Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Fractal Dynamics and Fibonacci Sequences: A Time Series Analysis of Cultural Attractor Landscapes

Written By

Rob G. Sacco

Submitted: 20 September 2023 Reviewed: 29 November 2023 Published: 23 January 2024

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003966

From the Edited Volume

Time Series Analysis - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications

Jorge Rocha, Cláudia M. Viana and Sandra Oliveira

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This study explores the intricate relationship between fractal structures and cultural evolution through time series analysis. Utilizing Fibonacci time series modeling, the author predicts the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors—emergent phenomena that arise from dynamic populations within cognitive landscapes. The model backtests significant milestones in human cultural history, ranging from the Copper Age to the Internet era, and correlates them with Fibonacci time series. The findings suggest that cognitive development, demographic structure, and cultural transmission are key factors that influence the self-organization and dynamic stabilization of cultural attractor landscapes. This study offers a novel perspective on the optimization of information flow in cultural evolution and has implications for interdisciplinary studies in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and geography.


  • fractal structures
  • cultural evolution
  • time series analysis
  • Fibonacci time series
  • cultural attractors
  • cognitive landscapes
  • information flow
  • cumulative culture
  • demographic structure
  • self-organization

1. Introduction

The intersection of mathematics, computer science, and cultural studies has long been fertile ground for interdisciplinary research [1]. One of the most intriguing areas of study within this intersection is the application of time series analysis to understand the evolution of cultures [2]. While time series analysis has traditionally been used in fields such as economics, epidemiology, and geography, its application to cultural studies opens up new avenues for understanding the complex dynamics of cultural evolution.

This study aims to contribute to this growing body of knowledge by exploring the role of fractal structures and Fibonacci sequences in shaping cultural attractor landscapes.

The concept of cultural attractors has been a subject of interest in anthropology, sociology, and psychology for several decades [3]. Cultural attractors are emergent phenomena that arise from the collective cognitive landscapes of individuals within society. These attractors serve as focal points, around which cultural norms, beliefs, and practices coalesce. However, the mechanisms by which these attractors form and stabilize are not fully understood.

Recent advancements in time series analysis have offered a mathematical framework for studying these mechanisms based on the Fibonacci sequence [4]. The Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, has been found to have applications in various natural phenomena, including the growth patterns of plants, structure of galaxies, and even the stock market [5]. This study explores the potential of the Fibonacci sequence as a predictive tool for understanding the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors.

The primary objective of this research is to apply time series analysis, specifically Fibonacci time series modeling, to predict the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors. The paper aims to:

  1. Develop a theoretical framework that integrates the Fibonacci sequence with the concept of cultural attractors.

  2. Backtest this model against major milestones in human cultural history, ranging from ancient epochs to contemporary times [6].

  3. The correlation between the Fibonacci time series and the formation of cultural attractors is used to understand the factors that contribute to their stability.

  4. Explore the implications of these findings for optimizing information flow in cultural transmission [7].

The scope of this research is limited to the application of Fibonacci time series modeling for predicting cultural attractors. The primary focus is on the Fibonacci sequence and its applicability to cultural studies. One of the limitations of this study is the availability and quality of historical data for backtesting the model. Additionally, the study does not delve into the micro-level psychological factors that contribute to individual cognition and behavior, focusing instead on macro-level patterns and trends.

This research employs a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative case studies with quantitative time series analysis [8]. The first step involved a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing theories and models related to cultural attractors and time series analysis. Following this, Fibonacci time series modeling is applied to predict the formation of cultural attractors. Historical data on major cultural milestones are collected from Wikipedia. The results are then validated through correlation analysis to determine the effectiveness of Fibonacci time series modeling in predicting cultural attractors. Finally, the findings are discussed in the context of their implications for interdisciplinary research in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and geography [9].


2. Literature review

The application of mathematical models and computational methods to the study of cultural evolution is a burgeoning field of research. This literature review aims to provide an overview of the key areas that intersect with the focus of this paper: time series analysis in cultural studies, the Fibonacci sequence and fractals, the concept of cultural attractors, and previous models and their limitations.

2.1 Time series analysis in cultural studies

Time series analysis has traditionally been employed in disciplines such as economics, epidemiology, and environmental science to forecast future events based on historical data. However, its application in cultural studies is relatively new, but growing. Researchers [10] have used time series analysis to study cultural drift and the diffusion of cultural traits. Similarly, studies have applied time series models to understand the dynamics of cultural change over time [11]. These studies have laid the groundwork for the application of time series analysis in predicting cultural phenomena; however, they have often focused on linear models that may not capture the complexity of cultural evolution.

2.2 The Fibonacci sequence and fractals

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting with 0 and 1 (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …). This sequence describes various natural phenomena, from the arrangement of leaves on a stem to the spiral structure of galaxies. Mathematically, the sequence is closely related to fractals and complex structures that look similar at any level of magnification [5]. In 1983 [5], research explored the application of fractals in the natural sciences, but its application in the social sciences, particularly in cultural studies, is still an emerging field. The potential for using the Fibonacci sequence and fractals as tools for understanding the nonlinear, complex nature of cultural evolution is an area ripe for exploration.

2.3 Cultural attractors

The concept of cultural attractors is rooted in the broader theory of attractor landscapes in complex systems. In cultural studies, attractors represent the stable states in which cultures tend to gravitate over time. Researchers [12, 13] have explored the mechanisms through which cultural attractors form and stabilize. They argue that cultural attractors emerge from the collective cognitive landscapes of individuals within society and serve as focal points around which cultural norms and practices coalesce. However, these studies often lack a quantitative framework for predicting the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors, which this paper aims to provide.

2.4 Previous models and their limitations

Several models have been proposed for understanding the dynamics of cultural evolution. Agent-based models [1] have been used to simulate the spread of cultural traits among individuals. Similarly, mathematical models such as the Moran process have been applied to study cultural drift [3]. While these models offer valuable insights, they often suffer from limitations, such as oversimplification of complex cultural phenomena and lack of predictive power. Moreover, they usually do not account for the fractal nature of cultural evolution, which can be better captured through the application of the Fibonacci sequence.


3. Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework of this research is anchored in three main concepts: Fibonacci time series modeling, cultural attractor landscapes, and fractal structures in cultural evolution. These concepts are interwoven to create a comprehensive model for understanding the dynamics of cultural evolution through time series analysis.

3.1 Fibonacci time series modeling

Fibonacci time series modeling serves as the mathematical backbone of this research. Originating from the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …), this approach aims to predict the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors. The sequence is applied to a time series, where each point represents a significant cultural milestone. The gaps between these milestones were measured in Fibonacci numbers, each representing a day, creating a predictive model for future cultural events.

The application of Fibonacci sequence in this context is not arbitrary. This sequence has been found to describe various natural phenomena, suggesting an underlying order in seemingly chaotic systems [5]. For example, it has been observed in random diffusion-limited aggregation processes [14]. By applying this sequence to the study of cultural evolution, it is hypothesized that cultural attractors can be predicted and understood in a more structured manner. This method offers a quantitative framework that complements existing qualitative theories, filling a gap in the current literature.

3.2 Cultural attractor landscapes

Cultural attractor landscapes serve as conceptual frameworks for understanding the dynamics of cultural evolution. These landscapes are multi-dimensional spaces, where each point represents a possible state of a culture, and the “height” of each point indicates its stability or attractiveness. Over time, cultures tend to gravitate towards the “valleys” or stable states in these landscapes, forming cultural attractors.

The concept of cultural attractors is not new, but its quantitative analysis has been limited. This study aims to fill this gap by applying the Fibonacci time series to these landscapes. By doing so, we can predict the states that are likely to become stable attractors and understand the factors that contribute to their formation and stabilization [12, 13]. This offers a more nuanced understanding of cultural evolution, moving beyond simple models that fail to capture its complexity.

3.3 Fractal structures in cultural evolution

Fractal structures offer a lens by which the complexity of cultural evolution can be understood. A fractal is a complex structure that appears similar at any level of magnification, suggesting a form of self-similarity across different scales. In the context of cultural evolution, this means that the mechanisms driving change at the micro level (individual or community) are similar to those at the macro level (society or civilization).

This fractal nature is not unique to cultural systems. The fractal structure observed in human and primate social networks [15] offers a compelling parallel to the fractal nature of cultural evolution, suggesting that such structures may inherently optimize information flow across different scales.

The inclusion of fractal structures in this theoretical framework is crucial for two reasons. First, it allows for a more accurate representation of the complex, nonlinear nature of cultural evolution. Traditional linear models often fail to capture this complexity, leading to inaccurate predictions and interpretation. Second, fractal structures offer a method to understand how cultural attractors form and stabilize at different scales, from individual cognitive landscapes to societal norms and practices.

This theoretical framework offers a comprehensive model for understanding the dynamics of cultural evolution by integrating Fibonacci time series, cultural attractor landscapes, and fractal structures. It provides both a quantitative and conceptual toolset for predicting the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors, filling gaps in the existing literature, and offering new avenues for interdisciplinary research.


4. Methodology

The methodology employed in this study was designed to test the theoretical framework outlined in the previous section. It encompasses three main components: data collection, analysis, and validation. Each of these components is essential for ensuring the reliability and validity of the research findings.

4.1 Data collection

The first step in the research process is data collection. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this study, the data sources are diverse, encompassing a wide range of information from historical records to scholarly articles, primarily gathered from Wikipedia. The core data comprise significant cultural milestones, which are plotted as initial conditions in a Fibonacci time series. The selection of these milestones is based on their influence in shaping cultural attractors, with Wikipedia serving as the primary source of this historical and cultural information.

Secondary data includes scholarly articles and books that provide insights into the concepts of cultural attractors, fractal structures, and time series analysis. These data are essential for contextualizing primary data and developing a theoretical framework [11].

4.2 Data analysis

Once the data are collected, the next step is the data analysis. Rather than employing complex statistical methods, such as Pearson correlation coefficients, this study uses a simpler and more straightforward approach. The primary tool for this is a percentage deviation analysis, comparing the actual dates of cultural milestones with the predicted dates based on the Fibonacci time pattern.

Significance of the deviation was determined using a lower threshold of 2.5%. Any deviations below this threshold are considered significant and indicative of a strong alignment between the cultural milestones and the Fibonacci sequence.

4.3 Validation methods

Validation was an essential part of the methodology used in this study. To guarantee the reliability and applicability of the findings, several validation techniques were used. The primary method included cross-validating the correlation analysis results by employing multiple cultural milestones. This process tests the findings’ generalizability, ensuring that the conclusions drawn are not unique to a specific dataset, but hold true across different sets of data.

In addition to cross-validation, this study emphasized meticulous data verification. The data were checked multiple times for accuracy and consistency, thus reinforcing the robustness of the research outcomes. This rigorous examination ensured that the data accurately reflected the intended cultural milestones and supported the validity of the Fibonacci time series modeling approach.


5. Case studies

To validate the theoretical framework and methodology, this study employs a diverse set of historical milestones that span significant periods in human cultural history.

  • Copper Age (c. 4000 BCE): During the Copper Age, around 4000 BCE, human societies experienced a pivotal moment marked by the widespread use of copper for tools and weaponry, setting the stage for future metallurgical innovations.

  • Iron Age (c. 1000 BCE): The Iron Age, beginning around 1000 BCE, saw the dominance of iron in tool and weapon production, leading to significant advancements in technology and warfare.

  • Classical Age (c. 500 BCE): Around 500 BCE, the Classical Age witnessed the rise of influential civilizations, such as Rome and Greece, known for their contributions to philosophy, law, and architecture.

  • Common Era Age (c. 1 CE): Starting with the year 1 CE, the Common Era Age signifies the modern calendar era.

  • Medieval Age (c. 500 CE): After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE, the Medieval Age emerged, marked by feudalism, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic Golden Age.

  • Early Modern Age (c. 14th CE): The Early Modern Age, beginning in the fourteenth century, saw the Italian Renaissance and the Age of Exploration, fostering cultural and geographical transformation.

  • Scientific Age (c. mid-seventeenth century CE): The Scientific Age, roughly starting in the mid-seventeenth century, witnessed a surge in scientific discoveries and methodologies, challenging traditional beliefs.

  • Industrial Age (c. mid-eighteenth century CE): Starting in the mid-eighteenth century, the Industrial Age brought mechanization, urbanization, and the Industrial Revolution, reshaping societies and economies.

  • Modern Age (c. twentieth century CE): The twentieth century Modern Age was defined by World Wars, technological leaps, and cultural shifts that shaped the contemporary world.

  • Contemporary Age (c. twenty-first century CE): The twenty-first century Contemporary Age represents the current era characterized by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and complex geopolitical dynamics.

These case studies collectively serve as practical applications of the research methodology and offer valuable insights into the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors across different historical periods.


6. Results

The results of this study provide empirical evidence supporting the theoretical framework and methodology outlined in the previous sections. The findings are organized into three main categories: correlation analysis, information flow optimization, and implications for cumulative culture.

6.1 Correlation analysis

The application of percent deviation analysis in this study primarily focuses on forward-looking correlations. This approach calculates deviations between actual and predicted dates, using a 2.5% significance threshold, to determine how earlier cultural milestones predict later ones. This study specifically avoids retrospective correlations, such as how a later event like a Scientific (Sci) milestone correlates with an earlier event like the Copper Age. Instead, it emphasizes the predictive power of earlier milestones over later milestones.

To understand how percent deviation analysis applies, consider the reference date of 1967 from the “Cp” column. To identify dates within ±2.5% of 1967, the lower and upper bounds are calculated by multiplying 1967 by 0.975 and 1.025, resulting in approximately 1917.8 and 2016.2, respectively. Any date falling within this range is considered within the 2.5% threshold. In this example, the subsequent table columns are examined to identify any dates that fall within this range, thereby confirming if they deviate by less than 2.5% from 1967.

Table 1 presents the dataset, with each column representing a specific historical age and its corresponding predicted dates, based on the Fibonacci sequence. Here’s how the data points align within a 2.5% deviation threshold, organized by column.

  1. Cp (Copper Age)—projected year 1967

    • 1983 (Scientific, within 2.5%): NASA’s STS-7 mission, the beginning of the Internet (ARPANET adopted TCP/IP, leading to a network that became the basis for the Internet).

    • 1956 (Industrial, within 2.5%): IBM invented the first hard disk. This year was significant in the field of technology and industry, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of data storage and computing​

    • 1918–1978 (Modern Age, within 2.5%): end of World War I, mid-century technological and geopolitical changes.

    • 2000–2017 (Contemporary, within 2.5%): millennium events, 9/11 attacks, 2007–2008 financial crisis.

  2. Ir (Iron Age)—projected year 1280

    • 1300 (Early Modern, within 2.5%): Renaissance beginnings, cultural, and scientific advancements.

  3. Clas (Classical Age)—projected year 1779

    • 1777 (Scientific, within 2.5%): enlightenment period, scientific, and philosophical progress.

    • 1750—1798 (Industrial, within 2.5%): early Industrial Revolution developments.

  4. CE (Common Era)—projected year 1409

    • 1378—1427 (Early Modern, within 2.5%): late Medieval period, Renaissance beginnings.

  5. Med (Medieval)—projected year 1908

    • 1877 and 1955 (Industrial, within 2.5%): industrial era growth and transformation.

    • 1900—1948 (Modern, within 2.5%): World Wars and the interwar period, societal shifts.

  6. EMod (Early Modern)—projected year 1838

    • 1855 (Scientific, within 2.5%): mid-nineteenth-century scientific and industrial progress.

    • 1798–1877 (Industrial, within 2.5%): core period of the Industrial Revolution.

  7. Sci (Scientific)—projected year 1982

    • 1955 (Industrial, within 2.5%): post-WWII industrial development, Cold War beginnings.

    • 1948–2027 (Modern, within 2.5%): post-WWII and Cold War era, twenty-first-century advancements.

    • 2000–2029 (Contemporary, within 2.5%): Digital Revolution, globalization.

  8. Ind (Industrial)—projected year 1955

    • 1907–1978 (Modern, within 2.5%): twentieth century, marked by global conflicts and changes.

    • 2000–2002 (Contemporary, within 2.5%): early twenty-first-century technological advancements.

  9. Mod (Modern)—projected year 1978

    • 2000–2029 (Contemporary, within 2.5%): early twenty-first-century events, technological progress (Table 1).

Fib no.DaysYearsCpIrClasCEMedEModSciIndModCont

Table 1.

Comparison of Fibonacci sequence (fib no.) with historical ages (years).

These results revealed a consistent pattern of alignment between key historical periods and later cultural epochs, fitting within a 2.5% significance threshold. Specifically, the Copper Age, beginning around 4000 BCE and projected to align with 1967, shows significant correspondence with later milestones in the Scientific (1983), Industrial (1956), Modern (1918–1978), and Contemporary (2000–2017) Ages. In a similar vein, the Medieval Age, starting near 500 CE with pivotal year projected as 1908, demonstrates predictive alignment with the Industrial (1877 and 1955) and Modern (1900–1948) Ages. These observed alignments suggest that culturally significant periods, such as the Copper and Medieval Ages, exert a discernible influence on the timing of key events in subsequent eras, such as the Scientific, Modern, and Contemporary Ages. This pattern supports the hypothesis that the Fibonacci sequence exerts a widespread predictive effect across the different stages of cultural evolution.

6.2 Information flow optimization

One of the key objectives of this research was to explore the implications of the findings for optimizing the information flow in cultural transmission. The strong correlation between the Fibonacci sequence and the formation of cultural attractors suggests that there is an optimal way to structure the information flow to facilitate the emergence and stabilization of these attractors [9].

For instance, a case study of the Scientific Revolution revealed that the intervals between key milestones, such as the publication of Copernicus’s heliocentric model and Newton’s laws of motion, were consistent with Fibonacci numbers. This suggests that the rate at which groundbreaking scientific ideas were disseminated and accepted by the broader community followed an optimal path, thereby contributing to the formation of stable cultural attractors.

These findings are not only consistent with the theoretical framework but also resonate with external research. These findings on the optimization of information flow in cultural attractor landscapes resonate with recent work that demonstrated that the fractal structure of human and primate social networks is critical for dynamic self-organization and exhibits a form of collective intelligence [15].

6.3 Implications for cumulative culture

These findings have profound implications for the concept of cumulative culture, which refers to collective learning and knowledge accumulation over generations. The strong correlation between the Fibonacci sequence and cultural attractors suggests a mathematical basis for the emergence of cumulative culture [11]. This provides a framework for understanding how cultural knowledge can be effectively transmitted and accumulated over time.

For example, the analysis of the Copper Age revealed that key developments, such as the advent of metalworking, urbanization, and the establishment of trade networks, predicted milestones in later periods, including the Scientific, Industrial, and Modern Ages. This suggests that these critical milestones in human history were not mere coincidences, but were integral parts of a larger, patterned progression that underpinned the evolution of complex societies. This alignment with the Fibonacci sequence implies a fractal-like structure in the unfolding of human civilization, highlighting the systematic accumulation of cultural knowledge over time.

In summary, the results validate the theoretical framework and methodology employed in this research. They demonstrated that the Fibonacci time series is a robust tool for predicting the formation and stabilization of cultural attractors. Moreover, the findings offer new insights into the optimization of information flow in cultural transmission and have significant implications for the concept of cumulative culture.


7. Discussion

The discussion section aims to interpret the results of the research, identify its limitations, and explore its practical applications. The findings from the correlation analysis, information flow optimization, and implications for cumulative culture were examined in depth to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research outcomes.

7.1 Interpretation of results

The results obtained from the percentage deviation analysis support the research hypothesis that cultural attractors can be predicted and understood through mathematical sequences. Several cultural milestones in the case studies showed deviations below the 2.5% significance threshold, suggesting that the formation of cultural attractors aligns closely with the Fibonacci sequence. This supports the idea that cultural evolution is not a random process but is guided by underlying structures that can be quantified [1, 6].

In the context of understanding the emergence of order, it is argued that complex systems often exhibit self-organization and the generation of new structures in response to fluctuations and perturbations [16]. In ‘A New Kind of Science,’ similar concepts are explored in the context of complex systems [17], offering insights into how simple rules can lead to complex behaviors in various domains, including cultural evolution.

Findings related to information flow optimization indicate that there is an optimal path for the dissemination and acceptance of cultural elements, which facilitates the formation of stable cultural attractors [9]. In the context of the Scientific Age case study, it becomes apparent that the intervals between groundbreaking scientific discoveries closely align with the Fibonacci numbers. Notably, this alignment extended to the later Invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, reinforcing the significance of mathematical patterns in shaping cultural evolution.

Finally, the implications for the cumulative culture are profound. This research provides a mathematical framework for understanding how cultural elements can be effectively transmitted across generations, thereby contributing to the collective knowledge and advancement of society [11]. This is exemplified by cases where foundational elements such as the Copper Age followed a Fibonacci sequence that later predicted the emergence of the Scientific Age, Industrial Age, and Modern Age.

7.2 Limitations and future research

While this research provides compelling evidence supporting the theoretical framework, it is not without limitations. One of the primary limitations is the availability and quality of historical data to backtest the model. The data points used in the case studies are significant cultural milestones; however, they are not exhaustive, and the research could benefit from a more comprehensive dataset.

Another limitation is the focus on macro-level cultural phenomena, without delving into the micro-level psychological and social factors that contribute to individual behavior and cognition. Understanding these micro-level factors could provide a more nuanced view of how cultural attractors form and stabilize.

One of the limitations of this study was the simplicity of the data analysis method. While percent deviation analysis is straightforward and accessible, it may not capture the full complexity of the relationship between cultural milestones and mathematical sequences. Future research should employ more complex statistical methods to provide a more nuanced understanding of this relationship.

Future research could address these limitations by incorporating more diverse datasets and by extending the model to include micro-level variables. Additionally, the application of Fibonacci time series modeling to other types of time series data, such as economic or environmental indicators, could provide valuable insights into the universality of the observed patterns.

7.3 Practical applications

This study has several practical applications in various disciplines. In cultural studies and anthropology, these findings offer a quantitative tool for predicting the formation and stabilization of cultural norms and practices [1, 6]. This could be particularly useful for policymakers and social scientists aiming to influence cultural change in the desired direction.

In the field of computer science and data analytics, Fibonacci time series modeling provides a novel approach for time series analysis that could be applied to various types of data, from stock market trends to social media analytics [9].

Moreover, this study has implications for education and knowledge dissemination. Understanding the optimal paths for information flow could help educators and content creators design more effective curricula and communication strategies [11].

In conclusion, this study provides a robust theoretical and methodological framework for understanding the dynamics of cultural evolution. While there are limitations that future research could address, the findings offer valuable insights into the optimization of information flow in cultural transmission and have significant implications for the concept of cumulative culture.


8. Conclusion

This research represents a groundbreaking interdisciplinary effort to blend mathematics and cultural studies. Applying Fibonacci time series modeling to diverse historical periods, from the Copper Age to the Contemporary Age, it explored various cultural phenomena. The findings revealed a strong correlation between the Fibonacci sequence and the development of cultural attractors, affirming the research hypothesis. Additionally, they suggested an optimal pathway for information flow in cultural transmission, impacting our understanding of cumulative culture.

Significantly, this study contributes a new theoretical framework that connects mathematical sequences with cultural attractors, thus addressing a gap in the existing literature. Fibonacci time series modeling, a novel tool for predicting the emergence and stability of cultural attractors, has applications in a range of disciplines, including cultural studies, anthropology, biology, psychology, computer science, and education. It provides a quantitative tool for policymakers, social scientists, and educators to understand and influence cultural evolutions.

Furthermore, this research encourages interdisciplinary collaboration by breaking traditional academic silos. It underscores the non-random nature of cultural evolution, guided by mathematical structures, and highlights the intricacies and patterns inherent in human historical narratives.

In summary, this study presents a novel approach to decoding cultural evolution, pointing towards a structured and patterned progression in the history of human civilization.


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Written By

Rob G. Sacco

Submitted: 20 September 2023 Reviewed: 29 November 2023 Published: 23 January 2024