Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Markov Operators on a Banach Lattice and Their Applications

Written By

Takashi Honda and Yukiko Iwata

Submitted: 10 January 2023 Reviewed: 28 January 2023 Published: 17 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001136

From the Edited Volume

Markov Model - Theory and Applications

Hammad Khalil and Abuzar Ghaffari

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Any Markov process is defined by a stochastic kernel. By using a stochastic kernel, we can define a Markov operator on a Banach lattice. Conversely, by using a Markov operator, we can define a Markov process. There is a close relationship between a Markov process and a Markov operator. In this chapter, we show the relation between a Markov process and a Markov operator. We show some applications of Markov operators concerned with dynamical systems and we mention the Jacobs-de Leeuw-Glicksberg decomposition which is induced by a Markov operator.


  • Markov operators
  • ergodic theorems
  • spectral theory
  • Banach lattice
  • Markov process

1. Introduction

We shall consider a random dynamical system. Let S: be a dynamical system and define a stochastic process, Xnn0 by Xn+1=SXn+Yn, where Y0,Y1, are independent random variables with values in , each having the same density g, and X0 and Ynn0 are independent. Then the stochastic process Xn is a Markov process. Let fn be the density function of Xn for each n0, and hence, we have fn+1x=fnygxSyμdy, where μ is the Lebesgue measure on . This equation means that every density function fn is represented by a Markov operator, T:L1L1 defined by: Tfx=fygxSyμdy as fn=Tnf0. In this way, there are many results about the asymptotic behavior of their distributions represented by positive linear contractions, often called Markov operators. A positive linear contraction on L1 space is associated with a transition probability for a Markov process. The iteration of a positive linear contraction expresses the asymptotic behavior of a Markov process. Especially, probability density functions with distributions for some Markov processes induced by dynamical systems and noises are sometimes represented by a Markov operator. In this work, we will explain our previous work such as some relations between the Jacobs-de Leeuw-Glicksberg decomposition of semigroups and the existence of a constrictor, which attracts densities of the Markov operators on a Banach space, which are induced by stochastic difference equations. Jacobs first obtained this splitting theorem under the reflexivity assumption. De Leeuw and Glicksberg showed the splitting theorem for an abelian weakly almost periodic semigroup of bounded operators on a complex Banach space. They also showed a similar splitting theorem for a non-abelian semigroup of linear contractions in a strictly convex Banach space with a strictly convex dual space. The Jacobs-de Leeuw-Glicksberg decomposition holds for a complex Banach space. We introduce our recent results about some relations of the existence of a constrictor of a linear contractive operator between (continuous or discrete) semigroups of linear contractive operators in a complex Banach space by using our results. Furthermore, we will consider a Markov operator T on a real L1ΩΣμ space, where ΩΣμ is a probability measure space. The iteration of a positive linear contraction expresses the asymptotic behavior of a Markov process. Especially, probability density functions with distributions for some Markov processes induced by dynamical systems and noises are sometimes represented by a Markov operator. We study their asymptotic phenomena by using mean ergodic theorems and pointwise ergodic theorems. In this work, we study our recent operator theoretic approaches for Markov processes and their applications.


2. An operator theoretic approach to a Markov process

A stochastic kernel is a map that in the general theory of Markov processes plays the role that the transition matrix does in the theory of Markov processes with a finite state space. We shall give the basic definition concerning a stochastic kernel (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).

Definition 1. A stochastic kernel is any map K:E×E01 satisfying the following three conditions:

  1. for any fixed set AE, the function KA is measurable;

  2. for any fixed state xE, the set function Kx is a measure on EE;

  3. for all xE,KxE=1.

Firstly, we show that any positive contraction on L1-space induces the stochastic kernel. Let E be a nonempty set, E a σ-algebra of subsets of E, and EEm6a σ-finite measure space. Let L1EEm=L1 be the space of real valued integrable functions with respect to EEm and xxbe a dual pair of xL and xL1.

Definition 2. When a linear operator, T on L1, satisfies the following conditions, we call T a positive contraction:

  1. if T1;

  2. for any positive function f0 a.e., Tf0 a.e.

Theorem 1. Let T be a positive contraction on L1. For any AE, a map


satisfies the following conditions, where T is the adjoint operator of T, and 1A is the indicator function of A:

  1. for any fixed set AE, the function KA is measurable;

  2. for almost every xE, the set function Kx is a measure on EE;

  3. for almost every xE,KxE1.


  1. For any AE,T1ALEEm;

  2. It is obvious that KxØ=T1Ø=0 a.e. since T is a positive contraction on L,KxA=T1Ax0 a.e. for any AE.

    Let A=i=1Ai for pairwise disjoint AiE. For any uL1,u0,


    Since u,T1Ai0,ui=1nT1Aiui=1T1Ai a.e. as n. We have


    by the monotone convergence theorem. This means that


    for any uL1,u0. Since every uL1 is represented by u=u+u,u+,uL1,u+,u0, we have


    Therefore, Kx is completely additive, that is, if A=i=1Ai for disjoint AiE, then


  3. Since T is a positive contraction on L,KxE=T1Ex1Ex a.e.

Remark 1. If the results 1–3 of theorem 1 hold for everywhere xE, then K(x, A) is stochastic kernel (see Definition 1); see [7, 8] for more detail.

Secondly, we show that any stochastic kernel induces the positive contraction on L1-space.

Theorem 2. Let K:E×E01 be a stochastic kernel satisfying the condition


for any AE,mA=0. Then, for any absolutely continuous measure μ with respect to m, the measure ν on E:


is an absolutely continuous measure with respect to m, and there exists the positive contraction T on L1 such that


where μ˜,ν˜L1 are the Radon-Nikodym derivatives of μ,ν, respectively.

Proof. We show that for any absolutely continuous measure μ with respect to m,


is an absolutely continuous measure with respect to m.

From the definitions 1 and 2 of a stochastic kernel, we have νØ=0 and νA0 for any AE.

Let A=i=1Ai for pairwise disjoint AiE. Since KxAi0, it follows that


by the monotone convergence theorem: hence, ν is a measure on E.

From the condition, KxA=0 for any AE,mA=0,; thus, we have


which means that ν is an absolutely continuous measure with respect to m.

Since m is a σ-finite measure, by the Radon-Nikodym theorem, there are the Radon-Nikodym derivatives μ˜,ν˜L1,μ˜,ν˜0 such as


for any AE. We can define an operator T on the positive cone L+1 of L1 such that


For notational convenience, we shall write for ν.

For any fL1, the completely additive set function


is absolutely continuous with respect to m. Let φ=φ+φ be the Jordan decomposition of φ. Both φ+ and φ are absolutely continuous with respect to m; then there exist the Radon-Nikodym derivatives f+,fL+1 of φ+,φ, respectively and fx=f+xfx a.e. xE. By using them, we define as follows:


is also absolutely continuous with respect to m. Thus, there exist the Radon-Nikodym derivatives gL1 of , and we define Tf=g. From the definition of T, T is a positive linear operator on L1.

Finally, we prove that T is a contraction on L1. For any fL1, we obtain


In a similar way, we can show that


Then we have


This implies that Tff.

We remark that the condition (7) in Theorem 2 is necessary.

Lemma 1 ([8]). A stochastic kernel K:E×E01 satisfies the condition (7) if and only if for any absolutely continuous measure μ with respect to m,


is an absolutely continuous measure with respect to m.

Proof. If K does not satisfy (7), then there exist a set, AE, and an element, xE, such that mA=0, and KxA>0. We define a set, B=xE:KxA>0E. B is not empty, and mB>0. The measure μ on E defined by μC=mCB for any CE is absolutely continuous with respect to m, but νA=EKxAμdx=BKxAmdx>0.


3. Markov operators induced by a dynamical system

In the previous section, we showed the relations between a stochastic kernel and a positive contraction. In this section, we shall treat a certain kind of positive contraction, which is called a Markov operator.

Firstly, we give the definition of a Markov operator on L1-space (see [9, 10, 11]). Let E be a nonempty set and E a σ-algebra of subsets of E. Let EEm be a measure space, L1EEm be the space of real valued integrable functions with respect to EEm and xxbe a dual pair of xL and xL1.

Definition 3. A liner operator T in an L1EEm is called a Markov operator if


where is the L1EEm-norm, and L+1 is the positive cone of L1EEm.

From this definition, obviously, Markov operators are positive operators and satisfy the following properties.

Preposition 1. Markov operators are linear contraction in L1-space.

Proof. Since T is a positive operator, we have that for m-almost everywhere xE


where f+x=max0fx and fx=max0fx. Thus, it follows that


From this inequality and the second condition of the definition of Markov operator, we have that


This implies that T is a contraction in L1-space.

Preposition 2. The second condition of Markov operator: that is, Tf=f for fL+1, is equivalently expressed as T1E=1E, where T is the adjoint operator of T, and 1Ex is the indicator function of E.

Proof. By the second condition of Markov operator, we have for any CE


This implies that T1E=1E.

Conversely, if T1E=1E, then we have for fL+1


Remark 2. Notice that sometimes a Markov operator is considered as a positive linear contraction defined on L1-space because of Theorem 2, and there are many important results about positive linear contraction in the Ergodic theory. For example, the splitting theorem of Jacobs-Deleeuw-Glicksberg (see [8]) and “zero-two”law by Ornstein and Sucheston (see [12], 1970).

Next, we consider a measurable function, K:E×ER such that




By (27) and (28),


for any fL1; hence, Kxyfy is integrable on E×E and


by Fubini’s Theorem (see). Thus, we can define an integral operator T on L1 by


We have


Then, T is a positive contraction on L1. Furthermore, T is a Markov operator on L1. Indeed, we have that for any fL+1,


For the sake of convenience and without loss of generality, we shall assume that E is R,E the σ-algebra of Borel subsets, and λ the Lebesgue measure on R. We shall give some stochastic processes, which induce Markov operators as an integral operator defined by (31) for a given measurable function K(x, y).

Let ΩFP be a probability space, where F denotes a Borel σ-field and P a probability measure, X0,Y0,Y1, independent R-valued random variables with densities f0 and gn=g, respectively, and S:RR be a measurable transformation. Suppose that gDfL1:f=1f0. Under these conditions, we shall give examples of two types of random dynamical systems, for which Markov operators are induced.

  • Additive noise type: Consider the following stochastic process Xn defined by


for each n0.

Since X0 and Yn are independent and fn,g are integrable, we have that


If we set Kxy=gxSy, then K(x, y) satisfies (27) and (28). Thus, the density function fn of Xn is represented by the n-th iteration of the linear operator T:L1RL1R. Now we show that T is a Markov operator. Since g0 and g=1, we have that for any fL1R with f0


by the Fubini’s theorem. Therefore, T:L1RL1R is a Markov operator.

  • Example [13]: Let X0,Y0,Y1, be independent R-valued random variables with densities f0 and gn=gD, respectively, and S:RR be a Borel measurable transformation, satisfying


where 0<α<1 and β>0.

We assume that the density g of Yn has a finite first moment, that is,


Under these conditions, we consider the following stochastic process Xn, that is, Xn is the dynamical system perturbed by additive noises:


In this case, the Markov operator T:L1RL1R defined by


is weakly constrictive, that is, there exists the weakly precompact set FL1R such that


for fD, where dfF denotes the distance with respect to the norm between f and the set F. This implies that L1R=EflTErevT with


Furthermore, Lasota and Mackey show numerically that the limiting densities of Xn become asymptotically periodic with period 3 [13], and refer to Section 3 for more details.

  • Multiplicative noise type: Consider the following stochastic process Xnεn0 defined by


where X0ε=X0 for each 0<ε<1.

By a similar argument as additive noise, the density function fnε of Xnε is represented by the n-th iteration of the linear operator Tε because X0 and Yn are independent. Actually, if we assume that there exists the density function fnε of Xnε, then we have the following formula for any Borel subset AR:


This implies that PXn+1εA=ATεn+1f0xλdx. Moreover, it is easy to see that Tε is the Markov operator, that is, Tεf0 and Tεf=f for any fL101 with f0 because


by Fubini’s theorem (see [14] for more details). In this case, we can study how the stochastic process Xnε is changed as ε0.

  • Example [14]: Let S:0101 be a non-singular transformation and Ynn0 be an i.i.d. sequence. We assume that the density function g for Ynn0 has full support in [0, 1], and the following conditions are satisfied:

    1. There exists a partition 0=a1<a2<<am=1 such that for each integer j=1,,m1, the restriction Sj of S to the interval ajaj+1 is a monotone C1-function and


      for j=1,,m2.

    2. gLR;

    3. c1>11ε0 for some ε001.

Under these conditions, we consider the stochastic process Xnε defined by (43), where ε<ε0. The density functions of Xnε are represented by the Markov operator


In this case, the Markov operator Tε is weakly constrictive for any ε<ε0. Moreover, if gx>0 for all x01, then the Markov operators Tε is asymptotically stable; that is, there is a unique fεD such that Tεfε=fε and


where D=fL1Rf0f=1.

Remark 3. If S:RR is a non-singular measurable transformation (i.e., λS1A=0 for any Borel set AR with λA=0), then there exists a linear operator, TS:L1RL1R, defined by


and called the Perron-Frobenius operator corresponding to S.


4. The iteration of a linear contractive operator on Banach space

The iteration of a positive linear contraction expresses the asymptotic behavior of a Markov process. Let E be a real or complex Banach space and T be a contractive linear operator on E. If E can be decomposed into the direct sum


with respect to T, where


then we call this decomposition the Jacobs-de Leeuw-Glicksberg decomposition (see [8, 10, 15]). This decomposition plays a very important role in this section.

Definition 4 [16]. We call a linear contraction T on a Banach space E constrictive if there is a compact subset, AE such that


where B(E) is the closed unit ball of E. We call A a constrictor for T.

Theorem 3 [17]. Let E be a strictly convex and reflexive complex Banach space with the strictly convex dual space E. Given a linear contractive operator T on a complex Banach space E, the following assertions are equivalent:

  1. T is constrictive.

  2. xEflT=xX:limnTnx=0 if and only if xh=0 holds for all eigenvectors h of T having unimodular eigenvalues.

Theorem 4 [17]. Let ΩΣμ be a finite measure space and T be a Markov operator on real L1Ω defined by (31), where K:Ω×ΩR is a measurable function that satisfies (27) and (28). Consider the following assertions:

  1. T satisfies Txpxp for some 1p<, where p denotes the Lp-norm.

  2. The sub σ-algebra


    has at most finitely many atoms.

  3. For each atom WΣ0T,


for all subset A,BW with μA,μB>0, where d is the least common multiple of orders of atoms in Σ0T.

Then T is constrictive on LpΩ and



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Written By

Takashi Honda and Yukiko Iwata

Submitted: 10 January 2023 Reviewed: 28 January 2023 Published: 17 March 2023