Open access peer-reviewed chapter

1D Modeling of CO2 Absorption Using K2CO3 in a Hollow Fibre Membrane Contactor

Written By

Mohamed Nadir Khelifi, Ouacil Saouli, Anis Bouzeraib and Khaled Basta

Submitted: 01 August 2023 Reviewed: 09 August 2023 Published: 05 January 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002707

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Solvents - Dilute, Dissolve, and Disperse - Insights on Green Solvents and Distillation

Raffaello Papadakis and Vilmar Steffen

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is widely recognized as the main cause of climate change affecting our planet. In recent years, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly due to the intensive combustion of fossil fuels. This study is devoted to the simulation of the 1D case of the CO2 capture process by aqueous Potassium carbonate K2CO3 as a chemical solvent, using a membrane contactor in the counter current case. The system of partial differential equations resulting from the modeling was solved using MATLAB’s PDEPE function. We also carried out a parametric analysis to see the impact of various parameters on the CO2 capture process. Among these parameters, we studied the influence of solvent concentration, gas velocity and liquid velocity. The results show that 13% increase (74–87%) in CO2 capture while the increase of solvent concentration from 20 to 50 (mol/m3), also for gas and liquid velocity from 0.001 to 0.05 and 0.006 to 0.05 (m/s) we have 52% and 3% increase of CO2 capture respectively.


  • absorption
  • CO2
  • potassium carbonate (K2CO3)
  • hollow fiber membrane contactor (HFMC)
  • modeling

1. Introduction

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is widely recognized as a major contributor to global climate change. In recent years, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly due to the intensive combustion of fossil fuels. Rising CO2 emissions are a major cause of catastrophic environmental change that has led to growing interest in successful CO2 capture [1]. Over the past decades, various technologies have been used for CO2 capture. Chemical absorption by absorbents in trays and packed columns is the traditional method [2]. However, this method has economic and operational problems. Membrane contactor absorption is a new technology with many advantages, including: B. Prevention of interphase dispersion, high specific surface area, and compact size of the contactor [3]. In porous membrane contactors, absorption typically occurs when CO2 diffuses from the shell side through the membrane pores and contacts the liquid phase within the fibers. Therefore, there are no flooding, bubbling, channeling or entrainment problems associated with traditional absorber towers. Although membranes have been used commercially for gas separation since his 1980s, researchers have studied membranes over his 150 years [4, 5, 6]. Much research has been done on the development of membrane contactor systems and the mass transfer rates of membranes [7, 8, 9, 10]. Membrane gas absorption has been introduced as one of the beneficial technologies to prevent CO2 emissions due to its excellent mass transfer capabilities [11]. Many researchers compared his performance of CO2 capture from flue gas using amine absorption (packed column or bubble column) as a conventional technique with membrane gas absorption technology [12, 13]. Their investigation showed that the membrane possesses a high surface-to-volume ratio, flexible operating characteristics, linear scaling, compact size, and modularity [3, 14, 15]. In addition, traditional absorber towers have many drawbacks such as channeling, foaming, flooding, aeration, and high operating and capital costs [16]. The use of membranes solves the above problem because CO2 absorption occurs in the membrane contactor when the gas stream contacts the liquid phase on the other side of the membrane. In fact, the membrane acts as a barrier between the gas and liquid phases, preventing interpenetration of the gas and liquid phases. Additionally, increasing the membrane length may improve mass transfer between phases [16]. Furthermore, the membrane process has been introduced as an environmentally friendly alternative as a small amount of solvent, always lost to the atmosphere during the process [17]. Also, the liquid flow does not depend on the gas flow rate. However, the membrane process has some problems. The main problem is membrane wetting [18]. The most important criteria for choosing an absorbent in membrane gas absorption are the surface tension of the absorbent and its compatibility with the membrane material. Absorbents with low surface tension wet the pores of the membrane. Alkanolamine solvents such as MEA are the most commonly used absorbents for CO2 capture due to their fast reaction rate with CO2. However, amine solvents present challenges in terms of high regeneration energy and evaporative losses [19, 20]. Many researchers have spent a lot of time finding alternative absorbents to alkanolamines. A potential candidate is aqueous potassium carbonate (K2CO3). Potassium carbonate is an economical and environmentally friendly absorbent with low cost and low renewable energy for CO2 absorption [21]. However, it slows down its reaction rate with CO2, especially at low temperatures and low CO2 partial pressures [22]. Adding an accelerator to potassium carbonate could be a viable approach to solve this problem [23].


2. Material and methods

In this work, the study was made by taking a volume element of the CO2 absorption model using a membrane. We have a counter current flow from which the gas containing the CO2 molecules enters the shell side (Z = 0); afterwards it crosses the membrane through the pores arriving in the tube side which contains the counter current solvent (Z = l). Also, an unsteady-state of a one-dimensional mathematical model has been considered and solved using pdepe MATLAB software. The model is developed for an element volume as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1.

Figure 1.

Diagram of volume element mass transfer resistances.

Membrane material (abbreviation)ReferenceGases separatedSolvent(s) trialed
Polypropylene (PP)[25]N2/CO2MEA, DEA, MDEA, MEA/MDEA, DEA/2-amino2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP), a
[26]CO2, CO, H2, N2, CH4Monoethanolamine, potassium carbonate
[28]N2/CO2Monoethanolamine (MEA), [3 M]
[29]N2/CO2/O2Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) [0.5e3 M]
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)[30]N2/CO2Water
[31]N2/CO2Diethanolamine (DEA)
Polytetrafuloroethylene (PTFE)[26]CO2, CO, H2, N2, CH4Monoethanolamine [30 wt%], potassium carbonate [30 wt%]
[32]25% CO2, 75% N2Monoethanolamine, MEA, 5 wt%
[32]CO2, N22-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP)

Table 1.

Gas absorption membranes [24].

2.1 Mass transfer resistance in series model

The resistances in series in the hollow fiber membrane module Figure 1, can be written as following Eq. (1):


Where RT is the total mass resistance, Rl is the mass resistance of the liquid phase, Rm is the mass resistance of HFMC and Rg is the mass resistance in the gas phase, as the resistance on the liquid side has been neglected. Then, by mass transfer term, “for example, see [33]”:


Where dint, dext and Ha are the internal, external diameter and hatta number, respectively, kg is the gas-phase mass transfer coefficient that is estimated using next following Eqs. (5)(8), kl is the liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient and km is membrane mass transfer coefficient [34].

2.1.1 Gas-side mass transfer coefficient kg


2.1.2 Membrane-side mass transfer coefficient km


Where ε and τ are the porosity and the tortuosity of the membrane, respectively. De represents the effective gas diffusivity, and δ represents thickness of the membrane [35].


2.1.3 Liquid-side mass transfer coefficient kl [35]


2.2 Mathematical model of a membrane contactor for a carbonated solvent

The reaction system of CO2 with K2CO3 is given by [36, 37]:


The expression for the chemical kinetics of this reaction is given by the following equation [36]:


The general term for mass conservation is given as follows:


The following assumptions are used for the process modeling:

  • Unidirectional (1D)

  • Unsteady

  • No wetting for membrane’s pores

2.2.1 Gas phase

For the gas phase


Where CCO2,g is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the shell side (gas), CCO2,l is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the tube side (liquid), Vg is the velocity on the gas phase, DCO2,g is the gas-side CO2 diffusion coefficient (m2/s), Kg is the overall transfer coefficient gas side (m/s), and H is henry constant.

2.2.2 Liquid phase

For CO2


For K2CO3


See (Table 2).

t = 0 (s)PositionShell sideTube side
Z = 0CCO2,g0t=15.3mol/m3CK2CO3z0t=0
Z = LCCO2,gzLt=0CK2CO3Lt=40mol/m3

Table 2.

Boundary and initial conditions of governing equations.


3. Results and discussions

In this part the results show the simulation of the CO2 capture process in a membrane contactor for the counter-current cases using the pdepe function of MATLAB, with this in mind, we will look at the effect of different parameters like solvent concentration, gas velocity and liquid velocity on CO2 removal efficiency. The domain used in this study is shown in Figure 1. The parameters of the membrane used for the simulation are summarized in Table 3.

Membrane length0.21[m]
Membrane thickness (δ)0.00034[m]
Porosity (ε)0.4585
Nanoparticle morphologyTubular
DCO2,g1.39 × 10−5 m2 s−1[m2/s]
DCO2,m1.58 × 10−5[m2/s]
DCO2,l1.45 × 10−9[m2/s]

Table 3.

Membrane’s parameters [38].

3.1 The effect of gas velocity

Figure 2 shows that as gas velocity increases, elimination efficiency decreases. This is because the contact time between the gas phase and the liquid phase decreases.

Figure 2.

Effect of gas velocity on CO2 removal.

3.2 The effect of liquid velocity

Figure 3 shows that as the velocity of the liquid increases, the efficiency of CO2 elimination increases. This is due to the increase in the speed of elimination of the CO2 molecules that enter the liquid, which leads to an increase in the flow of CO2 transferred.

Figure 3.

Effect of liquid velocity on CO2 removal.

3.3 The effect of inlet solvent concentration

It can be seen in Figure 4, that the efficiency of CO2 elimination increases with increasing solvent concentration of the solvent. This is due to the increase in CO2 reaction kinetics.

Figure 4.

Effect of loading concentration of K2CO3 on CO2 removal.


4. Conclusion

In a nutshell, robust and reliable mechanistic model and simulation methodology was validated and implemented to study the effects of concentration, gas velocity and liquid velocity on CO2 capture by K2CO3 using membrane process to study the performance of the hollow fiber membrane contactor in terms of CO2 removal. The CO2 removal was increased by 52% in the range of 20–50 (mol/m3) of Concentration of flow rate, also the results show that 13% increase (74–87%) on CO2 capture while the increase of solvent concentration from 20 to 50 (mol/m3), also for gas and liquid velocity from 0.001 to 0.05 and 0.006 to 0.05 (m/s) we have 52% and 3% increase of CO2 capture respectively.




effective interface area [m2/m3]


inlet concentration of CO2 in shell side [mol/m3]


concentration of CO2 [mol/m3]


concentration of K2CO3 [mol/m3]


concentration of K2CO3 in tube side [mol/m3]


hydraulic diameter [m]


diffusion coefficient of CO2 in the shell side [m2/s]


diffusion coefficient of CO2 in membrane [m2/s]


diffusion coefficient of CO2 in the tube side [m2/s]


membrane mass transfer coefficient [m/s]


gas-phase mass transfer coefficient [m/s]


liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient [m/s]


gas-phase global mass transfer coefficient [m/s]


Reynolds number


Schmidt number


Sherwood number


time [s]


temperature [k]


gas velocity [m/s]


liquid velocity [m/s]


dynamics viscosity [kg/m.s]


density [kg/m3]


water viscosity [kg/m3]


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Written By

Mohamed Nadir Khelifi, Ouacil Saouli, Anis Bouzeraib and Khaled Basta

Submitted: 01 August 2023 Reviewed: 09 August 2023 Published: 05 January 2024