounted on automobile equipment to power electric motors or charge batteries. Solar energy can provide a sustainable and reliable power source for irrigation systems, electric fencing, and other farm operations, reducing dependence on diesel generators.

  5. Wind Power: Wind energy can be harnessed through wind turbines to generate electricity for on-farm use. Small-scale wind turbines can be installed on farms to power electric pumps, lighting, and other equipment. Wind power complements solar power, providing renewable energy options that suit different weather conditions.

  6. Biogas: Biogas is produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic materials, such as agricultural residues, animal manure, and crop waste. It can be used as a fuel for generating electricity or as a replacement for natural gas in engines. Biogas digesters can be integrated into farms to not only provide renewable energy but also manage organic waste and produce nutrient-rich biofertilizers.

11. The future of power solutions

The future of global power solutions in relation to diesel-powered engines is undergoing a transformative shift driven by technological advancements, environmental considerations, and the growing demand for efficient and reliable energy sources. While the landscape is evolving, diesel engines are poised to continue playing a significant role in providing power solutions, albeit in a more sustainable and integrated manner. The future of global power solutions involving diesel-powered engines is characterized by a transition toward sustainability and integration with emerging technologies. While diesel engines face challenges related to emissions, they also offer a pathway to cleaner and more efficient power solutions through hybridization, alternative fuels, and advanced emissions reduction technologies. As the world strives for a balance between reliable energy sources and environmental stewardship, diesel engines are set to play a dynamic role in shaping the future of global power solutions.

12. Conclusion

The diesel engines have played a significant role in shaping various industries and applications, offering a plethora of advantages such as high fuel efficiency, torque, reliability, and durability needed to maximize productivity. They have revolutionized transportation, agriculture, construction, and power generation, providing reliable and efficient power for a wide range of tasks. The evolution of diesel engines has seen advancements in technology, emission control, and alternative fuel options, making them more environmentally friendly and sustainable. However, challenges like emissions and noise continue to be addressed through ongoing research and innovation. As we move forward, a balanced approach to harnessing the benefits of diesel engines while minimizing their drawbacks is crucial for a greener and more efficient future.



bottom dead center


compression ignition


diesel particulate filter


electronic control unit


exhaust gas reduction


internal combustion


nitrogen oxide


particulate matter


selective catalytic reduction


top dead center


variable geometry turbocharger


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Written By

Ramesh Beerge and Sachin Devarmani

Submitted: 13 October 2023 Reviewed: 19 October 2023 Published: 15 January 2024