Katja Lakota

Ljubljana University Medical Centre Slovenia

Katja Lakota, MPharm, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in Biomedicine from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2014. She is the head of the national research program, Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, at the Department of Rheumatology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. As a Fulbright scholar, Dr. Lakota spent a research year in the laboratory of Prof. John Varga, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA, studying the role of adiponectin anti-fibrotic signaling in fibroblasts. She also investigated mechanisms leading to fibrosis development in systemic sclerosis during a post-doctoral fellowship from the Slovenian Research Agency in 2018. Dr. Lakota is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, Slovenia, where she teaches courses on systems biology in human diseases.

Katja Lakota

3chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Katja Lakota

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem autoimmune disease involving vasculopathy and immune activation that leads to the deposition of extracellular matrix and the development of fibrosis, resulting in cardinal clinical problems. Systemic Sclerosis - Recent Advances and New Perspectives provides a comprehensive overview of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and specific management of the clinical manifestations of SSc. The book addresses the current understanding of the causes and consequences of inflammatory activation, chromosomal instability, and activating factors. Special emphasis is placed on diagnosis, from the recognition of very early systemic sclerosis and consideration of its treatment to diagnostic methods for microvascular and pulmonary involvement. It also highlights the less life-threatening but very common manifestations of bone and skeletal muscle involvement, which affect patient quality of life.

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