Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Decision to Use Electric Vehicle at Airport Operation in Jakarta

Written By

Mustika Sari and Reni Dian Octaviani

Submitted: 25 January 2023 Reviewed: 11 February 2023 Published: 28 March 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001325

From the Edited Volume

Analytic Hierarchy Process - Models, Methods, Concepts, and Applications

Fabio De Felice and Antonella Petrillo

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The purpose of this chapter is to determine the options and solutions used in the choice to deploy electric ground support equipment at Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta airport in order to reduce emissions. The problem in this study is that there are significant emissions at Soekarno-Hatta airport which cause pollution in the Soekarno-Hatta airport environment. The research method used an analytical networking process (ANP). Respondents used were 15 people consisting of experts in the fields of the airline, ground handling, and airport authority. The interview techniques used were in-depth interviews. The results of interviews with experts in the field of airlines, ground handling, and airports said that the use of ground power units (GPUs), the use of low-emission cars, energy saving controls, and the installation of airport surface management systems are the four problem criteria. Utilizing low-emission automobiles, which have a weight value of 0.3074, is the problem’s primary criterion out of the four components. Meanwhile, there are three alternative solutions, namely Environmental Education, Environmental Innovations, and Aircraft carbon management. Of the three alternatives, Aircraft carbon management is the main alternative solution with a weight value of 0.3530.


  • electric vehicle
  • airport operation
  • analytical networking process
  • government regulations
  • aircraft carbon management
  • Jakarta

1. Introduction

Aircraft serve as a means of transportation for passengers and cargo, offering unique benefits such as speed and cost efficiency that are not available with other modes of transportation, on the other hand, air transportation also produces exhaust gases which are pollutants that damage the ozone layer. Although it only accounts for 3% of total air emissions, the number of aircraft will increase the number of emissions in the coming years [1].

The main function of an airport is to provide aviation and non-aviation-related services to users, namely airlines, passengers, and cargo. Airports also provide ground handling. But some airlines have their own ground handling, and there are also companies specialized in handling airplanes while on the ground or called ground-handling companies [2].

Ground handling or aircraft handling while at the airport includes a fairly long process, which starts with handling passengers to report themselves (check-in) until the passengers enter the aircraft and the door is closed. In addition to passengers, this handling is also for luggage, cargo, and the aircraft itself. Such as cleaning the aircraft cabin, and pushing the plane to park baggage handling for cargo and passenger luggage [3].

Operational handling of aircraft handling is needed when the aircraft is on the ground, such as ramp handling, and on-board services, but depending on the aircraft’s operational budget [4].

Expedite the task necessitated the use of some additional equipment for the transportation of planes, people, and cargo while on the ground. The equipment that is prepared to fulfill the demands of the aircraft while the aircraft is on the ground, both during the departures, arrivals, and transits. The equipment being used is called Ground Support Equipment [4].

Most GSE is usually associated with aircraft servicing while the aircraft is on the ground. The activity starts when the block is on until the block is off. Until the block is lifted and the aircraft is ready for takeoff, chocks are placed in front of the wheels. While on the ground, ground-handling tasks include loading, and unloading passengers and baggage, aircraft cleaning and maintenance, refueling, and other services [5].

One of the high sources of pollution at airports is ground vehicle activity. By 2050, carbon dioxide emissions will be produced by the aviation sector. And it will grow up to 2 to 10 times as it is compared to emissions in the early 2000s [6].

Currently, ground support equipment emission reduction measures are numerous and varied at the airports. Initiatives are also coming from airport operators and GSE providers. There are several examples of GSE emission reduction measures implemented over the past few years. Many airports around the world have emission reduction programs and alternative fuels [5].

Airport authorities, in response to community concerns, public awareness of environmental issues from aviation activities, and regulatory measures of governments and local authorities, have tried to implement strategies and procedures to reduce the adverse impact of their activities on the environment, appropriately and effectively.

Indonesia’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), and Ministry of Transportation, submitted to ICAO in 2015 a Country Action Plan to diminish greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation area which will be updated in 2018 as demanded by members. This shows Indonesia’s commitment to supporting global policies on aviation environmental protection (Indonesia [7]). The problems in this study are how is the government policy on the use of electric and diesel for GSE equipment and what is the conceptual model for decision-making to use GSE equipment with electric fuel?

The success of airline corporations in achieving on-time performance, flight safety, and customer happiness is greatly aided by ground-handling businesses. Ground handling is responsible for handling passengers and aircraft at the airport as well as during takeoff and landing. Passengers, passenger bags, cargo, postal items, and ramp handling are among items that ground employees manage. The range of work involved in ground handling is regulated in the IATA Airport Handling Manual [8] which consists of 9 standard service sections namely; the Passengers Handling, Baggage Handling, Mail and Cargo Handling, Aircraft Handling and Loading, Load Control, Air Side Management, and Safety, Aircraft Movement Control, Standard Ground-Handling Agreement, and the Airport Handling GSE Specification.

Among all of services is the Airport Handling GSE Specification which specifically handles aircraft handling while on the ground with the backup of ground support equipment depends on the type of airplanes. To accelerate the work, some auxiliary equipment is needed for the movement of aircraft, passengers, and cargo while on the ground. Equipment that is prepared to support the aircraft needs while the aircraft is on the ground, both at the time of departure and arrival or transit, the equipment is known as GSE (Ground Support Equipment). GSE equipment is classified into two parts based on its movement ability or workability, namely Motorized and Non-Motorized GSE [9].

Handling activities associated with aircraft during ground time contribute significantly to air pollution at airports. The activities include all machinery and vehicles and that service aircraft in their parked position (e.g., high loaders, conveyor belts, passenger ladders) and those at airside and ramp areas (e.g., toilet trucks, cargo tractors, catering trucks).

Emissions from such sources must be evaluated for a variety of pollutants in order to effectively manage air quality. Goal setting, technology observation, and mitigation planning can all benefit from this information. Information on GSE vehicles can be obtained from various handling agents and lessors. We can also find out the GSE’s age, engine size and type, and total operating time per year and/or fuel consumption. Further evaluation reveals that the limits of the emission are usually not used by manufacturers of non-road mobile machinery and that certain advantages are being maintained. Emissions from a given GSE are based on aircraft movements and correspond to aircraft type [10].

Pollution generated at airports results in potentially harmful levels of pollution. Exhaust from aircraft and diesel engines, direct fuel emissions from aircraft refueling, and larger dust particles from brakes, tires, asphalt, dirt, and so on are the primary sources of air pollution at airports. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), inorganic gases like sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) are all examples of pollutants [11].

Pollution generated from aircraft harms the environment. Although it only accounts for 3% of the world’s total emissions, the number of aircraft in operation is expected to increase. The aviation industry and aviation business services contribute to the increase in greenhouse emissions. The contribution of emissions from the aviation industry has shared as one of the five largest contributors to the largest emissions, which is below 5% [1].

In a previous study, it was said that the aviation sector has contributed 12% of carbon emissions. The study also estimates that by 2050 carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions which are produced by the aviation area will grow up to 2 to 10 times when compared to emissions in the early 2000s [6].

Governments and International Aviation (IATA) have committed to reducing pollution in aviation by building a four-pillar strategy, namely improved aviation technology, effective flight operations, efficient infrastructure development, and economic measurement of carbon emission markets. In 2011 Luthfansa conducted a flight experiment with biofuel on an Airbus A321 aircraft and successfully executed 8 hours and 20 minutes of flight time, and claimed to be able to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 38 tons.

Meanwhile, research from Oxford University states that there are other ways to reduce aviation emissions by 95%, including direct flights and not waiting long to land. And the best time on the apron and or runway is not too long after the engine is running.

Government and stakeholder support is needed in this case airlines, airport operators, and ground handling. Ground handling plays a role in efforts to reduce emissions, especially related to the ground support equipment (GSE) operation at the airport. This is carried out by planning and making gradual implementation of vehicles and ground services tools (GSE) based on electricity or renewable fuel (biofuel). Other aspects that have a significant role in reducing aviation emissions are the airport operators. Greening around the airport environment by planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) exhausts emissions on access roads to airport terminals, parking areas, and other open areas. Tree planting is done by planting trees such as tamarind which absorbs about 28 tons of CO2/per tree/per year [6].

Based on the results of the discussion and description [12] Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is vulnerable to many problems. Problems accumulate, ranging from operational to non-operational problems. If this is not resolved immediately, the accumulated problems will become more complicated with great risk. These conditions will increase the risk of noise factors, and the potential for health problems for people living and doing activities in the airport area. The results show that the noise implications of the model can be constructed through the analysis of factors that can provide an overview of the effect of noise on society. This research concludes that modeling environmental capacity produces several noise indicators that can be used as instruments to evaluate, build, and develop airport noise control policies as part of controlling eco-airport performance.

Transportation accounts for global CO2 emissions as much as 26%. Moreover, it is one of the few industrial sectors where emissions are still increasing. The main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector are automobile use, road transport, and aviation. Although new technologies, particularly those that have the potential to replace the use of petroleum in transportation, are discussed, it appears that technology alone cannot address climate change. Changes in behavior through policy are also essential for stabilizing transportation emissions of greenhouse gases. Policymakers are facing increasing pressure to address climate change in transportation. Even though it is common to focus on future technological solutions, in order to fully benefit from new technologies, it is important to make immediate behavioral changes [13].

When viewed from previous studies, the use of fuel in the aviation industry can cause a decrease in air quality as well as the ground support industry. Meanwhile, Haryato’s journal mentions that in addition to fuel that causes pollution, aircraft noise also causes noise pollution. In a journal written by Lee Chapman that transportation accounts for 26% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as cars, cargo transportation, and the aviation industry. While research on the use of biofuels in ground-handling fuel has never been done, for this reason, researchers try to conduct research on the use of biofuel in ground-handling equipment for movement on the apron.

This chapter is divided into four parts. The first part talks about the conceptual model for decision-making to use GSE equipment with electric fuel and government policy on the use of electric and diesel for GSE equipment. In this part there is a discussion that investigates the emissions from airport ground-handling activities and their impact on air quality. We will then go over the various measures that have been put in place to reduce emissions from GSE equipment, as well as their effectiveness. The second part is about the research method used to study the impact of electric and diesel Ground Service Equipment (GSE) on ground-handling companies. The third part is about the result and discussion. Finally, there is a summary of the findings and suggestions for future research in this area.


2. Method

This study utilizes primary data collected through in-depth interviews with experts and industry professionals to gain a thorough understanding of the issue at hand and gather information from ground-handling companies. The process includes first bringing attention to the problem, then conducting interviews with experts and practitioners, and using a paired questionnaire to gather further data [14].

This research also employs secondary data sourced from outside sources, specifically data from ground-handling companies and providers of GSE equipment. The data includes the cost of electric GSE and diesel GSE.

To gather this information, researchers establish protocols or forms for recording data and devise methods for collecting it, such as interviews or observation techniques [15].

The research population for preliminary interviews was 15 people from ground-handling companies, airlines, and airport authorities.

The study included 15 people from ground-handling company, airlines, and airport authorities as followed:

  1. Ground-Handling company (Senior Manager, Operation Manager, General Manager, Senior Operator)

  2. PT Garuda Indonesia (Pilot, Ex pilot, Operation Manager)

  3. Airport Authority (Operational Manager Airport, Marshaling, and Senior Operator)

The decision model in this study was developed using a combination of primary and secondary data collection methods. Primary data was gathered through in-depth interviews with industry experts and professionals, while secondary data was obtained from literature review as a guidance for the indicator and interview with the experts.

Data analysis techniques using Analytical Networking Process (ANP), with Super Decision tools. The ANP (Analytic Network Process) is a mathematical approach that can evaluate the impact of different strategies and assumptions on solving a problem. This method is applied by adjusting the complexity of the problem and the priority scale that produces the greatest priority effect [16].

In contrast to the conventional mathematical models that economics typically use for quantitative analysis, the ANP method offers economists a unique approach to addressing economic issues. The ANP approach is based on a more robust absolute scale that is used to represent pairwise comparisons of valuations.

The foundation of homogeneity in ANP states that in the ANP framework, it is important that the elements being compared are similar to one another, as significant differences between them can result in larger inaccuracies in determining the value of the factors that influence the decision.

Table 1 defines the numerical rating scale to be used when conducting interviews. The scale is defined with values from 1 to 9.

Intensity of ImportanceDefinitions
1Equal importance
3Moderate importance
4Moderate plus
5Strong importance
6Strong plus
7Very strong
8Very very strong
9Extreme importance

Table 1.

Definition of rating scale and numeric scale.

Source: [16].

In order to find the answers to the research questions while achieving research objectives, the research stages will be as follows:

  1. Making model construction, which can be obtained from the results of interviews, and literature review.

  2. Quantification of the model, namely the preparation of a questionnaire based on the results of interviews with experts.

  3. Analysis of results, namely the results of the questionnaire are processed to get the interpretation of the results.


3. Result and discussion

3.1 Government regulations on the use of electrical fuel and diesel fuel in GSE vehicles at airports in Jakarta

Presidential Regulation No.55 of 2019 is the Fast Track Program for Battery Electric Vehicles for Road Transport (Perpres No. 55, 2019). This presidential regulation aims:

  1. to promote energy efficiency, security, and conservation in the transportation sector, as well as clean air quality and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, it is important to accelerate the implementation of battery electric vehicles for road transportation in Indonesia.

  2. to provide guidance, a foundation, and legal certainty for the acceleration of the road transportation battery electric vehicle program.

  3. to foster proficiency in industrial technology and vehicle design, and establish Indonesia as a hub for the manufacturing and export of motor vehicles, it is essential to accelerate the battery electric vehicle program [17].

Supported by the DKI Jakarta Governor’s regulation no. 3 of 2020 concerning Motor Vehicle Transfer Tax Incentives for Battery Electric Vehicles for Road Transportation, that:

  1. Battery Electric Vehicles hereinafter referred to as Battery-Based KBL, are vehicles that are driven by Electric Motors and get a supply of electric power resources from batteries directly in the vehicle or from outside.

  2. Motor Vehicle Title Transfer Fee is a tax on the transfer of ownership rights of motor vehicles as a result of an agreement between two parties or unilateral actions or circumstances that occur due to sale and purchase, exchange, grants, inheritance, or entry into a business entity.

  3. Motor Vehicle Tax and Motor Vehicle Title Transfer Tax Service Unit, hereinafter referred to as UP PKB and BBN-KB, is a Technical Implementation Unit of the Regional Tax and Retribution Agency of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province that carries out Motor Vehicle Tax and Motor Vehicle Title Transfer Tax collection services [18].

Electric vehicles are seen as the greatest potential way to decrease air pollution, as they are considered to be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), due to the absence of a fossil-fueled internal combustion engine (IC) in the powertrain structure. However, due to some technical specifications and structural design (the presence of a battery driving the electric motor), currently, EV batteries and rechargeable accumulators are charged by external electric power sources. Thus, although EVs are considered ZEV vehicles, they can still pollute the environment indirectly, due to the emission of pollutants coming from the electricity production process at the power plant [19].

The integration of electric vehicles in air transportation can be seen in the use of e-GSE, or electric ground support equipment, which assists with aircraft operations on the ground. This includes the use of electric vehicles for ground support tasks at airports (Table 2).

NoGSE VehicleAbbreviation
1Pax Boarding Staire-PBS
2Belt Conveyor Loadere-BCL
3Baggage Towing Tractore-BTT
4High Lift Loadere-HLL
6Push Back/ATT Wide Bodye-ATT
7Ground Power Unit 180 KVAe-GPU

Table 2.

The electric ground support equipment.

Source: [20].

Create a conceptual model for decision-making in the use of electric fuel for ground support equipment using the analytical networking process method.

3.1.1 Criteria and sub-criteria

To make it easier for respondents to understand each dimension and indicator, or in this method called criteria and sub-criteria, the following is an explanation of each dimension. Energy conservation and carbon reduction in airport operation

Implementing an airport surface management system (SMAN) that optimizes taxi lanes, reducing taxi, and wait times, which in turn reduces carbon emissions. Use of renewable resources

Utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass to power airport operations. Airport environmental sustainability management

Regular monitoring of air quality and holding airlines accountable for their emissions (Table 3) [16].

Energy conservation and carbon reduction in airport operationsa. Installation of airport surface management systemA surface management system (SMAN) is implemented in airports to decrease carbon emissions by directing aircraft to the optimal taxi routes, thus reducing the time spent taxing and waiting in queue.
b. Use of ground power units (GPUs)Maximizing the use of ground power units (GPUs) in place of aircraft auxiliary power units (APUs) is implemented.
c. Use of low-emission vehiclesMaximizing the use of vehicles that produce low emissions and are powered by natural gas, electricity, and hybrid-electric power is implemented.
d. Installation of water-saving devicesWater conservation is achieved by installing devices such as water-efficient toilets, water economizers, and low-flow taps.
e. Energy-saving controlThe energy consumption of facilities such as lighting, heating, and cooling systems, escalators, and moving walkways is managed efficiently to reduce energy use.
Use of renewable resourcesa. Use of renewable energiesMaximizing the utilization of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass is implemented.
b. Use of recycled waterThe recycling and reuse of wastewater and rainwater for purposes such as flushing toilets, watering plants, and cleaning is implemented.
c. Waste recycling and reuseImplementing measures to decrease the amount of waste produced and recycling and reusing waste is implemented.
d. Recycling of kitchen waste and wastewaterAirport eateries are mandated to recycle kitchen waste and wastewater.
Airport environmental sustainability managementa. Aircraft carbon managementRegular monitoring of air quality around airports is done through the use of air-quality monitoring stations, and airlines are held accountable for air pollution through charges.
b. Aircraft noise managementRegular monitoring of noise around airports is carried out through noise monitoring stations and airlines are held accountable for noise pollution through charges.
c. Environmental education and its effectivenessAirports promote and support energy conservation, carbon reduction, and environmental protection among all its affiliates and evaluate the success of these efforts.
d. Environmental and ecological conservationAirports are dedicated to improving the environment and preserving ecology through efforts such as beautifying their surroundings.
e. Green features and environmental innovationsAirports are proud to showcase unique and innovative solutions for energy conservation, carbon reduction, and environmental protection that they have implemented.

Table 3.

Criteria and sub-criteria.

Source: [21].

3.1.2 Research process

To gain insight into the decision to use electric fuel for ground support equipment, research stages will be conducted following the research plan outlined in the research chart as follows:

To find out the most prioritized criteria, sub-criteria, and strategies in the decision model for selecting the use of electric fuel in ground support equipment, there are three phases or stages of research that will be carried out. The three phases are as follows: Model construction

The ANP model is built by conducting theoretical and empirical literature reviews, consulting experts and practitioners through questionnaires or interviews, and conducting in-depth interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the issues and problems faced in the field. Model quantification

The quantification stage of the model involves using questions in the ANP survey in the form of pairwise comparisons between elements in a cluster to determine which element has a stronger influence and the degree of that influence, using a numerical scale of 1–9. After that the assessment data is collected and inputted through expert choice 11.0 software to be processed to produce output in the form of priorities and matrices. The results of each respondent will be inputted into a separate ANP network. Synthesis and analysis

In synthesizing and analyzing the geometric mean instrument is used. Geometric Mean is used to determine the results of individual assessments from respondents and determine the results of opinions in a group [16]. Questions in the form of pairwise comparisons from respondents will be combined to form a consensus. Geometric mean is a method of calculating the average that indicates a particular tendency or value. It is calculated using the following formula:


n = Respondent 1.…….. n.

i = Pairwise 1……..i.

3.1.3 Data collection process

Data collection is carried out using interviews and assisted by questionnaires. During interviews with experts and practitioners, a pairwise comparison method will be employed to determine the weight of each indicator. This is achieved by giving an open-ended questionnaire to the interviewees.

Expert Choice software version 11.0 will be used to conduct pairwise comparisons. This software is commonly used in ANP research. An example of a questionnaire in conducting pairwise comparisons is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Analytic network process structure model.

3.2 Interview results with experts from airlines, ground handling, and airport authority

3.2.1 Results of interviews with experts from airlines

The following are the results of interviews with experts from airlines, where the average opinion is that the most important criterion in supporting using electric GSE is the use of low-emission vehicles with a value of 0.30 and the highest alternative or solution is environmental innovations with a value of 0.36 (Table 4).

ElementNormalized by ClusterMean
Aircraft Carbon Management0,34,6960,33,2450,38,3660,34,0340,24,1150,32
Environmental Education0,33,3230,26,4190,26,4720,33,4340,36,7810,31
Environmental Innovations0,31,9810,40,3370,35,1610,32,5320,39,1040,36
Energy Saving Control0,18,4150,28,8480,24,1410,26280,20,3160,24
Installation of Airport Surface Management System0,27,8690,24,5430,30,2010,22,1990,32,1880,27
Use of Low-Emission Vehicle0,42,7630,20,3870,34,4030,23,8030,30,8460,30
Use of Ground Power Units (GPUs)0,10,9530,26,2220,11,2550,27,7170,16650,19

Table 4.

Interview results with airline experts.

3.2.2 Results of interviews with experts from ground handling

The following are the results of interviews with experts from ground handling, where the average opinion is that the most important criteria in supporting the use of electric GSE are the use of low-emission vehicles with a value of 0.32 and the highest alternative or solution is aircraft carbon management with a value of 0.38 (Table 5).

ElementNormalized by ClusterMean
Aircraft Carbon Management0,38,7610,34,6960,43,4140,38,3660,35,5580,38
Environmental Education0,25,9760,33,3230,23,6010,26,4720,32,3890,28
Environmental Innovations0,35,2630,31,9810,32,9850,35,1610,32,0530,33
Energy Saving Control0,18,8310,18,4150,27,8980,24,1410,25,9590,23
Installation of Airport Surface Management System0,40,4050,27,8690,21,4080,30,2010,22,7660,29
Use of Low-Emission Vehicle0,31,7330,42,7630,21,5790,34,4030,27,7180,32
Use of Ground Power Units(GPUs)0,090310,10,9530,29,1160,11,2550,23,5570,17

Table 5.

Interview results with ground-handling experts.

3.2.3 Results of interviews with experts from the airport authority

The following are the results of interviews with experts from the airport authority, where the average opinion is that the most important criteria in supporting using electric GSE are the use of low-emission vehicles with a value of 0.32 and the highest alternative or solution is aircraft carbon management with a value of 0.36 (Table 6).

ElementNormalized by ClusterMean
Aircraft Carbon Management0,35,2160,38,8080,34,7370,38,4760,31,1780,36
Environmental Education0,30,8860,25,9380,31,2120,29,1360,28,0260,29
Environmental Innovations0,33,8980,35,2530,34,0510,32,3880,40,7960,35
Energy Saving Control0,19,6250,19,3920,19,7490,24960,29,3960,23
Installation of Airport Surface Management System0,34,1240,40,2810,33,9870,29,7380,095430,30
Use of Low-Emission Vehicle0,30,5460,31,5790,29150,33,8760,35,4740,32
Use of Ground Power Units(GPUs)0,15,7040,087480,17,1150,11,4270,25,5870,16

Table 6.

Interview results with airport authority expert.

3.3 The outcome of the interviews conducted with specialists in the airline, ground handling, and airport authority industries

Based on the diagram below, there are four problem criteria, namely, the use of ground power units (GPUs), the Use of low-emission vehicles, Energy Saving Control, and the Installation of an airport surface management system. Of the four aspects, the Use of low-emission vehicles is the main criterion in the problem with a weight value of 0.3074. The Installation of airport surface management system aspect is the second problem criterion with a weight value of 0.2716, then the Energy Saving Control aspect is the third problem criterion with a weight value of 0.2276 and there is the Use of ground power units (GPUs) aspect which is the last priority in the problem criteria weights 0.1559. The rater agreement value of this criterion is 0.4933 (w = 0.4933) which is on a moderate to strong scale, indicating that experts agree in determining the problem criteria in the study (Figures 2 and 3).

Figure 2.

Aspects of criteria (interview result).

Figure 3.

Alternative aspects (interview result).

From the diagram above, there are three alternative solutions, namely Environmental Education, Environmental Innovations, and Aircraft carbon management. Of the three alternatives, Aircraft carbon management is the main alternative solution with a weight value of 0.3530. Furthermore, Environmental Innovations is the second alternative solution with a weight value of 0.3474, and Environmental Education is the last priority in alternative solutions with a weight of 0.2933. The rater agreement value of this criterion is 0.2497 (w = 0.2497) which is on a weak to moderate scale, indicating that the experts’ answers vary in determining alternative solutions.

One of the high sources of pollution at the airport is ground vehicle activity. Emissions caused by the Aircraft Power Unit (APU) are quite high ranging from 2071 to 2892 kg/hr., quite high according to emission standards.

The results of interviews with experts in the fields of airlines, ground handling, and airports said that of the four problem criteria, namely Use of ground power units (GPUs), Use of low-emission vehicles, Energy Saving Control, and Installation of airport surface management systems. Of the four aspects, the Use of low-emission vehicles is the main criterion in the problem with a weight value of 0.3074.

There are three alternative solutions, namely Environmental Education, Environmental Innovations, and Aircraft carbon management. Of the three alternatives, Aircraft carbon management is the main alternative solution with a weight value of 0.3530.

A large number of activities and a variety of measures to reduce ground support equipment emissions at airports have been carried out. Initiatives also come from airport operators and ground support equipment (GSE) providers.

Indonesia’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), and Ministry of Transportation, submitted to ICAO in 2015 a Country Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation sector which will be updated in 2018 as requested by members. This demonstrates Indonesia’s commitment to supporting global policies on aviation environmental protection.

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) are multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods that can be used to analyze complex problems with multiple criteria and interdependencies. They are often used in transportation studies to evaluate different options, such as the feasibility of using electric ground support equipment. In this study, the ANP method was used to develop a conceptual model for the implementation of electric fuel for ground support equipment by interviewing experts in the airline, ground handling, and airport authority industries. The ANP method is considered appropriate for this subject because it allows for the evaluation of multiple criteria and the relationships between them, providing a comprehensive understanding of the problem and potential solutions [22].


4. Conclusion

There are three alternative solutions, namely Environmental Education, Environmental Innovations and Aircraft carbon management. Of the three alternatives, Aircraft carbon management is the main alternative solution with a weight value of 0.3530. A large number of activities and a variety of measures to reduce ground support equipment emissions at airports have been carried out. Initiatives also come from airport operators and ground support equipment (GSE) providers.

Indonesia’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Ministry of Transportation, submitted to ICAO in 2015 a Country Action Plan to reduce green house gas emissions in the aviation sector and will be updated in 2018 as requested by members. This demonstrates Indonesia’s commitment to supporting global policies on aviation environmental protection.


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Written By

Mustika Sari and Reni Dian Octaviani

Submitted: 25 January 2023 Reviewed: 11 February 2023 Published: 28 March 2023