Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Association of Occupations Usually Performed by Mexican Adolescents, with the Level of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index

Written By

Eduardo Gómez-Gómez, Ana Lilia Pérez-Huitimea and Isela Guadalupe Torres-Ruelas

Submitted: 21 June 2023 Reviewed: 09 September 2023 Published: 14 December 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1003868

From the Edited Volume

Updates on Physical Fitness in Children

Alesandra Araújo de Souza, Anastácio Souza-Filho, Thaynã Alves Bezerra and Sanderson Soares da Silva

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This chapter shows the way in which Mexican adolescents distribute their time during the week and the possible effect on body mass index (BMI) and cardiorespiratory fitness (ACR). Using The Habitual Activities and Occupations Recall (HAOR), the percentage of time habitually devoted to seven types of activities was estimated, and the value of total energy expenditure (GET) and the ratio of total energy expenditure/basal energy expenditure (GET/GEB) on each day of the week in 63 adolescents of 17.0 (1.9) years of age. Both sexes sleep longer at the weekend. From Monday to Friday, school activities covered the largest part of the day. On the contrary, domestic activities reached higher time values on the weekend. Time spent on transportation is associated with school attendance. Sports activities were lower than recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and work activities registered very low values. In men, the GET/GEB ratio was significantly lower during the weekend (p < 0.05). Women did not show significant differences between these two periods, and their values were significantly lower than men. The value of the GET/GEB ratio showed a significant positive effect on the ACR but not on the BMI value.


  • adolescents
  • physical activity
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • school education
  • physical education
  • economic factors
  • time distribution
  • non-competitive programs
  • gender perspective
  • healthy lifestyle
  • cardiorespiratory fitness
  • physical exercise
  • health promotion
  • Mexico

1. Introduction

Currently, large social sectors have lost or never acquired the habit of physical activity, even when its health benefits are well known [1, 2]. Studies of large populations have evidenced a notable decline in physical activity and sports practice among adolescents, observing a more pronounced decrease in women [3]. Communication and training through the use of screens (television, cell phone, and computer) are increasingly present in all aspects of children’s and young people’s lives [4].

In Mexico, national health and nutrition surveys have detected since 2006 that the time of physical activity in the adolescent population does not reach the minimum values recommended by the WHO. It was estimated that 64.8% of adolescents were classified as sedentary [5].

The 2012 [6] and 2016 [7] surveys estimated that between these years, the proportion of adolescents who added a minimum of 240 minutes per week of moderate-vigorous physical activity went from 56.7 to 60.5%, estimating that about 40% of adolescents fall into the classification of sedentary. In addition, the 2016 report showed that the proportion of women aged 15–19 who spend more than 2 hours in front of a screen (tablets, computer, television, and cell phone) increased substantially from 71.4% in 2012 to 82.6% in 2016, which is associated with sedentary behavior [7].

On the other hand, the results of the national health and nutrition surveys (ENSANUT) from 2006 to 2018 show a sustained increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity, which is a consequence of poor eating habits and reduced physical activity [5, 8, 9].

Although many programs have been implemented at the governmental level to promote physical activity in the school population, the problems of sedentarism, overweight, and obesity seem unable to be reversed.

Regaining the interest of children and adolescents in sports practice and movement is a priority for the acquisition of active and healthy life habits. For this, it is necessary to develop descriptive studies that allow us to know the time and frequency that children and adolescents dedicate to performing their school, work, and domestic duties; the activities they carry out in their free time, as well as rest and sleep, to begin to elucidate the reasons for the abandonment or disinterest in exercise. From this, develop suitable educational and social strategies that can reverse this trend.

There are already previous studies that have shown a considerable deterioration of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in samples of high school student adolescents from North America [10, 11], Latin América [12, 13], and México [14]. Based on this evidence, it is necessary to characterize the activities that young people perform and thereby establish whether the activities they usually carry out are the factor that explains their deterioration.

To guide any action in addressing obesity and sedentarism, it is of great importance to conduct studies that describe the occupations or activities that adolescents perform in the different contexts in which they operate: home, school, work, transport, and free time.


2. Problem statement

Recent epidemiological studies show that most adolescents are not attracted to sports practice or recreational physical activities, in addition to the fact that in Mexico, the physical education class or some subject aimed at the acquisition of habits by exercise is absent from the high school curriculum [15].

Each individual develops their own lifestyle, so their activities or occupations are not exactly the same. However, a population tends to present similar habits among its members, a consequence of the fact that, in general, everyone operates within the same context. Therefore, it is possible to identify activities and occupations that characterize them and influence their level of physical activity.

From a health perspective, lifestyle is a determinant for the prevention of diseases. The decrease in physical fitness and high prevalence of sedentary behaviors in the population aged 15 to 19 years is well documented. Sedentary behavior is linked to the development of overweight and obesity; moreover, poor development of physical fitness is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in adulthood.

There are several tools and techniques to determine total and resting energy expenditure: direct and indirect calorimetry, predictive equations, bioelectrical impedance, doubly labeled water [16], as well as the level of physical activity that people perform in their daily life, considering objective methods such as the use of accelerometers, pedometers, and heart rate monitoring; as well as subjective methods: questionnaires like the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) or the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) [17]. However, these tools are aimed at categorizing the level of physical activity and offer imprecise information about the purpose of physical activity and the context in which energy expenditure is carried out; in other words, these studies are reduced to a mechanistic vision of the individual without considering the utilitarian and motivational sense of physical activity.

Knowing the activities that adolescents develop would allow a better understanding of their behavior habits to be able to establish strategies that influence more effectively toward the change to a physically active lifestyle. On the other hand, although it is well identified that sedentarism is inversely linked to the level of physical fitness and directly to body adiposity, it is necessary to deepen the relationship between the time and frequency with which the different activities are classified as school, domestic, transportation, work, sports, recreational, as well as sleep time as it is a determinant factor of health. It is also important to establish the correspondence of some health indicators with the degree of energy expenditure required by the set of activities they usually perform during the day.

This chapter offers the evidence to determine in a sample of Mexican adolescents high school students in the city of Colima, if the configuration of the time allocated to each of the different types of activities and habitual occupations performed by adolescents is a condition of the level of ACR and the classification of BMI.


3. Theoretical framework

The WHO considers physical activity to be any movement produced by the skeletal muscle that results in a substantial increase in the energy expenditure needed to maintain vital functions such as respiration, digestion, blood circulation. It also states that physical inactivity is the primary cause of between 21 and 25% of breast and colon cancers, 27% of diabetes cases, and around 30% of ischemic heart disease; as well as a key determinant of energy expenditure and fundamental for caloric balance and weight control [18].

The conventional unit of energy measurement is the calorie; in biological terms, heat is primarily a manifestation of energy released during the oxidation of glucose and fatty acids [19].

Different types of activities or occupations have a utilitarian sense with a contextual social meaning, and it is important to identify them to obtain precise qualitative appraisals of the habits and behaviors that characterize a group.

Activities classified as domestic refer to all services related to home care or home maintenance. Butlers, housekeepers, drivers, cooks, janitors, caretakers, gardeners, nurses, assistants, launderers, and tutors represent domestic occupations [20].

School activities are those involved in formal teaching and learning processes. They can be carried out indoors or outdoors, with defined intentions or objectives. They also seek to provide students with opportunities to develop social attitudes, integrate a scheme of values and ideals, and acquire certain specific skills and abilities [21].

Another type of activity is work-related, which is all situations or elements linked in one way or another to work, understood as any physical or intellectual activity that receives some type of support or economic remuneration for manufacturing, sales, or professional service [22].

The definition established by the European Sports Charter was considered for sports activities: “… any form of physical activity that, through organized participation or not, aims to improve physical and psychic condition, develop social relations or achieve results in competitions at any level …” [23], to complement this definition it also corresponds to the systematic practice of physical exercise, which is carried out according to the rules of each discipline and is performed to reach a goal or to overcome the adversary [24].

On the other hand, recreational activities are characterized by being carried out during free time and represent spaces for enjoyment, catharsis, and fun for the individual, promoting the integral development of people through meaningful experiences of non-formal education. They are of personal choice and voluntary participation [25].

Transportation activities cover displacement needs that the individual regularly carries out to different places to carry out other types of activities [26]. The relevance of transportation activities is to identify the degree of physical activity that the person performs for the displacement. When activities are carried out as crew personnel in a medium, then it is considered a work activity.

Energy expenditure (EE) corresponds to the amount of energy consumed per unit of time (minute, hour, day) measured in kilocalories and adjusted for body weight (kilocalories/hour/kg) [19]. The higher the energy demand, the higher the EE value.

The total value of EE depends on three factors: the basal energy expenditure (BEE), which corresponds to the energy necessary for all the metabolic chemical reactions, transportation, heat production, synthesis, and degradation of compounds required for vital functions: cardiac output, pulmonary ventilation, renal filtration, vasoconstriction and vasodilation, activity of the central nervous system and endocrine secretions, protein synthesis, ionic balance, hepatic biochemical processes [27]. The BEE represents between 60 and 70% of the daily energy requirement for most sedentary individuals and about 50% for those who are physically active [28].

BEE can be calculated using equations that consider body weight and height as proposed by Kleiber. BEE (Kcal/day) Men = 71.2 * Weight (Kg)0.75 * [1 + 0.004 * (30 – age (years) +0.010 * (height(cm)/weight(Kg) – 43.4))]. BEE (Kcal/day) Women = 65.8 * Weight(Kg)0.75 * [1 + 0.004 * (30-age(years) + 0.010 (height (cm)/weight(Kg) – 42.1))] [19].

The second determinant of EE corresponds to the thermal effect of food (TEF) that uses energy in the form of ATP to perform digestion after ingestion. Depending on the energy composition of the food, the amount of energy required for its digestion will vary. Proteins need between 15 and 30% of the energy they provide to be digested, carbohydrates between 10 and 15%, while lipids need between 3 and 4%; this includes the storage of macronutrients through glycogen synthesis at the muscular and hepatic level or synthesis of triacylglycerols in adipose tissue [19].

During the digestive process, heat is released, and it is the only involuntary energy that is not included in basal metabolism; it is estimated that between 8 and 10% of the total energy expenditure (TEE) corresponds to the TEF [29].

Energy expenditure through physical activity (EEPA) is the third factor; this includes the energy used by skeletal muscle contraction as a result of performing daily activities such as personal grooming, walking, running, performing a job, or practicing a sport [29].

The level of physical activity is estimated through questionnaires. Currently, determining the level of physical activity in studies that seek to evaluate health risk factors in delimited populations is a priority. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) is one of the most widely used self-response instruments in epidemiological studies. The review by Mantilla-Tolosa & Gómez Conesa concluded that the IPAQ survey is a reliable instrument for adults aged 18 to 65 [30], as well as those over 65 [31] in terms of its psychometric properties, the long version has a reliability of 0.8 (r = 0.81; CI 95%: 0.79–0.82) and the short version of 0.65 (r = 0.76, CI 95%: 0.73–0.77). The short version is a good instrument for studying regional and national physical activity prevalence, while the long version is suggested for more specific studies that require detailed information on physical activity.

Adolescence period. It is during adolescence when the person consolidates the values and behavior norms that will mark their identity and serve as a compass in their social behavior. For this to happen, their successes and achievements need to be recognized as part of the maturation process. The adolescent must know who they are and who they want to become. Otherwise, their decisions will not be firm and permanent [32].

As the adolescent develops, they begin to consider new conditions when choosing a friend, such as having the same concerns, ideals, and sometimes even economic conditions [33]. Adolescents also become more independent, reject family meetings, and seek to meet with their friends to carry out activities together [33].


4. Methodology

This study is approached from a quantitative perspective because the variables are quantifiable and interpreted through statistical measures [34]. It follows a hypothetical-deductive approach as it seeks to test or reject a tentative response to the situation that drives this study [34]. It corresponds to a cross-sectional and descriptive-relational study [34], as it aims to characterize the variables of caloric expenditure, type and time devoted to activities, level of cardiorespiratory fitness (ACR), and BMI, and then examine the association between the first variable and the latter two.

The protocols to assess the variables were approved by the research academy of the Faculty of Education Sciences, and the biosafety committee of the University of Colima; considering them safe, appropriate, and non-invasive.

Population and sample. The population consisted of 15,512 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years who attended high school in the 37 high schools affiliated with the University of Colima [35]. The sample was composed of adolescent students from high school number 34 in the municipality of Cuauhtémoc, Colima, as it was the school that presented the best conditions and availability of students for the study.

The project was presented to the students and their parents in a plenary meeting to communicate the objectives and evaluations that would be obtained from the young participants. Only students who presented both signed letters, voluntary participation and informed consent, were included in the study.

After learning about the project, interested students and parents signed the voluntary participation letter and the informed consent letter, respectively.

Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Fitness (CRF). The assessment of CRF is carried out using the Tecumseh step test protocol [36], which is based on the speed at which heart rate returns to resting values after a specified physical exertion. To properly administer the test, the subject should not have engaged in vigorous physical activity for at least 1 hour prior. Each participant rested for 5 minutes while seated in a chair at a constant temperature of 22°C. The heart rate was recorded using a heart rate monitor (POLAR mod. A300) and a heart rate sensor (POLAR mod. H7) placed on the skin in the midline of the chest at the distal portion of the sternum. For 3 minutes, the participant stepped up and down a 20-cm wooden step at a pace of 96 beats per minute, marked by a metronome, following this sequence: right foot up, left foot up, right foot down, left foot down, completing 72 cycles. The heart rate (HR) was recorded at rest in a seated position immediately after the exercise and 1 minute after exercise in a seated position at rest.

To classify the level of CRF in the evaluated adolescents, reference ranges established in a previous population study with Mexican adolescents were considered [37].

To calculate and classify the body mass index (BMI), height (m) was measured using a portable stadiometer (SECA mod. 213), and body weight (Kg) was measured using a clinical diagnostic scale (Beurer Wellbeing. Model BF 105, manufactured in Germany), following the protocol established by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) [38]. The BMI value was obtained by dividing body weight by the squared height. The obtained value was then classified according to the standards established by the World Health Organization [18].

Methodological Foundations of the Habitual Activities and Occupations Recall (HAOR). The Habitual Activities and Occupations Recall (HAOR) is an instrument designed and applied in the adolescent population of Colima since 2016, and it has been gradually modified to adjust to the behaviors of high school students. The purposes of the HAOR are to establish the time that adolescents devote to each of the activities or occupations in their daily life, which are grouped into six categories: domestic, transportation/travel, work-related, school-related, sports, and recreational activities. Secondly, it aims to estimate the energy expenditure (Kcal) that an adolescent engages in throughout each day of the week.

The HAOR consists of 5 pages containing a matrix with 7 columns corresponding to each day of the week, arranged in a sequence from Monday to Sunday, with enough rows to record 24 hours of activities in 15-minute intervals from 00:00 hrs to 23:45. On the right side of the registration matrix, there is a menu with 81 options of activities and occupations, each assigned a number. The activities and occupations are grouped into domestic, school-related, work-related, sports, recreational, and transportation activities.

Based on the premise that the students should record what they usually do each day of the week at the corresponding time, they choose the number corresponding to the activity and record it in the space for the designated time and day.

If the activity they perform is not listed in the menu, there is a space on the last page of the recall where the adolescent can write the name of the activity and provide a brief description of it. They assign the next progressive number after 81 and record it in the time and day spaces of the recall. When reviewing their responses, the evaluator determines the classification corresponding to the activity and identifies an equivalent activity in the menu to calculate its energy cost.

To estimate the energy expenditure involved in performing habitual activities and occupations, the standardized value per minute and per kilogram of body weight for these activities published by Katch et al. [39] was considered.

HAOR Application Process. A classroom within the high school facilities was assigned for the HAOR application. In groups of 20 participants, the purpose and manner of data registration in the registration matrix were explained and exemplified, with an emphasis on recording the activities or occupations they regularly engage in. No maximum or minimum time was set for responding to the HAOR. During the application, the students were assisted by six support personnel who had received prior training to address their doubts.

Data Analysis Procedure. The data from the HAOR were entered into individual records in an automated spreadsheet (Quattro-Pro 10 for Windows) to calculate the percentage of time devoted to each type of activity, as well as the estimated total energy expenditure and energy expenditure per day of the week, in addition to the total energy expenditure (GET) to basal energy expenditure (BEE) ratio for each day of the week.

To assess the normality of the distributions obtained for each variable, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used. For comparing means with normal distributions, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and the Tamhane contrast test were conducted. For comparing means between different groups in the sample with non-normal distributions, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. The analysis of variance of two-way Friedman test was used for comparing means of repeated measures. Significance was set at p < 0.05.


5. Results

Sixty-five students fully and appropriately completed the RAOH, with 38 females (F) and 27 males (M), with an average age of 17 (±1.9) years [F: 17.1 (±1.1), M: 16.8 (±1.5)]; height: 163.4 (±9.0) cm, [F: 157.5 (±5.0) cm, M: 171.8 (±6.0) cm]; body weight: 64.0 (±15.9) kg, [F: 58.1 (±13.1) kg, M: 71.3 (±16.4) kg]; and BMI: 23.8 (±5.1) [M: 24.0 (±5.1), F: 23.8 (±5.7)]. Four of these participants declined to participate in the measurements of body weight and height, so their BMI was not obtained, and two other participants declined to undergo the CRF assessment.

Based on the records obtained from this sample, the percentage distribution of adolescents’ time within a 24-hour period was as follows, from highest to lowest: sleep 37.3% (±9.1); domestic activities 24.7% (±13.2); school activities 19.1% (±12.6); transportation 10.6% (±8.1); sports activities 3.4% (±5.3); leisure activities 3.6% (±6.8); and work-related activities 1.5% (±5.9). These values include both males and females (Table 1).

Sleep34.8 ± 6.134.7 ± 6.435.0 ± 6.834.7 ± 6.535.7 ± 6.442.1 ± 9.743.2 ± 11.5
Domestic21.6 ± 8.320.9 ± 8.721.9 ± 8.720.8 ± 8.420.8 ± 7.734.3 ± 14.736.3 ± 16.6
Work-related0.7 ± 3.90.8 ± 4.00.7 ± 3.90.9 ± 4.00.8 ± 3.91.8 ± 8.01.3 ± 7.4
Transportation11.4 ± 5.311.8 ± 5.511.2 ± 5.211.7 ± 5.211.1 ± 5.17.3 ± 8.06.6 ± 9.5
School26.3 ± 6.626.0 ± 6.826.0 ± 6.626.0 ± 7.026.2 ± 6.96.4 ± 9.54.9 ± 9.1
Sports3.7 ± 5.44.0 ± 5.13.7 ± 5.54.0 ± 5.03.5 ± 5.64.0 ± 6.42.9 ± 5.4
Leisure1.4 ± 2.91.8 ± 3.21.4 ± 2.81.8 ± 3.51.7 ± 3.73.3 ± 6.15.4 ± 8.7

Table 1.

Percentage values of time allocated to sleep and different types of activities performed by evaluated adolescents (males and females) on each day of the week.

: different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (p < 0.001).

: different from Wednesday and Thursday. (p = 0.028).

Mo: Monday; Tu: Tuesday; We: Wednesday; Th: Thursday; Fr: Friday; Sa: Saturday; Su: Sunday.

ANOVA test, significance: p < 0.05. Tamhane’s contrast test for heterogeneous variances.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [40], a person requires 8 hours of sleep per day for healthy rest, which corresponds to 33.3% of a 24-hour day. The sample of adolescents showed average sleep times higher than the recommended amount on weekdays and weekends. It should be noted that these adolescents attend school in the afternoon.

Domestic activities occupied more time during the weekend compared to the Monday to Friday period, whereas the time devoted to transportation activities was significantly lower on weekends compared to weekdays. School-related activities were allocated time throughout the week, but they took up more time on weekdays compared to weekends, while the time spent on school activities during the weekend focused on homework. It can be established that the time allocated to domestic activities depends on the need to attend to school activities, which are predominant in adolescents’ occupations (Table 1).

In descending order, sports, leisure, and work-related activities received the least amount of time and did not show significant variations on any of the weekdays (Table 1).

To distinguish the distribution of time per activity type between women and men, the percentage of time allocated by each gender was calculated by separating the sample by sex (Tables 2 and 3).

Sleep35.3 ± 6.034.2 ± 6.335.6 ± 6.933.9 ± 6.435.1 ± 6.441.4 ± 9.941.0 ± 8.4
Domestic23.5 ± 7.823.1 ± 8.324.3 ± 8.223.1 ± 7.923.2 ± 7.237.7 ± 13.839.7 ± 15.8
Transportation10.9 ± 5.011.8 ± 5.810.6 ± 5.011.7 ± 5.310.8 ± 4.96.6 ± 7.56.1 ± 7.8
Work1.0 ± 4.01.0 ± 3.91.0 ± 3.91.0 ± 3.91.0 ± 3.90.0 ± 0.20.0 ± 0.0
School25.5 ± 7.024.6 ± 6.424.4 ± 6.224.7 ± 6.625.6 ± 6.86.2 ± 7.66.0 ± 9.2
Sports2.4 ± 4.63.6 ± 4.72.7 ± 5.13.6 ± 4.62.8 ± 5.53.8 ± 6.82.5 ± 4.6
Leisure1.6 ± 3.42.1 ± 3.81.6 ± 3.02.4 ± 4.11.8 ± 3.83.6 ± 5.75.6 ± 8.5

Table 2.

Percentage values of time allocated to sleep and different types of activities carried out by female adolescents on each day of the week.

different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (p < 0.05).

different from Tuesday and Thursday (p < 0.05).

Mo: Monday; Tu: Tuesday; We: Wednesday; Th: Thursday; Fr: Friday; Sa: Saturday; Su: Sunday.

ANOVA test, significance: p < 0.05. Tamhane’s contrast test for non-homogeneous variances.

Sleep34.1 ± 6.334.5 ± 6.734.2 ± 6.935.7 ± 6.736.5 ± 6.443.2 ± 9.546.3 ± 14.4
Domestic18.8 ± 8.317.7 ± 8.218.4 ± 8.217.6 ± 8.117.5 ± 7.129.7 ± 15.031.4 ± 17.0
Transportation12.2 ± 5.811.8 ± 5.012.0 ± 5.411.8 ± 5.111.5 ± 5.58.4 ± 8.97.3 ± 11.6
Work1.0 ± 3.81.0 ± 4.01.0 ± 3.81.2 ± 4.11.1 ± 4.04.2 ± 12.13.0 ± 11.3
School27.4 ± 8.028.0 ± 6.928.2 ± 6.527.8 ± 7.227.1 ± 7.16.7 ± 11.83.5 ± 8.9
Sports5.6 ± 6.04.6 ± 5.75.0 ± 5.94.8 ± 5.64.4 ± 5.74.3 ± 6.03.3 ± 6.3
Leisure1.0 ± 2.01.4 ± 2.21.2 ± 2.51.0 ± 2.01.7 ± 3.63.0 ± 6.75.0 ± 9.1

Table 3.

Percentage values of time devoted to sleep and different types of activities performed by male adolescents on each day of the week.

different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (p < 0.05).

different from Thursday and Friday (p < 0.05).

different from Friday (p < 0.05).

different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (p < 0.05).

Mo: Monday; Tu: Tuesday; We: Wednesday; Th: Thursday; Fr: Friday; Sa: Saturday; Su: Sunday.

ANOVA test, significance: p < 0.05. Tamhane’s contrast test for non-homogeneous variances.

The percentage of time dedicated to sleep in women varied significantly between weekends and weekdays; according to the results, women spend more time sleeping on Saturdays and Sundays compared to the rest of the week. Table 2 shows that sleep time during the week does not exceed 36%, while it reaches 41% on weekends.

During weekdays, school activities occupy the most time for women, followed by domestic activities, and transportation in third place. On weekends, domestic activities take up the most time, displacing school activities to second place with a similar percentage value as transportation activities (Table 2).

Women are characterized by sleeping more on weekends and taking care of domestic activities. On weekdays, they sleep less and allocate more time to school-related and transportation activities. They also spend little time on sports and leisure activities on any given day of the week, and work activities account for barely a percentage point on average (Table 2).

Like women, men allocate more time to sleep on Saturday and Sunday, surpassing 43% compared to the period from Monday to Friday, which does not exceed 36% of total time (Table 3).

Men showed the same behavior as women regarding domestic and school activities. They spend more time on domestic activities during the weekend, while school activities occupy more time during the weekdays. However, unlike women, the time spent on transportation is not significantly different between weekdays and weekends (Table 3). This could indicate that men engage in more activities outside the home during the weekend than women.

Although the average time devoted to sports activities is slightly higher in men than in women, it does not exceed 6% of the total daily time. Men allocate the least amount of time to work and leisure activities. The results show that although the time spent on work activities increases during the weekend, it is not significantly different from weekdays (Monday to Friday) (Table 3).

The results obtained from the estimation of Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) showed that men had significantly lower values on Saturdays and Sundays compared to Mondays and Wednesdays. This corresponds to the previous mention that men sleep more on Saturdays and Sundays. On the other hand, women did not show significant variations in TEE throughout the week. This indicates that although women also sleep more on weekends, unlike men, the activities they engage in over the weekend require the same energy expenditure as any other day from Monday to Friday (Table 4).

TEE1549 ± 3241592 ± 3071564 ± 4061587 ± 3051582 ± 3711516 ± 3851463 ± 339
TEE/BEE1.09 ± 0.161.13 ± 0.171.10 ± 0.221.12 ± 0.171.12 ± 0.221.07 ± 0.221.03 ± 0.18
TEE2384 ± 6992287 ± 6092386 ± 7242293 ± 6312292 ± 6402059 ± 6721952 ± 771
TEE/BEE1.31 ± 0.311.26 ± 0.271.31 ± 0.331.26 ± 0.281.24 ± 0.301.14 ± 0.371.11 ± 0.38

Table 4.

Estimated values of Total energy expenditure (TEE) and the ratio of Total energy expenditure to basal energy expenditure (TEE / BEE) in male and female adolescents.

different from Monday and Wednesday (p = 0.003).

Mo: Monday; Tu: Tuesday; We: Wednesday; Th: Thursday; Fr: Friday; Sa: Saturday; Su: Sunday.

One-way ANOVA test. Significance: p < 0.05.

The values obtained for the TEE/Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) ratio showed a significant decrease on Sundays in men, confirming that the decrease in TEE is due to less physical activity. In women, the TEE/BEE ratio does not show significant variations, confirming that women maintain the same level of energy expenditure through physical activity throughout the week (Table 4).

The average values of the TEE/BEE ratio for each BMI category and day of the week did not show significant differences. Additionally, there were no significant differences between the different days of the week within each BMI category (Table 5).

BMI Categories
Monday1.1 ± 0.121.2 ± 0.271.3 ± 0.351.1 ± 0.150.632
Tuesday1.1 ± 0.141.2 ± 0.211.3 ± 0.321.1 ± 0.180.788
Wednesday1.1. ± 0.141.2 ± 0.261.4 ± 0.441.1 ± 0.170.659
Thursday1.1 ± 0.131.2 ± 0.211.2 ± 0.341.1 ± 0.200.668
Friday1.1 ± 0.061.2 ± 0.231.3 ± 0.431.1 ± 0.110.440
Saturday1.0 ± 0.161.1 ± 0.301.0 ± 0.181.1 ± 0.240.418
Sunday1.0 ± 0.171.0 ± 0.290.9 ± 0.161.0 ± 0.180.273

Table 5.

Values of the TEE/BEE ratio grouped according to BMI categories for men and women.

Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples.

Two-way Friedman analysis of variance.

Four participants did not undergo weight and height assessment significance: p < 0.05.

On the other hand, the values of time allocated to domestic activities, grouped according to BMI categories, did not show significant differences between the groups on any of the days of the week (p > 0.05). However, significant differences were observed within all BMI categories. Regardless of BMI value, domestic activities occupy more time on Saturdays and Sundays.

No significant differences were detected with respect to the percentage of time spent performing domestic activities between the BMI categories on any of the days of the week (p > 0.05); although there are significant differences within all BMI categories. Showing that regardless of the BMI value, domestic activities take up more time on Saturday and Sunday (Table 6).

BMI Categories
Monday20.0 ± 5.621.8 ± 8.219.5 ± 5.225.9 ± 12.10.58
Tuesday21.3 ± 8.220.8 ± 8.118.4 ± 6.724.6 ± 12.70.713
Wednesday21.7 ± 7.821.9 ± 8.317.7 ± 6.627.5 ± 11.30.101
Thursday20.0 ± 5.320.8 ± 8.419.7 ± 7.423.9 ± 11.60.944
Friday20.4 ± 6.221.0 ± 7.318.9 ± 6.724.0 ± 10.90.618
Saturday37.6 ± 17.536.6 ± 14.931.9 ± 12.734.0 ± 10.20.771
Sunday44.1 ± 18.036.7 ± 16.936.1 ± 13.0†,37.1 ± 12.80.661

Table 6.

Values of the percentage of time allocated to performing domestic activities grouped by BMI categories.

, p = 0.037; Different from Tuesday;

p < 0.001, different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday;

p < 0.01, different from Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

p < 0.05, different from Wednesday;

p < 0.05, different from Thursday and Friday.

Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples.

Two-way Friedman analysis of variance.

Four participants did not undergo weight and height assessment.

Significance: p < 0.05.

Similarly, the average values of time allocated to transportation activities for each BMI category did not show significant differences on any day of the week. Only within the “Normal Weight” category, the time allocated to transportation during the weekend was significantly lower than on other days (p < 0.001).

The time allocated to school activities was also similar across BMI categories on each day of the week, but within the categories, except for “Underweight,” there was a significant decrease in time during the weekend (p < 0.001).

Regarding the time allocated to sleep among BMI categories, no differences were detected. However, within all categories, adolescents slept more on Saturdays and Sundays than on any day from Monday to Friday (Table 7).

BMI categories
Monday34.7 ± 3.234.8 ± 5.534.6 ± 7.135.3 ± 9.30.803
Tuesday34.7 ± 2.935.2 ± 6.334.3 ± 8.234.2 ± 8.20.968
Wednesday35.6 ± 2.335.5 ± 5.833.2 ± 9.635.2 ± 9.30.860
Thursday34.3 ± 3.735.1 ± 6.635.5 ± 7.233.0 ± 8.20.833
Friday35.3 ± 2.736.3 ± 5.635.0 ± 8.735.7 ± 4.50.937
Saturday40.9 ± 6.941.3 ± 10.745.3 ± 10.042.2 ± 10.30.670
Sunday39.6 ± 4.842.7 ± 14.049.1 ± 12.042.3 ± 6.00.299

Table 7.

Values of the percentage of time allocated to sleep, grouped according to BMI categories.

p < 0.05; different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

p < 0.05; different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples.

Two-way Friedman analysis of variance.

Four participants did not undergo weight and height assessment.

Significance: p < 0.05.

Regarding sports activities, statistical analyses between BMI categories, as well as within each category, did not show significant differences (p > 0.05). This means that the time allocated to sports activities did not have a significant effect on BMI.

No significant differences were detected between BMI categories in leisure and work activities (p > 0.05), nor within these categories (p > 0.05). The time allocated to these types of activities was minimal in the entire sample studied.

On the other hand, when comparing the average values of the TEE/BEE ratio grouped according to the level of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) categories, a significantly higher energy expenditure value was observed in the “Very Good” category compared to the “Regular” category on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and compared to the “Low” category on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Additionally, the TEE/BEE ratio value in the “Good” category was significantly higher than in the “Regular” category on Wednesdays. These findings indicate that an increase in energy expenditure for daily activities and occupations benefits the level of CRF (Table 8).

DaysPoorLowRegularGoodVery goodExcellentp+
Monday1.1 ± .21.1 Ƚ ± .11.1* ± .31.4 ± .21.4 ± .31.2 ± .4.008
Tuesday1.2 ± .21.1* ± .11.1 ± .21.4 ± .41.4 ± .21.2 ± .3.018
Wednesday1.1 ± .21.1 Ƚ ± .11.1 ± .31.5 ± .41.4 ± .41.2 ± .4.026
Thursday1.2 ± .31.1* ± .11.1* ± .21.4 ± .41.4 ± .21.2 ± .3.006
Friday1.1 ± .11.1 ± .2*1.1 ± .1*1.5 ± .41.4 ± .31.2 ± .4.012
Saturday1.1 ± .21.1 ± .31.1 ± .31.2 ± .51.1 ± .31.1 ± .1.956
Sunday1.0 ± .21.0 ± .21.1 ± .31.2 ± .51.1 ± .31.0 ± .1.871

Table 8.

Values of the TEE/BEE ratio grouped according to CRF categories.

Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples.

Two-way Friedman analysis of variance.

different from the Good category.

different from the Very Good category.

different from Sunday.

Two participants did not undergo CRF assessment.

Significance: p < 0.05.

Only two participants showed a CRF level classified as “Excellent,” which affected the statistical calculations to determine if this category also exhibits the same trend of increased CRF with increasing values of the TEE/BEE ratio observed in the “Good” and “Very Good” categories.

In all CRF level categories, Sunday had the lowest energy expenditure, although the average TEE/BEE ratio value on this day was not always significantly different from the other days of the week within the same CRF category (Table 8).

The statistical analysis indicated that Mondays and Wednesdays had significantly higher TEE/BEE values than Sundays within the “Low” category. On the other hand, within the “Very Good” category, Thursdays had a significantly higher value than Sundays (Table 8).

The time allocated to household activities was significantly higher on Wednesdays in the “Low” category compared to the same day in the “Regular,” “Good,” and “Very Good” categories (p = 0.022). Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays also showed higher values in the “Poor” and “Low” categories compared to the other categories, but they did not reach statistical significance. These trends may indicate that higher time spent on household activities is associated with lower CRF levels (Table 9).

DaysPoorLowRegularGoodVery goodExcellentp+
Monday21.8 ± 11.725.5 ± 8.819.6 ± 6.118.5 ± 6.217.9 ± 6.416.1 ± 4.20.062
Tuesday21.5 ± 11.624.2 ± 8.919.1 ± 8.217.5 ± 7.017.1 ± 6.621.3 ± 9.00.086
Wednesday23.2 ± 10.325.9 ± 9.019.9* ± 7.916.7* ± 6.718.1* ± 7.417.0 ± 3.00.022
Thursday23.1 ± 10.323.7 ± 8.718.7 ± 6.518.9 ± 8.316.4 ± 7.421.3 ± 9.00.185
Friday20.5 ± 10.324.4 ± 7.219.5 ± 6.517.4 ± 7.217.4 ± 7.817.0 ± 3.00.086
Saturday36.7 ± 10.738.9 ± 13.230.2 ± 13.431.8 ± 16.830.1 ± 17.149.3 ± 18.20.417
Sunday37.2 ± 15.041.6 ± 13.036.01 ± 6.732.6 ± 18.627.3 ± 15.759.3 ± 16.00.098

Table 9.

Percentage of time allocated to household activities in women and men, grouped according to CRF categories.

different from the Low category (p < 0.05).

different from Monday, Tuesday, and Friday (p < 0.05).

different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (p < 0.05).

different from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday (p < 0.05).

different from Wednesday (p = 0.030).

Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples.

Two-way Friedman analysis of variance.

Two participants did not undergo CRF assessment.

Significance: p < 0.05.

On the other hand, within each CRF category, except for “Very Good” and “Excellent” significantly more time was allocated to household activities on Saturdays and Sundays (p < 0.05) (Table 9).

The average time allocated to transportation was not significantly different among the CRF categories (p > 0.05), although the “Poor” category had the highest average values from Monday to Friday. Sundays and Saturdays showed lower values in transportation activities across all CRF categories.

Regarding the time allocated to school activities, no significant differences were found among the CRF categories. Within each CRF category, less time was allocated to school activities on Saturdays and Sundays compared to the weekdays (p < 0.05) (Table 10).

DaysPoorLowRegularGoodVery goodExcellentp+
Monday1.5 ± 2.62.5 ± 3.52.4 ± 5.27.8 ± 8.07.5 ± 6.55.3 ± 7.50.051
Tuesday3.0 ± 4.22.6 ± 3.12.7 ± 3.77.8 ± 8.87.1 ± 6.55.3 ± 7.50.324
Wednesday1.4 ± 2.42.1 ± 2.92.2 ± 5.011.0*±7.76.4 ± 6.75.3 ± 7.50.012
Thursday2.2 ± 3.93.1 ± 3.11.7 ± 2.37.9 ± 8.88.0 ± 5.95.3 ± 7.50.056
Friday0 02.2 ± 4.11.6 ± 2.410.2*±8.67.1* ± 6.85.3 ± 7.50.006
Saturday9.1 ± 12.72.2 ± 3.44.3 ± 5.31.8 ± 3.35.3 ± 7.39.1 ± 12.90.503
Sunday3.2 ± 5.91.2 ± 3.04.4 ± 6.91.8 ± 2.63.4 ± 6.95.3 ± 7.60.631

Table 10.

Values of the percentage of time allocated to sports activities, grouped according to CRF categories.

different from poor, low, and regular (p < 0.05).

Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples.

Two-way Friedman analysis of variance.

Two participants did not undergo CRF assessment.

Significance: p < 0.05.

Although the time dedicated to sports activities was low in the adolescent sample, a significantly higher value was observed in the “Good” category compared to the “Poor,” “Low,” and “Regular” categories on Wednesdays and Fridays. The “Very Good” category also showed a higher value than the “Poor,” “Low,” and “Regular” categories on Fridays (Table 10).

This indicates that adolescents who dedicate some weekly time to sports activities during the week show better CRF levels. It should be noted that the differences in time between CRF categories on Mondays and Thursdays did not reach statistical significance marginally, but there is a clear trend that higher time allocated to sports activities is associated with higher CRF levels.

No significant differences were found within each category across the days of the week (Table 10).

Finally, the time allocated to sleep was not different among the CRF categories, although Saturdays and Sundays showed significantly higher values (p < 0.01) compared to the weekdays in the Low, Regular, and Very Good categories.

The time allocated to work and leisure activities did not show significant differences among the categories or within each category across the weekdays.


6. Discussion

The first point to highlight from this study is that in this sample of adolescents, both men and women sleep the appropriate amount of time, which corresponds to 8 hours a day. Furthermore, this time significantly increased on Saturdays and Sundays compared to the weekdays. Even though their school schedule corresponds to the afternoon shift, this increase in sleep hours aligns with non-school days.

There is interesting evidence regarding sleep duration in other populations. A study conducted by Sun et al. [41] in Chinese children and adolescents evaluated the effects of the difference in sleep duration between weekends and weekdays (Monday to Friday). The results showed that a greater difference in bedtime and sleep duration between these two periods was significantly associated with poor academic performance, depressive symptoms, overweight and obesity, as well as an increased risk of using psychotropic substances.

Extreme differences in sleep duration during these two periods increase the risk of behavioral problems and suicide. This opens up new possibilities for research to determine if the findings by Sun’s team are replicated among adolescents in Colima.

After sleep, school and domestic activities were the ones that adolescents in this sample allocated the most time to, regardless of gender. School-related activities ranked second after sleep, and domestic activities ranked slightly below school activities from Monday to Friday.

In contrast, on Saturdays and Sundays, domestic activities moved to the second position, while school-related activities decreased substantially. These results indicate behavior in line with the demands of academic activities, which are the ones that make a difference in how adolescents allocate their time during the school period. On the other hand, adolescents take care of household maintenance and cleaning during the weekend.

Transportation activities represented a group that received a relatively large amount of time allocation during the weekdays, which would be related to the need to attend school and other related activities. During the weekend, this type of activity decreased significantly, which, combined with the increase in domestic activities, suggests that adolescents spend a prolonged amount of time at home.

In the studied sample, both males and females allocated little time to work, sports, and leisure activities. This indicates that they do not need to work to obtain economic resources and can dedicate a significant portion of their time to school and home. Specifically, males showed a tendency to increase the time spent on work, sports, and leisure activities during the weekend, although it did not reach statistical significance compared to the weekdays. Women also showed the same trend, but only in sports and leisure activities, as work-related activities recorded average values of zero.

It is necessary to consider that in Mexico, sports activities are regularly practiced by a very small segment of the population. In their report, García and Fonseca [42] found that although public and private universities in Mexico offer a wide range of options for sports practice, with increasingly well-trained coaches, and some institutions even provide free medical, nutritional, and psychological services, only a small proportion of adolescent and young students permanently join sports clubs. The evidence from our study and the results from other reports show that sports practice is not among the preferences of the majority of adolescents.

Regarding energy expenditure, the TEE/BEE ratio allows us to observe energy expenditure in units of basal energy expenditure, enabling comparisons between groups and weekdays. This value remained unchanged throughout the weekdays in females, while in males, Mondays and Wednesdays had the highest energy expenditure due to physical activity, meaning that on at least 2 days of the week, energy expenditure increased significantly.

This corresponds to reports from Mexican national health and nutrition surveys (ENSANUT) from 2006 [5], 2012 [8], and 2018 [9], as well as a study conducted on the Spanish population by Oviedo et al. [43], which have shown more pronounced sedentary behaviors in females. However, even so, males still fail to meet the minimum recommended levels of physical activity by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The TEE/BEE ratio did not show a significant association with BMI, but it did with CRF. A higher value of the TEE/BEE ratio was associated with a higher level of CRF. The reduced sample size in the highest CRF category had a determining influence on not detecting statistically significant differences with the lower categories. However, there is evidence that engaging in physical activities, even if they are not predominantly sports-related, will have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

BMI is an indicator widely used in epidemiological studies to assess overweight and obesity. However, it does not discriminate between adipose and lean mass. During adolescence, there is a noticeable increase in muscle mass, which is a factor that could affect the representativeness of BMI in adolescents.

In Mexico, adolescents aged 15 to 18 years enter high school after completing basic education. The 2017 reform of the high school curriculum (RIEMS) is based on a competency-based model that includes the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote decision-making by students [44]. The high school curriculum is structured around generic competencies, disciplinary competencies, and professional competencies. Within the generic competencies, there is a section on self-determination and self-care, which states that adolescents should acquire the ability to choose and practice a healthy lifestyle in their daily lives. The first attribute established for this lifestyle is that adolescents accept physical activity as a means for their physical, mental, and social development, while the second attribute mentions that adolescents should be able to recognize harmful habits and risky behaviors to avoid them [45].

Unfortunately, these two attributes do not seem to have been realized in the habitual behaviors of adolescents to date. We believe that a major impediment is that the current general curriculum did not include a specific curricular space for the didactic approach to the development of healthy lifestyle habits, including physical exercise and nutrition.

It is very necessary to establish a dynamic physical activity education system that can motivate the majority of the adolescent population to engage in various options of physical activity, whether they are sports-related, artistic, or recreational. This would represent substantial support in reducing the sedentary lifestyle that young people experience and that shapes their habits throughout their lives.

In our opinion, a physical activity system goes beyond sports promotion or the organization of tournaments or sports events, which are often already carried out in schools or by government sports institutes or state universities. These actions largely focus on sports performance and the identification of sports talents, which have an exclusive nature toward the majority of the population.

The results of this study indicate that in adolescents, the distribution of time is subject to the demands of school activities. We believe that this is evidence that Mexican society and adolescents value formal education. This space can be the starting point for the establishment of a tentative physical education system that gradually extends to different aspects of young people’s daily lives, beyond school, such as the home, which is the second place where young people spend time engaging in various activities.

To achieve this goal, it is crucial that the curriculum explicitly includes a specific space for physical education with at least three weekly sessions since frequency develops habits. Secondly, it is necessary to structure programmatic content that provides knowledge and skills to students to implement their own strategies for individual and collective physical exercise. Additionally, adolescents should learn motor games, dances, circuits of motor skills, proper warm-up exercises, stretching exercises, how to interpret their heart rate, and which exercises should be avoided due to hygiene reasons.

Unfortunately, the government programs implemented to promote physical activity in the entire population are focused either on the clinical-functional vision of fitness or on formal sports practice, which, as discussed, no longer attract young people.

García Cantó, Rodríguez García, Valverde Pujante, Sánchez López, & López Miñarro in their research report argue that sports activity programs exclude young people and children who are not attracted to competitive sports, favoring the gradual adoption of passive activities during their free time [46].

Furthermore, from a gender perspective, It is necessary to consider the preferences of women regarding the promotion of physical and sports activities, as they are the ones most affected by sedentary behavior [46].

Focusing on the adolescent population, it has been observed that during the economic crisis period experienced in Argentina at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the majority of adolescents extended their school life due to the lack of employment opportunities. On the other hand, those who already had paid employment when the crisis period began tended to increase their working hours up to 35 hours per week [47].

Conversely, during the period of economic prosperity or recovery that Argentina experienced at the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, adolescents preferred to engage in work activities, especially in the middle and upper classes. Although working hours decreased, jobs with up to 15 hours per week increased by 45.4% during this period.

This demonstrates that the economic situation is a determining factor that significantly modifies the distribution of time concerning the types of activities and occupations.

In future analyses of activities and habits, it is worth considering the consumption of tobacco and alcohol to assess their influence on the time devoted to sports, work, household chores, school, leisure, and sleep.


7. Conclusions

Adolescents attending high school in Colima are not affected by a reduction in sleep hours, which is favorable for maintaining good physical and mental health. On the other hand, they allocate few hours to paid work, while school and household activities receive the most time in their daily lives.

It is noteworthy that little time is dedicated to sports activities, and it is observed that those who spend more time on these activities maintain better cardiorespiratory fitness, which is a crucial factor in preventing coronary and metabolic diseases.

The high school curriculum needs to be revised as it does not present a clear didactic pedagogical approach to the development of healthy lifestyles among adolescents. Additionally, ludic and non-competitive programs should be implemented by institutes and universities to attract adolescents to engage in physical exercise.



We extend our gratitude to all academic and administrative staff of the Technical High School No. 34 of the University of Colima for the facilities and support for the development of the project as well as all the students and parents participating in this study for their trust and support.


Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Notes/thanks/other declarations

We acknowledge the valuable support provided by Karelly Monserrat Hernández Messina, Netzi María Romero Hernández, Héctor David Araujo Beltrán, and Luis Fernando Muñiz Ramirez for the correct application of the Habitual Activities and Occupations Recall.


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Written By

Eduardo Gómez-Gómez, Ana Lilia Pérez-Huitimea and Isela Guadalupe Torres-Ruelas

Submitted: 21 June 2023 Reviewed: 09 September 2023 Published: 14 December 2023