Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Generalised Z-Entropy (Gze) and Fractal Dimensions (FDs)

Written By

Ashiq Hussain Bhat and Ismail A. Mageed

Submitted: 29 April 2023 Reviewed: 29 April 2023 Published: 14 July 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001872

From the Edited Volume

Fractal Analysis - Applications and Updates

Sid-Ali Ouadfeul

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In this chapter, we explore the relationship between FD, a statistical measure that gauges the complexity of a given pattern embedded in a certain set of spatial dimensions, and GZe. To interpret the behaviour of the derived (Gze) fractal dimension matching to its parameters, numerical tests are conducted. The broadest generalisation in the literature is reported in this chapter. More potentially, chapter explores the relationship between fractal dimension, which measures the complexity of a pattern in space, and Gze, the ultimate entropy in the literature. The chapter also integrates information theory with fractal geometry, and numerical experiments are conducted to interpret the behaviour of the derived Gze fractal dimension. This work is considered the ultimate generalisation in the literature.


  • shannon’s entropy
  • FD (fractal dimension)
  • fractal geometry
  • GZe
  • scaling factor

1. Introduction

Claude Shannon defined the entropy H for a discrete random variable X in 1948 [1]; as given by


Here pxi serves as the ith-event probability. There are two mathematical concepts: entropy and fractal dimension. Entropy measures the information in a distribution, while FD measures a spatial pattern’s complexity in space and how it fills the available space. The idea of using fractional calculus to measure FDs has been around for a long time, but it became popular thanks to Benoit Mandelbrot’s work on fractional dimensions in 1967 [2].

A coastline’s FD [2] can be measured more fundamentally. The idea came from a prior work by Lewis Fry Richardson, who noted that the measured length of a coastal line varies depending on the length of the measuring stick. The number of sticks used to measure the shoreline and the scale of the stick used to determine FD.

The complexity of patterns [3]; in different spatial dimensions can be investigated using a statistical index called the fractal dimension. In this framework, several formal mathematical definitions of fractal dimension exist. There are two formulas that use the number of sticks used to cover the coastline (N), the scaling factor (ϵ), and the fractal dimension (D) to determine the fractal dimension of a given pattern.


Let us see this example. To replicate what Richardson examined, we use Google Earth satellite pictures and GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Programme) to create a map and rigid sticks [4]; Figure 1 depicts the similar approach for a section of the Grand Canyon. The Google Earth ruler tool is used to determine the reference length. The rulers for 6 km, 3 km, and 1 km can be found in the left-upper panel. We use a 6 km reference length to calculate the fractal dimension. We can see in the left-lower panel that we need roughly 13 stiff sticks, each one-half the reference length long, to follow the rim of this section of the canyon. The table shows the fractal dimension for various numbers of sticks at different lengths.

Figure 1.

Google earth satellite images and GNU image manipulation program of a part of grand canyon, Arizona.

The reference length of 6 km is established using Google Earth’s ruler tool by employing rigid sticks in chase of the Canyon’s rim. The number of sticks needed (N) depends on their length, with shorter sticks requiring more images. The fractal dimension of the rim is given in Table 1.


Table 1.

Fractal dimension of a canyon’s rim.

Table 1 describes a method for experimentally determining the fractal dimension of a canyon’s rim. This explains the concept of discrete uniform distribution in probability, using the example of throwing a die with six faces and the probability of obtaining a given score. In Figure 2 below, the significant impact of N on ϵ is illustrated. More interestingly, Figure 3 provides strong supporting evidence of the impact of FD on ε (the scaling factor). Clearly, by looking at Figure 2, we can see that the scaling factor decreases with a very heavy tailed trend by the increase of N, whereas, in Figure 3, the portrayed data shows that both ε (the scaling factor) and FD are decreasing at the same time.

Figure 2.

An illustrative data portrait of how N impacts ϵ.

Figure 3.

An illustrative data portrait of how FD impacts ϵ.

The current chapter road map is: The existent literature on entropic derivation of fractal dimension is overviewed in Section 2. Section 3 mainly deals with the derivation of the new results and provides numerical portrait which clearly supports the strong evidence of the significant impact of the GZe’s parameters on the behaviour of Gze’s FD. Section 4 is devoted to conclusion and future work.


2. Materials and methods

Various generalised entropy measures have been developed by various authors in the last few decades. Bhat and Baig [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; also developed various generalised entropy measures to the literature of information theory. For the equiprobable distribution’s assumption, we have used the definition of Shannon entropy [1]; Rényi entropy [12, 13]; Tsallis entropy [14]; and Kaniadakis entropy [15]; to obtain our revolutionary derivations. The Shannonian FD [4]; is given by:


The Rényian FD for q0.5,1, is defined in the following manner [13].


The Tsallisian FD for q0.5,1, is defined in the following manner [4].


The Kaniadakisian FD [8]; with k to serve as the entropic index is determined by:


The behaviour of these generalised dimensions when their indices are varied can be seen. The case of the Koch snowflake N=4 and ϵ=13, was proposed in Figure 3 to determine the corresponding fractal dimension to each entropy. It is observed from Figure 3, that Tsallis generalised statistics seem to be the natural frame for studying fractal systems.


3. Results and discussion

The proposed Generalised Z-Entropy (Gze), [16]; is a non-extensive entropy functional defined by:


where c is a positive constant, 1>q>0.5,a>0,bRorb>0,aRwithab.

The following proposition is of great importance as it solidifies our choice of using the proposed GZE in our study.

Preposition 3.1: (c.f., P. Tempesta, [16])

  1. The Z0,0is the Rényian entropy.

  2. The Z1,0is the Tsallisian entropy.

  3. The Zk,kis theZk,q= k-entropy, namely Kaniadakis entropy.

  4. The Za,0isSharma–Mittal entropy [17]

    Z0,0,q1is Shannonsentropy.

Consequently, Za,b – entropy is ultimately most available entropies in the literature.

Theorem 3.2: In the case of equiprobable distribution, the GZE fractal dimension, Da,b is devised by.


Provided that, 1>q>0.5,a>1,bRorb>0,aRwithab.


It can be seen that:


as claimed (c.f., (9)).

Corollary 3.3: The GZE fractal dimension, DZa,b satisfies the following:

  1. lima0,b0DZa,b=DR

  2. limq1lima0,b0DZa,b=Ds

  3. lima1,b0DZa,b=DT

  4. limak,bkDZa,b=DK

  5. limb0DZa,b=DSharmaMittal


It could be verified that DZa,b (c.f., (9)) satisfies the following:

lima0,b0DZa,b=limϵ0lima011qaN1qa11ϵ=limϵ0lima0,11q11qN1qalnN1ϵLHopitalsTheorem of Limits=limϵ0lnN1ϵ=DRc.f.5E10

Taking the limit of both sides of (10) as q1, we have


Define 1qk=λk,c=11q,q0.5,1

Hence, it follows that.


We have determined that:


Following the Koch snowflake (N=4andϵ=13), we have


It can be seen that:




Moreover, it holds that:


Also, we have


Thus, we see that


It is observed from Figures 4 and 5, that DZ2,1q decreases for q0.5,1, while DZ2,1q increases for q0.5,1.This provides a strong evidence to support the significant impact of the non-extensive information theoretic parameter q,1>q>0.55 on the overall behaviour of both DZ2,1q and DZ2,1q.

Figure 4.

Decreasability of D2,1q against the non-extensive information theoretic parameter q,1>q>0.5.

Figure 5.

Increasability of D2,1qagainst the non-extensive information theoretic parameterq,1>q>0.5.


4. Conclusion and future work

This study explores the relationship between Gze and FD, the latter measures the complexity of a pattern. The study uses numerical experiments to understand how Gze behaves based on its parameters. The study is considered a significant step in bringing together information theory and fractal geometry. Future work involves finding the fractal dimension of available entropies in the literature to draw a detailed comparison between these derived fractal dimensions, which will open new grounds towards Information Theoretic Fractal Geometry (ITFG).


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Written By

Ashiq Hussain Bhat and Ismail A. Mageed

Submitted: 29 April 2023 Reviewed: 29 April 2023 Published: 14 July 2023