Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Crop Geometry and Mulch on Strawberry Postharvest Quality

Written By

Himadri Shekhar Datta, Pritam Coomar Barua, Utpal Kotoky, Ranjan Das, Hemanta Saikia and Hiranya Devanath

Submitted: 26 December 2022 Reviewed: 29 January 2023 Published: 25 February 2023

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001149

From the Edited Volume

Edible Berries - New Insights

Nesibe Ebru Yaşa Kafkas and Hüseyin Çelik

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Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a natural hybrid species that is cultivated all over the world for its aggregate accessory fruits. Strawberry earns a great respect in the world fruit market owing to its fascinating colour and appealing distinctive flavour, and in India became very popular amongst the farming community due to early production and premium prices. However, the growers do not seem to adopt proper agronomic practices due to various reasons. Amongst the various factors responsible for low production, inappropriate crop geometry and poor selection of mulch material are important. Crop geometry plays a remarkable role for enhancement of strawberry quality through effective utilisation of solar radiation, nutrients and underground resources bringing about better photosynthate formation. The utilisation of mulch in commercial crop production has been practiced to evolve quality strawberry production with reduced disease incidence. The present study was conducted to determine the response of crop geometry and mulch on the postharvest quality of strawberry. Based on yield, quality and economics, the treatment combination (40 cm × 40 cm plant spacing with silver black mulch) was found to be the most viable economic proposition for strawberry in Jorhat condition of Assam.


  • strawberry
  • spacing
  • mulch
  • quality
  • sensory evaluation
  • disease incidence

1. Introduction

Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) belongs to the family Rosaceae. The modern cultivated variety is a hybrid of Fragaria virginiana and Fragaria chiloensis. The native strawberry, F. virginiana was a hardy plant with the ability to withstand cold temperature and drought. It was cultivated by the Early colonists in North America and was imported from North America to Europe in the early 1600s. A wild strawberry, F. chiloensis, was found by explorers found in 1700s in Chile. It grew large fruit but was not well suited to a wide range of climates [1].

From the viewpoint of botany, it is aggregate accessory fruit and not berry as fleshy part is derived from central receptacle that holds floral ovary. Imbedded achenes (average 200 on each strawberry) which encompass seeds inside are found in the outermost fruit surface. Owing to its unique organoleptic properties and nutraceutical importance, strawberry is considered as one of the most appealing fruit crops [2].

Strawberry is a non-climacteric and highly perishable fruit. Numerous physiological, morphological, and compositional changes during ripening transform inedible strawberry fruit into a highly cherished fruit. Such changes during the ripening stage include loss of chlorophyll, gain of anthocyanin, increase in sugars, ascorbic acid and pectin, and reduction in acidity, phenolic and cellulose. Also, Disassembly of cell wall mainly due to dissolution of middle lamellae leads to fruit softening at this phase. The fruits which harvested at fully ripened stage are accompanied by high respiration and tissue softening rate, water loss and susceptibility to physical damage which finally leads to fungal infections, particularly Botrytis rot and Rhizopus rot [3]. It holds great importance to adopt appropriate crop management procedures to ensure fruit quality.

The aim of this chapter is to collate and thoroughly narrate the code of crop management practices which need to be followed in the course of pre-harvest operations of strawberry to minimise the losses and certainly fix the quality management concerns.

  1. Uses and nutritional benefits: The strawberry fruit has become a functional food providing a number of health benefits apart from basic nutrition as due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperlipidemic, antihypertensive, or antiproliferative effects affecting modification of aetiology of chronic diseases. Polyphenol and vitamin content contributes for the Antioxidant properties of strawberries with identification of about 40 phenolic compounds, such as, glycosides of quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin, pelargonidin, ellagic acid, as well as ellagitannins with the most significant contributors being ascorbic acid, ellagitannins and anthocyanins [4].

  2. World production: Globally in 2019, a total of 8,885,028 tons of strawberries were produced. Currently, the largest strawberry producer in the world is China followed by United States and Mexico respectively, with a crop area significantly smaller than China but with a yield of more than 50% compared to China. China stands out with 36.2% of the world total, whilst the second and third positions are occupied by the United States and Mexico, with 11.5% and 9.7%, respectively. It is important to note that both Russia and Poland have much larger strawberry area than Mexico, yet they are not close in production levels due to their very low yields. The United States and Mexico have the highest yields worldwide, with 56.3 and 52.4 t/ha, respectively [5].

  3. Cultivation and harvesting: Healthy, uniform plants with adequate supply of nutrients contribute towards higher yield of strawberry. Quality planting material and varieties play an important role on the growth and development of any crop. Variation in responses of the varieties to growing practices and the prevailing environment condition during the growing season has been found. Tremendous response of strawberry to major essential elements like N, P and K for its growth, yield and quality has been reported with enhanced marketable yield but an adequate supply is essential for vegetative growth, and desirable yield. Excessive use of these nutrients is not only uneconomical but also induces physiological disorder. Adequate sunshine is prerequisite for strawberry cultivation along with a well-drained soil rich in organic matter. It is advised not to cultivate strawberry in the same land for several years. Alkaline soil or high acidic soil should be avoided with preferred soil pH 5.6 to 6.5. Generation of runner has been found to be better in light soils with good organic matter. The ideal time for strawberry cultivation is October–November. Land should be well-ploughed and healthy runners are required for planting on raised bed with late afternoon being the best time. It is susceptible to drought as strawberry is relatively shallow-rooted. In absence of frequent irrigation, the plant mortality becomes high. Weed control needs to be taken up in strawberry production. Flowering starts within a month of planting and harvesting can be done within two and half months of its planting. Harvesting done when strawberry ripens and turns bright red [6].

  4. Biochemical changes during fruit ripening: Physical, physiological and biochemical changes occurring during fruit ripening seem to modify their internal quality in terms of firmness, colour, starch content, organic acids and flavouring compounds. Strawberry is the model non-climacteric fruit in which with the onset of maturity, the colour of fruits changes due to the accumulation of anthocyanin pigment. Organic acids play a vital role in the growth, and development of fruits and the major organic acid profoundly found in strawberry is ellagic acid. The flavour consists of basically three components viz. aroma, taste and mouth feel. Though fruit taste is contributed by the intricate amalgamation of sugars, organic acids, phenolics and volatile compounds, the distinctive flavour of any specific commodity is attributed to a particular flavouring volatile. The major flavouring compounds identified are esters, alcohols, aldehydes, acids and ketones. Furaneol is a volatile compound found in strawberries and has a role as a flavouring agent, a fragrance and a plant metabolite [7].

    Plant spacing is a crop management practice which has a prominent influence on fruit quality but has received a sort of slight attention in strawberry cultivation. Crop management practice like mulch has tremendous influence on crop growth, which finally limits their yield and quality. Strawberry is a surface feeder and therefore mulching plays a very important role in soil moisture conservation, weed control and keeping the fruit clean. Therefore, there is a necessity to adopt appropriate crop management approaches to enhance quality of Strawberry.


2. Crop management practices affecting strawberry fruit quality

2.1 Crop geometry

Amongst the various factors responsible for low production, inappropriate crop geometry is important. Thus, strawberry yield could be increased by using a suitable plant density and establishing an optimum population per unit area of the field is critical to achieving maximum yield. Narrow and wider spacing affects yields because of competition for nutrients, moisture, air, radiation and poor utilisation of the growth factors. With increase in population, yield gets increased proportionally up to a certain level after which the yield declines. Soil fertility, moisture availability, crop growth pattern and cultural practice are some factors affecting spacing [8].

2.2 Mulch

Mulches have a substantial impact on enhancing the sustainable yield and quality of fruit. It improves the physical and chemical qualities of the soil and availability of nutrient pool and biological qualities by increasing beneficial soil microbes. Mulching with different materials significantly increased the physico-chemical qualities of fruits. The practice of applying a layer of dead vegetative waste mulch on soil surface such as straw mulch and polyethylene mulches to conserve soil moisture has been prevalent for a very long time in many areas. Polyethylene mulch colour dictates its energy-radiation behaviour and its effect on the plants’ microclimate; it can also affect spectral balance and quantity of canopy light and thus influencing the accumulation of bioactive compounds [9, 10].


3. Effect of crop management practices on percent postharvest disease incidence

Postharvest plant disease can be measured by recording the presence or absence of symptoms known as “incidence”, and the degree to which the symptoms are expressed known as “severity”. Weather and other environment may cause stress in plants and reduce natural defences by creating favourable conditions for pathogens to infect the plants. Postharvest diseases of fruit can start with fruit set and till harvest. The epidemiology of a disease influenced by weather conditions in the field, and postharvest disease incidence depends on the latent infections initiated in the field during the season. It also depends on fungal propagules contamination during harvest and effectiveness of postharvest treatments including storage and marketing conditions [11].

The time after harvest is characterised by physiological changes in the fruit that favour the occurrence of postharvest diseases, which are often observed only after sale. Postharvest diseases may be typical or quiescent. Pathogens that infect the fruits by wound after harvest cause Typical postharvest diseases. Examples of typical pathogens are Rhizopus sp. and Pestalotiopsis sp. Pathogens that infect immature fruit prior to harvest cause Quiescent infections. Such infected fruits remain asymptomatic until maturity, and onset of the disease triggered by structural and physiological changes [12]. The interval between harvest and consumption is necessarily short due to the perishability of the fruit. For this reason, many quiescent diseases cannot be observed at the time of product packaging and shipping.

Percent postharvest disease incidence mainly grey mould were recorded in the laboratory by using the formula as mentioned by [13].

Different spacing and mulch treatment combination had significant effect on percent postharvest disease incidence mainly grey mould in strawberry. The strawberry has excellent sensory characteristics but it is highly perishable, with limited postharvest life due to high moisture content, sugars and acids, therefore making it an ideal substrate for proliferation of pathogenic organisms that cause considerable postharvest damage. The pathogens Botrytis cinerea, followed by Rhizopus stolonifer, Colletotrichum spp. Mucor spp., are mainly responsible for postharvest diseases of strawberry fruit. Botrytis cinerea is the causal organism of grey mould which can cause infection before harvest, in the field stage and stays dormant in storage, till the conditions become favourable for their development [14].

The present study as depicted inTables 1 and 2 revealed that the percent postharvest disease incidence was noted significantly least (27.42%) with wider spacing of 40 cm × 40 cm whereas the maximum (31.35%) was recorded with the closest spacing of 20 cm × 30 cm. This might be attributed to the fact that proper plant spacing helps to prevent the development of foliar diseases; because wider rows improve wind penetration to reduce humidity through the crop canopy, thus making the environment suboptimal for disease infestation. Similar views were expressed by [15] in their study.

TreatmentPost-harvest disease incidence (%)
Spacing (S)
20 cm × 30 cm30.79c31.91c31.35c
30 cm × 30 cm29.47b30.63b30.05b
30 cm × 40 cm (S3)29.07b30.28b29.67b
40 cm × 40 cm (S4)27.37a28.22a27.79a
40 cm × 60 cm (S5)26.92a27.93a27.42a
SEd (±)0.410.460.31
CD (P = 0.05)0.830.940.62
Mulches (M)
Paddy straw (M1)31.24c32.32c31.78c
Red mulch (M2)21.54b22.85b22.20b
Silver black mulch (M3)20.76a21.99a21.37a
No mulch (M4)41.36d42.00d41.69d
SEd (±)0.360.410.28
CD (P = 0.05)0.740.840.55
SEd (±)0.820.930.62
CD (P = 0.05)NS1.881.23

Table 1.

Effect of spacing and mulch on post-harvest disease incidence of Strawberry.

Superscript by same letter means they are at par.

Interaction (S × M)Post-harvest disease incidence (%)
Treatment combination2019–20202020–2021PooledTreatment combination2019–20202020–2021Pooled
T1 (S1M1)33.3334.5533.94T11 (S3M3)21.2522.9522.10
T2 (S1M2)24.1525.4824.81T12 (S3M4)41.3441.8941.61
T3 (S1M3)23.2824.4023.84T13 (S4M1)30.4631.5130.98
T4 (S1M4)42.4143.2242.82T14 (S4M2)19.3220.3619.84
T5 (S2M1)31.8232.4432.13T15 (S4M3)18.8019.4619.13
T6 (S2M2)22.5224.1123.32T16 (S4M4)40.8941.5641.22
T7 (S2M3)21.9223.9022.91T17 (S5M1)29.3030.7530.03
T8 (S2M4)41.6342.0741.85T18 (S5M2)19.2920.4019.85
T9 (S3M1)31.2932.3631.82T19 (S5M3)18.5519.2518.90
T10(S3M2)22.4223.9123.16T20 (S5M4)40.5641.2940.93
SEd (±)0.820.930.62
CD (P = 0.05)NS1.881.23

Table 2.

Effect of spacing and mulch interaction on percent post-harvest disease incidence.

The data from the interaction effect of spacing and mulch as depicted in Table 2 revealed that treatment combination T19 (40 cm × 60 cm with silver black mulch) recorded least percent postharvest disease incidence (18.90%) in the study.

Minimum postharvest disease incidence (21.37%) was observed under silver black mulch whereas maximum (41.69%) was recorded under no mulch treatments. It might be due to the fact that the use of plastic mulch may cause less humid surroundings for the plants and, hence, less incidence of Botrytis. Minimum botrytis fruit rot infection observed in plants under silver black polyethylene and maximum in bare soil followed by paddy straw, mainly because straw is favourable medium for spread of Botrytis cinerea. The results are in agreement of [16, 17].

The data from the interaction effect of spacing and mulch revealed that treatment combination T19 (40 cm × 60 cm with silver black mulch) recorded least percent postharvest disease incidence (18.90%) in the study. During the entire period of study, the percent disease incidence observed irrespective of the treatments could be attributed by presence of disease causing inoculums due to favourable environmental conditions.


4. Effect of crop management practices on biochemical parameters

Plant density plays an important practice for providing good open position for sunlight, nutrients and moisture availability for quality crop production. To achieve a high-quality yield, high soil moisture is required during the entire growing period. Surface mulches have been used to improve water retention, reduce soil temperature and reduce wind velocity. Several factors such as plant density affect crop biochemical parameters viz. TSS, Sugars, Titratable acidity, Ascorbic acid, fruit pH. TSS can be measured by Zeiss Hand Juice Brix Refractometer and Sugars were estimated by Fehling “A” and “B” solution method as described by [18]. Titratable acidity can be estimated using standard method of [19] and ascorbic acid content estimated by using method of [20]. The pH measurements were made using a digital pH meter and the moisture content of the edible part of fruit estimated by using the method of [21].

Different spacing and mulch treatment combination as presented in Table 3 had significant effect on quality parameters viz., TSS, total sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, fruit juice pH and moisture content in strawberry. Total Soluble Solids (TSS) showed non-significant effect due to spacing and higher TSS (11.39°Brix) noted with wider spacing of 40 cm × 40 cm whereas the lowest TSS (11.16°Brix) was recorded with the closest spacing of 20 cm × 30 cm. This could be due to less interplant competition for light under wider spacing and wider spacing provides larger canopies which provide more photoassimilates, thus increasing TSS. On the other hand, TSS was significantly higher in silver black mulch (12.75°Brix) whilst lowest in no mulch (9.31°Brix). TSS might be more in plastic mulches due to the fact that plastic mulches concentrate CO2 around the plant canopy and this accumulated CO2 concentration might have accounted for increased TSS. Similar results were also obtained by [22] who reported higher Total soluble solids (11.96°Brix) under wider spacing of 0.60 m in rockmelon and [23] noticed higher TSS in husk tomato plants from white on black mulching treatment.

TreatmentsTSS (°Brix)Total sugar (%)Reducing sugar (%)Non reducing sugar (%)Titratable acidity (%)Ascorbic acid (mg/100g)Fruit pHMoisture content (%)
Spacing (S)
20 cm × 30 cm (S1)
30 cm × 30 cm (S2)
30 cm × 40 cm (S3)
40 cm × 40 cm (S4)11.396.305.550.760.7277.613.9191.70
40 cm × 60 cm (S5)11.366.315.590.720.7178.653.8891.51
SEd (±)
CD (P = 0.05)
Mulches (M)
Paddy straw (M1)
Red mulch (M2)12.026.315.520.780.6582.673.9291.04
Silver black mulch (M3)12.756.385.610.770.6585.813.9391.09
No mulch (M4)9.316.085.390.690.8361.533.8192.40
SEd (±)
CD (P = 0.05)

Table 3.

Effect of spacing and mulch on quality of strawberry.

Maximum total sugar (6.31%) was observed under widest spacing 40 cm × 60 cm whereas minimum (6.12%) was recorded under closest spacing of 20 cm × 30 cm. Similarly, highest reducing sugar (5.59%) was noted in 40 cm × 40 cm spacing whereas minimum reducing sugar (5.37%) was observed in 20 cm × 30 cm. Sugar content was recorded higher under wider spacing possibly due to higher photosynthesis and availability of metabolites because of higher interception of Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by individual plant and better translocation and accumulation of nutrients. Maximum total sugar (6.38%) and reducing sugar (5.61%) under silver black mulch might be attributed to high soil temperature and higher nutrient availability which provided favourable microclimate for increased sugar content. The current findings are in consonance with results of [24] who got total sugars (8.50%), reducing sugar (4.78%) in strawberry under wider spacing and [25] reported total sugar (5.71%), reducing sugar (3.41%), non-reducing sugar (2.30%) in aonla.

Titratable acidity was found to have non-significant effect due to spacing. Higher titratable acidity (0.74%) was obtained under closer spacing of 20 cm × 30 cm and 30 cm × 30 cm whereas minimum titratable acidity (0.71%) was recorded under wider spacing of 40 cm × 60 cm which might be due to shade effect where sugar conversion from organic acid is hampered due to lack of sufficient light in closer spacing. Least titratable acidity (0.65%) was found in silver black mulch and red mulch which might be due to rapid conversion of organic acid to sugars and more reflection of photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) from plastic mulch into fruiting zone elevated conversion into sugars and reduction of acidity [24] obtained lowest titrable acidity (0.812%) under wider spacing of 50 cm × 40 cm and [26] reported least acidity (1.40%) in plants under black polyethylene film and higher acid content (1.52%) under unmulched plants during his study on plum.

Perusal of data revealed that the maximum ascorbic acid (78.65 mg 100 g−1) was recorded in 40 cm × 60 cm which was at par with 40 cm × 40 cm (77.61 mg 100 g−1) whilst the minimum ascorbic acid was recorded in 20 cm × 30 cm (67.30 mg 100 g−1). Higher ascorbic acid in wider spacing might be due to more light exposure and greater accumulation of photosynthates. Ascorbic acid content was significantly influenced by mulch treatments, with maximum ascorbic acid (85.81 mg 100 g−1) recorded in silver black mulch whereas no mulch reported minimum ascorbic acid (61.53 mg 100 g−1). Improvements in ascorbic acid in polythene treatments may be due to promotion effect of plant growth and metabolic processes which led to increase in chemical composition. Reflection of light from polythene mulches might have played a role in modifying microclimatic conditions. The results are in conformity with findings of [27] who obtained higher ascorbic acid (178.78 mg 100 g−1) in the wider spacing of 6 m × 6 m and [28] found higher ascorbic acid (26.64 mg 100 g−1) under silver black mulch in tomato compared to paddy straw (25.30 mg 100 g−1) and no mulch treatments (24.28 mg 100 g−1).

In the present study, no significant effect of spacing on fruit pH was found. The increase in pH could be related to a possible decrease in the respiratory metabolic activity or increase in ascorbic acid content as expressed by [29]. Higher fruit pH (3.93) under silver black mulch could be due to changes in quality and quantity of light energy re-radiated into plant canopy from mulch that might have influenced fruit pH in agreement with [30] who got higher juice pH (3.57) in pomegranate plants mulched with black polythene.

Effect of spacing on fruit moisture content was non-significant whereas in red mulch treatment, minimum fruit moisture content (91.04%) was recorded that could be due to better conversion of starch into sugars. Hence lower relative water content in fruits with increase in ripeness level in agreement with views of [31].

The strawberry fruits lying on the ground come in contact with soil making the fruits dirty and susceptible to soil-borne pathogen infections, leading to reduced fruit quality. This is an additional advantage of using mulches in strawberry production by reducing the number of diseased and dirty berries [32].


5. Effect of crop management practices on sensory evaluation

The fruits of different treatments were subjected to sensory evaluation for evaluating firmness, skin colour, pulp colour, flavour and sweetness are presented in Table 4.

Treatment combinationSensory evaluation rating
FirmnessSkin colourPulp colourFlavourSweetnessAverage
T1 (S1M1)3.713.852.572.852.713.13
T2 (S1M2)3.424.423.713.853.573.79
T3 (S1M3)3.714.423.573.573.573.77
T4 (S1M4)3.574.573.713.423.283.71
T5 (S2M1)3.854.283.283.422.853.53
T6 (S2M2)3.854.713.713.423.143.76
T7 (S2M3)3.424.143.573.572.423.42
T8 (S2M4)3.574.003.713.423.143.56
T9 (S3M1)3.573.573.573.143.423.45
T10 (S3M2)3.854.714.003.423.423.88
T11 (S3M3)3.853.713.143.002.713.28
T12 (S3M4)3.423.282.573.002.422.93
T13 (S4M1)3.423.573.003.713.423.42
T14 (S4M2)3.854.
T15 (S4M3)4.144.424.283.573.714.02
T16 (S4M4)3.854.003.573.283.143.56
T17 (S5M1)
T18 (S5M2)3.713.853.853.573.143.62
T19 (S5M3)
T20 (S5M4)3.854.424.

Table 4.

Effect of spacing and mulch interaction on sensory evaluation of Strawberry.

The fruits of different treatments were subjected to sensory evaluation and the effect of spacing and mulch interaction on firmness, skin colour, pulp colour, flavour and sweetness presented in Table 4.

The highest numerical rating with respect to firmness (Hedonic scale rating 4.14), skin colour (4.42), pulp colour (4.28), flavour (3.57), sweetness (3.71) was observed under treatment combination T15 (40 cm × 40 cm spacing with silver black mulch) having good overall acceptability. The numerical rating was lowest with respect to firmness (3.28), skin colour (3.28), pulp colour (2.28), flavour (2.00), sweetness (1.85) were recorded in T17 (40 cm × 60 cm spacing and paddy straw) giving acceptability score of 2.53 and T12 (30 cm × 30 cm with no mulch) giving score of 2.93 and both had the overall acceptability below 3.

The better organoleptic qualities under wider spacing could be due to fact that sufficient sunlight under wider spacing might have led to better conversion of starch to sugar as observed by [33]. The better organoleptic traits under plastic mulch treatment could be due to more reflection of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) into fruiting zone which elevated sugar conversion in agreement with views of [34]. In the study, the panel gave at par ratings to the samples for acceptance of the external appearance, indicating that the consumers would accept better sample, despite differences in physical characteristics. The average hedonic value, however, did not always faithfully represent the opinions of the judges as a group as opined by [35].


6. Conclusion

Strawberry is a highly perishable fruit and there are several crop management practices which have effect on fruit quality. Numerous crop management strategies such as spacing and mulching need to be scaled up to enhance the fruit quality. The study indicated that fruits grown under 40 cm × 40 cm spacing with silver black mulch had least percent postharvest disease incidence along with better organoleptic traits and quality of fruits in strawberry.



The author would like to acknowledge Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat for providing necessary guidance and help during the course of study. Sincere gratitude to the farmer for providing all support for conducting the experiment in field. Moreover, we are thankful to the reviewers for their critical reading and suggestions for the improvement of our manuscript.


Conflict of interest

Authors have declared that no conflict of interests exists.


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Written By

Himadri Shekhar Datta, Pritam Coomar Barua, Utpal Kotoky, Ranjan Das, Hemanta Saikia and Hiranya Devanath

Submitted: 26 December 2022 Reviewed: 29 January 2023 Published: 25 February 2023