Open access peer-reviewed chapter

The Ethical Management of Scientific Research in Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia

Written By

Ahmadi Ahmadi

Submitted: 03 January 2023 Reviewed: 12 February 2023 Published: 11 April 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001280

From the Edited Volume

Ethics - Scientific Research, Ethical Issues, Artificial Intelligence and Education

Miroslav Radenkovic

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Widely accessible management is the essence of ethical management of scientific research. This article aims to elaborate on the core ethics, planning, implementation and evaluation of research in Indonesian Islamic universities to contribute to global peace. The research method through content analysis is framed in a qualitative descriptive to suit the publication of the book chapter “Ethics in Scientific Research-New Perspectives.” The results show that; (i) Islamic ethics, scientific paradigm, and technology as the foundation of research management, (ii) research ethics planning through the establishment of scientific research applications and technical manuals, (iii) implementation of research ethics through the One Taught System (OTS), and (iv) evaluation of research ethics is carried out by reviewers in the fields of proposal material, research process, financing, outcomes, and research committee policies in a balanced manner.


  • ethics management
  • scientific
  • Litapdimas
  • Islamic higher education
  • multidisciplinary perspectives

1. Introduction

Research is a joyous work, because in it there is an element of adventure exploring the outdoors, gazing at the vast expanse of space, listening to various boisterous and beautiful sounds. For example, an eagle flying freely, in a tropical forest, while listening to flickering on the ground, wide-eyed eyes observe the movements of small animals on land that are ready to be approached to be pounced on. Zeraffe animal that sticks its head in an upward position to listen carefully to the movements that are happening around it, even though its ears are still deaf but still trying to find something that is happening.

Research makes institutions, companies and universities more advanced and empowered [1]. Some universities make research a grand strategy or differentiation strategy, because the core business of higher education is in the TriDarma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching, research and community service. Research results help to understand the ongoing reality. The continuity of this meaning encourages research to be carried out continuously, so that research has a real contribution to social life [2, 3].

Ethics and science in research are two words that are urgent to discuss in the context of global research [4, 5]. Ethics is a truth of general norms that is demanded in the depths of the heart and also demands the wishes of research customers to both achieve excellence, so as to achieve quality sustainability and an honorable degree of dignity. Scientific refers to the truth of the facts of the instrument, reality, philosophy, theory and also policy, so science becomes the spirit in the stages of research activities both at the local, regional and global levels.


2. The principle of paradigm

2.1 Pillar instruments

This hearing is a central principle in scientific research in Islam; as Muhammad SAW said that it is sunnah for newborns to be heard by the call to prayer and Iqomah and given a good name. Because limbs, when a newborn, the most effective is hearing. The Qur’an conveys that Allah SWT has created the ear to have a hearing function to receive various incoming sounds. His word, when you hear a call in the form of a call to prayer, namely the call to pray, but if you do not pay attention, you are classified as deaf [5].

The eye has the function of seeing the object that is aimed carefully and thoroughly. The eye is formed to receive stimulation of color, light, and shape beams through the retina and then through the fibers to the center of vision in the brain. This careful vision, in research, is known as observation activity, namely the activity of observing a focus in depth according to the research objectives to explore the explicit and implied meanings in it. The data domain becomes hypothetical concepts. The data is in the form of a towering mountain that looks beautiful green from a distance, captivating anyone who sees it, but if a closer observation is carried out, variants of the construction of plants, animals, shrubs, valleys and hills will appear. Rolling cloud data, when in-depth observation is carried out, it will produce various cloud rolls, and also flock while walking from one position to another to captivate the eye to explore more deeply too. Through eye sight, you will get a lot of data, to be classified, reduced, concluded so that it becomes accurate data. Data analysis theory presented by Mile & Huberman and Condensation [6]. Those are the same at Qhosiyah Alquranul Karim.

Appreciation is an activity to feel something so that oneself becomes part of something that is internalized (learning to be). The effective theory introduced by Crotwal is that the affective process goes through the stages of receiving, responding, valuing, organization of values, and internalization of value sets. Appreciation is a process of consultation and contemplation to obtain positioning certainty. Deep inner intuitions have contributed to this experience. The process of transactional orientation as conveyed by Miller & Selller that knowledge can be formed through transactions with the natural surroundings [7].

Intellectual reasoning power (analogical reasoning) has a left, right, back and front brain that can synergize to carry out activities of classifying, concluding, calculating, and giving views of mind to determine a policy that must be decided. This intellectual reasoning power can distinguish it from other animal creatures. Humans are given this intellect as a provision to solve life problems that become a better life as the mandate received by Prophet Adam As. Namely caring for the earth and everything in it.

The heart is the most important part of the body. The portrait of the human body can be seen from the portrait of the heart. If he expresses good, then all limbs will be good too, and conversely if he shows bad, then all limbs will be bad either. God says that…He has put the spirit in the human body and before blowing it, He asks the spirit….am I your God, the spirit immediately answers…truly I testify that You (Allah SWT) are my God. The meaning of this interaction shows that in the process of appreciation there are clues that lead to the essence of truth. The deep impression of the dialog gave a deep impression on the heart. So he has the sharpness of examining, sorting, classifying, reducing and deciding the facts of the real data, because he is a place where the spirit is seeded which has the rays of the oneness of God. This deep impression always accompanies space, time and activities carried out by scientific researchers.

2.2 Multidisciplinary perspectives

Empal genthong vegetables from Cirebon, Indonesia, bring delicious flavors. It depends on the chef’s ability to mix various ingredients to create a unique taste. The raw ingredients are beef, spices, vegetables, seeds which are poured in boiling water to a certain degree, then sugar, coconut milk, and seasonings are added. The end result of cooking finds a very delicious taste.

The activity of carrying out research is a process of delicacy of a scientist to find the essence of truth of a value system. These activities go through a process of hearing, seeing, appreciating, analyzing, and tentatively concluding. Temporary reductions need to be continued or tested for truth through scientific research viewed from various dimensional perspectives to achieve further wholeness of truth. The truth that is blessed with views from various perspectives is believed to have a more unique and delicious taste of truth.

The Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Perspective on data facts can increase a person’s wisdom in thoughts, attitudes and behaviors, thus leading to be more wisely and authoritative. Views on each perspective as follows; (i) Data Facts: the researcher sees a focus problem in the form of object facts which can take the form of solid objects, liquids, living creatures of humans and animals, plants, numerical sequences, matrices, percentages, tables, curves, flowcharts, charts, narratives, and etc. This truth leads to the reality of existing data facts. In the research content, each has an implied meaning that needs to be interpreted as a variant of meaning as well, (ii) Fact Concept: the researcher sees the fact that the data forms groups according to the similarity in type and shape and number. The formation and grouping tends to show the same characteristics, even the explicit and implied meanings within the new formation and grouping framework can be interpreted by researchers with various meanings, (iii) Theory Facts: The acquisition of theoretical facts, namely in the form of solid values forming a system that sturdy. The value system needs to be consulted with relevant theories to find compatibility between theoretical facts and relevant theories. The degree of suitability can give the meaning of suitability and accuracy in terms of the effectiveness of the theory being referred to, (iv) Policy Facts: research needs to obtain whether the policies that have been enacted are still worth considering. The form of policy can be in the form of laws, presidential regulations, ministerial regulations, and decrees of units of Islamic higher education. Through the policy fact guide, research activities can guide positive law in the Republic of Indonesia, (v) Fact Method: Methodology as a basis for the perspective of research implementation procedures, both qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, research & development dimensions, so that it is a point of perspective that needs to be consistently carried out by researchers. The link between policy facts and others needs research attention to maintain balanced harmony, (vi) Philosophical Facts: Process philosophy shows that differences in space and time have different constructions of truth reality. The ontology of becoming should be constructed to gain a purity of reality among time, place, space. It refers to the views of several philosophies; essentialism, existentialism, realism, idealism, perennialism. Research aims not only to find the truth of data, but also to reach the essence of truth.

2.3 The ultimate ethics

Islamic tertiary institutions own and carry out the tasks of the Tridarma of Higher Education namely Learning Education, Research, and community service. Islamic tertiary institutions in Indonesia Each tertiary institution has a variant and strong preference distinction; for example, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya confirmed itself as a Twin tower campus for Education and service, IAIN Ponorogo became a research campus, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta introduced itself to the Contemporary Islamic University, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta became an interconnecting campus for both Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary UIN Syaech Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang establishing itself as the Islamic University of the International tree of knowledge.

Research activities are based on the strong and sturdy paradigm and basic values of religion, namely God Allah SWT. Research views that the reality of the universe is a system of His creation that has been prepared and given to the noblest creatures called humans. Prophet Adam AS and his descendants were given responsibility for the sustainability of nature and its inherent system.

Research is surfing on the canvas of a neat and dynamic universe. Islamic researchers understand, analyze, maintain, manage, and even develop the reality of their research based on Oneness. The reality of nature is a gift from Allah All Mighty, understood with Him, managed together with Him, destined for Him, and the results are also submitted to Him. He is God All Mighty, creating, managing, and destroying natural reality. There is no power except Him, there is no greatest except Him. Finally, His presence in the planning, implementation and evaluation of research creates a sense of peace for researchers to always submit and comply with the values and systems created by Him as well. Guidance and blessings are always present in the preparation of proposals, the implementation of research that can lead to beautiful and peaceful conditions and situations.


3. The ethics planning of a scientific research

An astronaut and space researcher, Neil Alden Armstrong, was the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969. He had dreamed for years of setting foot on the lunar surface and planned the Apollo 11, Gemini 8 spacecraft that would take him to the moon. Nil Armstrong’s main mission is to do research that the moon is also a comfortable place for humans. He and Aldin, the pilot of the plane, collected 21.5 kg of lunar material for research on earth. His success in reaching the moon made creatures all over the world admire what, why and how did they get there? This success compass resulted in the construction of a space station that can be used as an information and communication center in the twenty-first century.

Currently, many of the inhabitants of the world feel the heat because of the actions of political leaders who are oriented towards the influence of world power. The hustle and bustle of disputes over territory and natural resources will immediately have a solution that is equally positioned to have dignity and respect. The friction of the orientation of influence and influence creates frictions originating from the power of science, technology and their respective military forces. The power of the bloc, technological superpowers, the arrogance of figures, and shows of economic power should immediately be softened to become mutual respect, respect and love to synergize with each other. Disputes and mutual destruction are immediately stopped, the active role of world organizations, be it country organizations within the framework of the United Nations, ASIAN, G20, and the like, takes a significant role in stopping this.

Planning policy is very important in research management, especially in establishing the vision of scientific research itself. This determination in Indonesia is the basis for the cycle of planning, implementation and evaluation. The scientific research compass of Islamic tertiary institutions in Indonesia is oriented towards contributing to world peace as mandated by Pancasila and the Indonesian 1945 Constitution. Peace is an important keyword in Indonesia’s perspective. Killing one human being is the same as killing all of humanity, and destroying the natural order of life, is the same as creating shocks that can trigger the emergence of catastrophic disruptions that can be sustainable. The icon of “Islamic Moderation” as a grand strategy to create peace and balance to complement, fill, protect, accompany, respect, and appreciate so that each other has existence on its own axis as well. In this context, Indonesian Islamic researchers direct research themes towards creating a world that is safe and comfortable for all its inhabitants.

The G20 Forum, whose presidency is in Indonesia and India, is a forum for leaders of world economic countries held on the island of Bali demonstrating a shared commitment to building synergy and equality communication so as to create world peace. The G20 presidential chairperson has directly invited the presidents of Ukraine, Russia and several other countries to share responsibility for a shared vision in the G20 forum. Along with the G20 meeting there is also the Forum Religion of Twenty 2022 (R20) organized by the Ministry of Religion which is a forum for leaders of religions and sects around the world as an important foothold in scientific research activities at Indonesian Islamic universities.

Moderation of religion and Moderate Islam as a strategic issue so that it becomes the direction and compass of Islamic higher education research in Indonesia; First; Moderation Compass; Research is directed at the contribution of “Moderation” to global civilization. Indonesian Religious Moderation is a paradigm that has perspectives, attitudes, and religious practices in common life by realizing the essence of religious teachings that always protect human dignity and build the public good, based on the principles of fairness, balance, and adherence to the constitution as a national agreement. The glue that binds this nation is an urgent matter for research on religious moderation. Research priority themes for the 2018–2028 fiscal year include; (i) Islamic studies, (ii) Pluralism and Diversity, (iii) Integration of knowledge, and (iv) Global Progress.

Second; Islam Nusantara as a construction of global civilization. Indonesia is a tropical archipelago country that has a variety of friendly Islam as Indonesia’s very valuable wealth. Islamic religious leaders broadcast, preach and educate all corners of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke through strategies of upholding local wisdom and synergizing da’wah strategies for the guardians of the Archipelago Islam.

Third; Digitizing research, the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia established an application as OTS, namely a forum that regulates all forms of homepage account activity, registration, submission of research proposals, presentation of proposals and research results, and research reviewers, Community Service and Scientific Publications at State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) and Private Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIS) under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia [8, 9].

The use of this application is used as a form of scientific research ethics planning from various aspects including policies, regulations, and work instructions for research activities, community service and scientific publications. Planning begins with the central Ministry of Religion issuing research guidelines based on Financial Cost Standards (SBK) in the current year which are the guidelines for PTKIN and PTKIS. Research assistance, dedication and scientific publications from the center are called Central Work Units (Central Work Units) and State University Operational Assistance (BOPTN) in higher education work units are called Higher Education work units (Satker PT), so that each tertiary institution can compile books research guidelines, community service and scientific publications independently, as long as they do not conflict with central policy.

Indonesia stipulates ethical regulations for conducting research with nine research standards Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture number 3 of 2020 concerning national standards for tertiary institutions and Decree of the Director General of Islamic Universities number 102 of 2019 concerning Religious standards for Islamic Higher Religious Education; (i) research results standards, (ii) research content standards, (iii) research process standards, (iv) research assessment standards, (v) researchers standards, (vi) research facilities and infrastructure standards, (vii) research management standards, (viii) research funding and financing standards, and (ix) religious standards of researchers [10] (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Statistics of Litapdimas assistance based on the 2022 national religious research agenda (ARKAN). Source:


4. The ethics implementation of scientific research

Research implementation is the process of consistently realizing the stages of research activities. Research activities are reported and recorded in Litapdimas following accounts; (i) Maintain communication channels, complex activities of research, community service and scientific publications that are documented and updated in an orderly and sustainable manner, then implementing scientific research ethics through applications so that documents can be recorded neatly, widely accessed, and updated consistently continuously, then use the OTS application to align the communication channels between these components.

Second; run the application and open the features that present the page; (i) open google search, (ii) browse through the link, (iii) login via Litapdimas ID, (iv) home page feature; information, researchers and reviewers, v) information features; announcements, guides, discussion forums, cluster data, data directories, and about Litapdimas, (vi) researcher features; proposal, researcher approval, publication, and independent review, (vii) reviewer features; proposal assessment, presentation assessment, and output assessment [11].

Third; cluster mapping, demand requirements, financing and research outputs. Obedience and commitment to research ethics must be carried out by researchers (Table 1).

Nu.Research clusterRankFundingOutcome
1Construction researchExpert assistant16 Million IRDSinta 6–4
2Basic research of study programLector35 Million IRDSinta 3–2
3Interdisciplinary basic researchLector36 Million IRDSinta 3–2
4National development applied researchLector-Professor Associate80 Million IRDScopus
5University collaboration researchProfessor Associate80–100 Million IRDScopus
6International collaboration researchProfessor Associate100–150 Million IRDScopus

Table 1.

Litapdimas research clusters, ranks, funding, and outcomes in 2022 [10]. Source:

Fourth; The research title must be framed in 15 sub-themes; (i) sacred texts in religions, (ii) shari’ah, laws and regulations, (iii) development of repertoire of Islamic boarding schools, (iv) development of education, (v) state, religion, and society, (vi) ethnic, cultural, social diversity, and religious traditions, (vii) transformative education, (viii) history, archeology and manuscripts, (ix) social welfare in society, (x) medical and health development, (xi) environment, science and technology development, (xii) area studies and globalization, (xiii) gender and justice issues, (xiv) sharia-based economic and business development, and (xv) millennial generation and Islamic issues.

Fifth; The reviewer made an assessment of the research proposal material assessed and commented on by the national reviewer covering the feasibility of the problem background, formulation of research questions, research objectives, research methods, theories used, relevant references, novelty, and relevant bibliography. Reviewers provide an assessment when presenting proposals by researchers including the relevance of the problem background, novelty, outcome, and research funding feasibility [9]. Finally, from the planning of scientific research ethics are the recommendations of the reviewers on the academic text of the proposal and also the value of research funding (Table 2).

1TittleDesign of NLP-Based PAI Learning Model as a Model of Strengthening Religious Moderation in East Java Higher EducationSpecific, interesting, provocative and challenging. Its substance reflects the solution to the problems raised
2The BackgroundReligious radicalism is not only indicated to appear in basic educational institutions, but also allegedly at the higher education levelThere is an explanation of the substance of the research focus. Academic contribution. The problem already shows the current issue. The problem is supported by quite strong arguments in support
3Problem FormulationHow is the Development of a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Based PAI Learning Model as a Model for Strengthening Religious Moderation in East Java Higher Education?Already using the correct and specific question sentences, including the focus of research. Relevant to research techniques and according to the problems discussed in the background
4Review of ResearchDiscourse on methods of internalizing religious moderation is still a topic that must be studied simultaneously. This is because the seeds of intolerance and violence in the name of religion have the characteristics of eternity (eternality sense)Does not explain the similarities and differences regarding the findings and methodology. There is a synthesis of the review literature, but it is not supported by strong arguments to explain the novelty based on the differences in the research results described previously
5Theory and ConceptReligious moderation, NLP and the four concepts of NLPTheories are discussed in detail with very strong reference support; The theory is very clear and very detailed, providing support for answers to the problem formulation
6Methods and InstrumentThis development research adapts the ADDIE-based research design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate)Explanation of the approach and type of research is very strong. The research steps are explained in detail, measurable and clearly explained in answering the problem formulation; Explanations on data collection techniques and analysis techniques are explained quite strongly
7Bibliography28 main books and supporting books and journalsSome are in citations, clear references from primary or secondary sources, consistent in writing, insufficient number of references from journal sources. References are mostly less than the last five years

Table 2.

Sample component assessment matrix for research proposals [11]. Source:

Sixth; the realization of research in the field researchers carry out the process of collecting descriptive and numerical data takes four to 6 months (March to September) of the current year. Activities in the field to obtain data through data sources, informants, observations, and in-depth interviews as well as distributing research questionnaires to respondents. Researchers continue to carry out reductions and domains to obtain valid and reliable taxonomies and conclusions.

Seventh; reviewers and research committees carry out assessments and decisions by taking into account consistency, commitment, quality, and capability as well as financing of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion and each PTKIN as stated in BOPTN.


5. The ethics evaluation of scientific research

The assessment of research results was carried out by Litapdimas reviewers contained in the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education No 1564/2022 with the Research Committee appointed by the Chancellor of each PTKIN. The reviewers have Litapdimas Reviewer IDs obtained through the specified requirements and qualifications. They carry out an assessment of the proposal material, proposal presentations and research results seminars. Reviewers are research experts and scientific publications [12]. So academically have full responsibility for the quality of research. Evaluation task.

Assessment of research proposals; (i) the appointed reviewer assesses the research proposal manuscript including the construction of the background problem, problem formulation, alignment of research objectives, level of research usefulness, relevant theory, accuracy of research methods, and suitable bibliography, (ii) reviewer also gives a score between 1 and 5 on proposal components and also provide recommendations on the eligibility of the assistance funds to be obtained.

Assessment of Process Achievement (intermediate seminar); the researcher conveys the temporary results of the research process to the reviewers to obtain suggestions in order to improve the research results and to ensure the research process is in accordance with the stages as previously designed [13, 14].

Assessment of Research Outcomes: (i) Researchers upload complete research reports and draft journal articles on OTS on the date and date specified. The reviewer gives an assessment of the research report material including the presentation of the research results, data and discussion of the results regarding the depth, breadth, and suitability of the theory and discussion, (ii) the reviewer also assesses the draft of journal articles that will be submitted to indexed journals with national and international reputations, (iii) the reviewer also gives a score between 1 and 5 on the usefulness component discussed on the sustainability of knowledge, output quality, compatibility between theory and methods, use of aid funds, and achievement of outcomes, (iv) the reviewer provides recommendations on the percentage of achievement of outcomes (Table 3).

TittleMaterialReviewer 1Reviewer 2
Portrait of the Principal’s Managerial Pattern in Realizing Character Education and Religious Moderation at SD NU in Kediri Regency
  1. What are the benefits of research results for scientific and/institutional/community and/national development?

  2. How is the quality of the research OUTPUT?

  3. What are the opportunities for follow-up on research results?

  4. How is the application of methodology and theory in conducting research?

  5. How are funds used in the research process?

  6. What is the level of achievement of research outcomes?

  1. The results of this study make a significant/significant contribution to improving the quality of education, especially in terms of providing a portrait of the managerial implementation of school principals in realizing character education at the elementary school level

  2. The research has been 100% complete, and there is already an output in the form of a research article draft, although there are no scientific publication results from this research.

  3. The output quality of this research is very likely to be published in scientific journals at least Sinta 3.

  4. The opportunity for follow-up on research results is very large to be implemented in other school

The benefits of research results in general are very necessary because schools, communities, countries and nations need big themes that are contained in the results of this research. The quality of the output is good in terms of all the answers. The findings in the form of this pattern need to be followed up to be developed and used as an educational/learning model/module character education and religious moderation. The research method has been carried out well, although clarification is still needed on the accuracy of the primary school used as the object of research. The draft output of the article has not used IMRA’s general journal organizational structure and also has not used the intended journal template, the discussion is still long and lacks reduction. There has been no report on the use of funds/finances

Table 3.

Sample reviewer assessment matrix for research outcomes [11]. Source:

Research Committee Assessment: This team consists of higher education policy holders who have research grants and the Chairperson of the LPPM appointed by the Director General and/or Chancellor of PTKIN/PTKIS to provide the final results of research achievements and decisions on the volume of research financing from BOPTN. Results of the committee meeting as a basis for finalizing research performance which was attended by all members of the team.

The number of scientific research circulations of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in 2022 noted that the number of reviewers was 882, researchers were 25,078, research proposals that had been submitted were 44,821, cluster selection was 242, and Arkan themes were 15 [11].


6. Conclusion

Commitment to the balance cycle makes ethical management of Indonesian Islamic scientific research have the distinction of maxim-maxim ethics. The balance includes Islamic ethics, philosophical, scientific, technological, national and policy. Finally, the results of resetting the ethical balance contribute to global civilization.


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Written By

Ahmadi Ahmadi

Submitted: 03 January 2023 Reviewed: 12 February 2023 Published: 11 April 2023