First IntechOpen Compacts Published!

20 September 2017

Only four months after introducing a new publishing format to our authors, we are pleased to present the first two IntechOpen Compacts published. 

IntechOpen Compacts are designed for researchers across all disciplines who have research results ready to be published but that might not necessarily fit into traditional publication types.

IntechOpen Compacts are:

  • 50 - 130 pages
  • Peer-reviewed
  • Self-contained works of writing on a particular subject written by one or more authors
  • A unique hybrid between a book chapter and monograph with online only or online and print options available

The interest our authors have shown in publishing with IntechOpen Compacts clearly indicates that there is a need among scholars to publish their research findings in various formats. By introducing IntechOpen Compacts to our authors, we not only expanded their publishing options but also enabled them to publish their research regardless of length requirements - because length should not be a prerequisite to sharing sound research with the world.

Manual on Scientific Communication for Postgraduate Students and Young Researchers in Technical, Natural and Life Sciences

The "Manual on Scientific Communication for Postgraduate Students and Young Researchers in Technical, Natural, and Life Sciences" is meant to be a practical guide for the preparation of theses, papers, posters, and other scientific documents.

Partition-based Trapdoor Ciphers

Block encryption algorithms are now the most widely used cipher systems in the world to protect our communications and our data. Despite the fact that their design is open and public, there is absolutely no guarantee that there do not exist hidden features, at the mathematical design level, that could enable an attacker to break those systems in an operational way. Such features are called backdoors or trapdoors. The present book intends to address the feasibility of a particular class of such backdoors based on partitioning the plaintext and ciphertext message spaces. Going from the theory to the practical aspects, it is shown that mathematical backdoors in encryption systems are possible. This book, thus, intends to initiate a new field of research.

To find out more about publishing your research with IntechOpen Compacts visit us here or contact us directly at


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